SELECT fa.asset_id 资产id,
fa.asset_number ebs资产标签号,
nvl(fa.tag_number, fa.asset_number) 资产编号,
fa.serial_number 序列号,
fa.description 资产名称,
(SELECT fcb.concatenated_segments
FROM fa_categories_b_kfv fcb
WHERE fcb.category_id = fa.asset_category_id) 资产类别组合说明,
(SELECT fak.concatenated_segments
FROM fa_asset_keywords_kfv fak
WHERE fak.code_combination_id = fa.asset_key_ccid) 资产关键字组合说明,
fa.current_units 资产数量,
fa.model_number 型号,
(SELECT ffv.flex_value
FROM fa_book_controls fbc, fa_books_v fbv, fnd_flex_values ffv
WHERE ffv.flex_value_set_id IN
(SELECT flex_value_set_id
FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
WHERE flex_value_set_name = 'BZ_COMPANY')
AND ffv.value_category = 'BZ_COMPANY'
AND ffv.attribute3 = fbv.book_type_code
AND fbv.book_type_code = fbc.book_type_code
AND fbv.asset_id = fa.asset_id) 公司代码,
fbv.cost 资产成本金额,
fbv.salvage_value 残值,
fbv.depreciate_flag 是否折旧,
cux_fa_public_pkg.get_ltd_deprn(p_asset_id => fa.asset_id,
p_book_type_code => fbv.book_type_code,
p_rate_source_rule => NULL,
p_dist_id => 0,
p_period_ctr => 0,
p_mrc_sob_type_code => 'N',
p_set_of_books_id => fbc.set_of_books_id) 累计折旧,
fbv.date_placed_in_service 资产启用日期,
to_date(fa.attribute5, 'YYYY-MM-DD') 期初日期
FROM fa_additions_v fa, fa_books_v fbv, fa_book_controls fbc
WHERE fa.asset_id = fbv.asset_id
AND fbv.book_type_code = fbc.book_type_code;