

Common Ethereum resources (successor for ethereum/common library)公共以太坊资源(以太坊/公共库后续)




Resources common to all Ethereum implementations 对所有以太坊实现公用的资源

Succeeds the old ethereum/common library.  继承了旧的ethereum/common



npm install ethereumjs-common



All parameters can be accessed through the Common class which can be required through the main package and instantiated either with just the chain (e.g. 'mainnet') or the chain together with a specific hardfork provided.


Here are some simple usage examples:下面是简单的使用例子

const Common = require('ethereumjs-common')

// Instantiate with only the chain,这个就是只使用ropsten链进行初始化
let c = new Common('ropsten')
c.param('gasPrices', 'ecAddGas', 'byzantium') // 500

// Chain and hardfork provided,这个是用链和硬分支来初始化对象的方法
c = new Common('ropsten', 'byzantium')
c.param('pow', 'minerReward') // 3000000000000000000

// Access genesis data for Ropsten network 访问Ropsten网络的初始数据
c.genesis().hash // 0x41941023680923e0fe4d74a34bdac8141f2540e3ae90623718e47d66d1ca4a2d

// Get bootstrap nodes for chain/network  获取链/网络的引导节点
c.bootstrapNodes() // Array with current nodes 带着目前节点的数组

It is encouraged to also explicitly set the supportedHardforks if the initializing library only supports a certain range of hardforks:


let c = new Common('ropsten', null, ['byzantium', 'constantinople'])

This will e.g. throw an error when a param is requested for an unsupported hardfork and like this prevents unpredicted behaviour.




See the API documentation for a full list of functions for accessing specific chain and depending hardfork parameters. There are also additional helper functions like paramByBlock (topic, name, blockNumber) or hardforkIsActiveOnBlock (hardfork, blockNumber) to ease blockNumber based access to parameters.


这里有额外的帮助函数,像paramByBlock (topic, name, blockNumber)hardforkIsActiveOnBlock (hardfork, blockNumber)去简化基于块数的参数访问



Hardfork Params硬分叉参数

There are currently parameter changes by the following past and future hardfork by the library supported:以下库支持的旧的和新的硬分叉决定了目前硬分叉参数的变化

  • chainstart
  • homestead
  • dao
  • tangerineWhistle
  • spuriousDragon
  • byzantium
  • constantinople

For hardfork-specific parameter access with the param() and paramByBlock() functions you can use the following topics:


  • gasConfig
  • gasPrices
  • vm
  • pow
  • casper
  • sharding

See one of the hardfork files like byzantium.json in the hardforks directory for an overview. For consistency, the chain start (chainstart) is considered an own hardfork.

为了简要了解可以查看其中的一个硬分叉文件如在hardforks目录下的byzantium.json。为了一致性,链的开始 (chainstart)将考虑一个自己的分叉


  "name": "byzantium",
  "comment": "Hardfork with new precompiles, instructions and other protocol changes",
  "eip": {
    "url": "",
    "status": "Final"
  "gasConfig": {},
  "gasPrices": {
    "modexpGquaddivisor": {
      "v": 20,
      "d": "Gquaddivisor from modexp precompile for gas calculation"
    "ecAdd": {
      "v": 500,
      "d": "Gas costs for curve addition precompile"
    "ecMul": {
      "v": 40000,
      "d": "Gas costs for curve multiplication precompile"
    "ecPairing": {
      "v": 100000,
      "d": "Base gas costs for curve pairing precompile"
    "ecPairingWord": {
      "v": 80000,
      "d": "Gas costs regarding curve pairing precompile input length"
  "vm": {},
  "pow": {
    "minerReward": {
      "v": "3000000000000000000",
      "d": "the amount a miner get rewarded for mining a block"
  "casper": {},
  "sharding": {}


c = new Common('ropsten', 'byzantium')
c.param('pow', 'minerReward') // 3000000000000000000


The hardfork-specific json files only contain the deltas from chainstart and shouldn't be accessed directly until you have a specific reason for it.


Note: The list of gasPrices and gas price changes on hardforks is consistent but not complete, so there are currently gas price values missing (PRs welcome!).

注意:在分叉中gasPrices和gas price列表的变化是一致但不完全的,所以目前gas price的值是缺失的(即只有gasPrices


Chain Params链参数

Supported chains:支持的链

  • mainnet
  • ropsten
  • rinkeby
  • kovan
  • goerli (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • Private/custom chain parameters

The following chain-specific parameters are provided:


  • name
  • chainId
  • networkId
  • genesis block header values
  • hardforks block numbers
  • bootstrapNodes list

To get an overview of the different parameters have a look at one of the chain-specifc files like mainnet.json in the chains directory.


  "name": "mainnet",
  "chainId": 1,
  "networkId": 1,
  "comment": "The Ethereum main chain",
  "url": "",
  "genesis": {
    "hash": "0xd4e56740f876aef8c010b86a40d5f56745a118d0906a34e69aec8c0db1cb8fa3",
    "timestamp": null,
    "gasLimit": 5000,
    "difficulty": 17179869184,
    "nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
    "extraData": "0x11bbe8db4e347b4e8c937c1c8370e4b5ed33adb3db69cbdb7a38e1e50b1b82fa",
    "stateRoot": "0xd7f8974fb5ac78d9ac099b9ad5018bedc2ce0a72dad1827a1709da30580f0544"
  "hardforks": [
      "name": "chainstart",
      "block": 0,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "homestead",
      "block": 1150000,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "dao",
      "block": 1920000,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "tangerineWhistle",
      "block": 2463000,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "spuriousDragon",
      "block": 2675000,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "byzantium",
      "block": 4370000,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
      "name": "constantinople",
      "block": null,
      "consensus": "pow",
      "finality": null
  "bootstrapNodes": [
      "ip": "",
      "port": 30303,
      "id": "3f1d12044546b76342d59d4a05532c14b85aa669704bfe1f864fe079415aa2c02d743e03218e57a33fb94523adb54032871a6c51b2cc5514cb7c7e35b3ed0a99",
      "location": "US-WEST",
      "comment": "Go Bootnode"
      "ip": "",
      "port": 30303,
      "id": "78de8a0916848093c73790ead81d1928bec737d565119932b98c6b100d944b7a95e94f847f689fc723399d2e31129d182f7ef3863f2b4c820abbf3ab2722344d",
      "location": "BR",
      "comment": "Go Bootnode"
      "ip": "",
      "port": 30303,
      "id": "158f8aab45f6d19c6cbf4a089c2670541a8da11978a2f90dbf6a502a4a3bab80d288afdbeb7ec0ef6d92de563767f3b1ea9e8e334ca711e9f8e2df5a0385e8e6",
      "location": "AU",
      "comment": "Go Bootnode"
      "ip": "",
      "port": 30303,
      "id": "1118980bf48b0a3640bdba04e0fe78b1add18e1cd99bf22d53daac1fd9972ad650df52176e7c7d89d1114cfef2bc23a2959aa54998a46afcf7d91809f0855082",
      "location": "SG",
      "comment": "Go Bootnode"

If you want to set up a common instance with parameters for a private/custom chain you can pass a dictionary - conforming to the parameter format described above - with your custom values in the constructor or the setChain()method for the chain parameter.



Bootstrap Nodes

There is no separate config file for bootstrap nodes like in the old ethereum-common library. Instead use the common.bootstrapNodes() function to get nodes for a specific chain/network.



Genesis States初始状态

Network-specific genesis files are located in the genesisStates folder.


Due to the large file sizes genesis states are not directly included in the index.js file but have to be accessed directly, e.g.:


const mainnetGenesisState = require('ethereumjs-common/genesisStates/mainnet')

Or by choosing dynamically或者是动态地选择使用:

const genesisStates = require('ethereumjs-common/genesisStates')
const mainnetGenesisState = genesisStates['mainnet']
const mainnetGenesisState = genesisStates[genesisStates['names'][1]] // alternative via chain Id







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