FUNCTION get_onhand_atr_qty(p_organization_id IN NUMBER, p_item_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS x_return_status VARCHAR2(1); x_msg_count NUMBER; x_msg_data VARCHAR2(4000); l_qoh NUMBER := 0; l_qr NUMBER := 0; l_qs NUMBER := 0; l_atr NUMBER := 0; l_att NUMBER := 0; l_atp_qty NUMBER := 0; BEGIN --init inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache; BEGIN --std api inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(p_api_version_number => 1.0, p_init_msg_lst => NULL, --'F', x_return_status => x_return_status, x_msg_count => x_msg_count, x_msg_data => x_msg_data, p_organization_id => p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id => p_item_id, p_tree_mode => 3, p_is_revision_control => FALSE, p_is_lot_control => NULL, p_is_serial_control => FALSE, p_revision => NULL, p_lot_number => NULL, p_lot_expiration_date => NULL, p_subinventory_code => NULL, p_locator_id => NULL, p_cost_group_id => NULL, p_onhand_source => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs, x_qoh => l_qoh, x_rqoh => l_atp_qty, x_qr => l_qr, x_qs => l_qs, x_att => l_att, x_atr => l_atr); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END; RETURN nvl(l_atr, 0); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END get_onhand_atr_qty;
( p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_lst => 'F',
x_return_status => x_return_status,
x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id,
p_tree_mode => tree_mode,
p_is_revision_control => is_revision_control,
p_is_lot_control => is_lot_control,
p_is_serial_control => FALSE,
p_revision => p_revision,
p_lot_number => p_lot_number,
p_lot_expiration_date => sysdate,
p_subinventory_code => p_subinventory_code,
p_locator_id => p_locator_id,
p_cost_group_id => cg_id,
p_onhand_source => 3,
x_qoh => qoh,
x_rqoh => rqoh,
x_qr => qr,
x_qs => qs,
x_att => att,
x_atr => atr,
p_grade_code => p_grade_code,
x_sqoh => sqoh,
x_satt => satt,
x_satr => satr ,
x_srqoh => x_srqoh,
x_sqr => x_sqr,
x_sqs => x_sqs,
p_demand_source_type_id => -1 ,
p_demand_source_header_id => -1 ,
p_demand_source_line_id => -1 ,
p_demand_source_name => NULL ,
p_transfer_subinventory_code => NULL ,
p_transfer_locator_id => NULL
* 2 => Fetch both packed and loose quantities
* 3 => Fetch only loose quantities
* To determine whether ONLY loose quantities are to be displayed:
* a) Subinventory, cost group for the current record (in QUANTITY_FOLDER block) are not NULL
* b) QUANTITY_FOLDER.PACKED is NOT NULL (for WMS org) and is equal to 0
* c) The current record does not have VMI or consigned stock
* d) For a lot controlled item, the QUANTITY_FOLDER.LOT_NUMBER is not null.
* When the above conditions are TRUE, then call the quantity tree with tree_mode = 3 and default
* the on-hand quantity to :QUANTITY_FOLDER.ON_HAND.
* If the current node has VMI or consigned stock, am showing the entire quantity(both packed and loose)
inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_nettable_only CONSTANT NUMBER := 2;
inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs CONSTANT NUMBER := 3;
inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_atpable_nettable_only CONSTANT NUMBER := 4;
进行累计,然后再减去物料在MTL_RESERVATIONS 中对应的保留。很多的时候没有去考
$ Header PTAC , SKip Siman He , 2008.03.25
* Procedure GET_ITEM_ATT_QTY
* Purpose :
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
FUNCTION get_item_att_qty(p_item_id NUMBER,
p_organization_id NUMBER,
p_subinventory_code VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER IS
l_onhand_qty NUMBER;
l_resv_qty NUMBER;
l_qoh NUMBER;
l_rqoh NUMBER;
l_qr NUMBER;
l_qs NUMBER;
l_att NUMBER;
l_atr NUMBER;
l_tree_mode NUMBER;
l_msg_count VARCHAR2(100);
l_msg_data VARCHAR2(1000);
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
x_return VARCHAR2(1);
-- Transact mode
l_tree_mode := 2;
p_api_version_number => 1.0,
p_init_msg_lst => 'F',
x_return_status => l_return_status,
x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
p_inventory_item_id => p_item_id,
p_tree_mode => l_tree_mode,
p_is_revision_control => FALSE,
p_is_lot_control => FALSE,
p_is_serial_control => FALSE,
p_revision => NULL,
p_lot_number => NULL,
p_lot_expiration_date => NULL,
p_subinventory_code => p_subinventory_code,
p_locator_id => NULL,
p_onhand_source => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_all_subs,
x_qoh => l_qoh,
x_rqoh => l_rqoh,
x_qr => l_qr,
Oracle ERP R12实用技术开发.doc
x_qs => l_qs,
x_att => l_att, --可用量
x_atr => l_atr); --可保留量
RETURN l_att;
FUNCTION get_onhand_transit_qty(p_organization_id IN NUMBER, p_item_id IN NUMBER, p_cux_header_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS l_receive_qty NUMBER := 0; l_delivery_qty NUMBER := 0; l_transit_qty NUMBER := 0; l_transit_reser_qty NUMBER := 0; BEGIN --接收数量 SELECT SUM(rt.quantity) INTO l_receive_qty FROM rcv_transactions rt WHERE 1 = 1 AND rt.organization_id = p_organization_id AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE' AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol, po_line_locations_all poll WHERE 1 = 1 AND nvl(pol.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'CLOSED' AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id AND pol.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id AND poh.approved_flag = 'Y' AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y' AND pol.item_id = p_item_id AND poll.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id AND poll.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id); --接收数量 SELECT SUM(rt.quantity) INTO l_delivery_qty FROM rcv_transactions rt WHERE 1 = 1 AND rt.organization_id = p_organization_id AND rt.transaction_type = 'DELIVER' AND EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol, po_line_locations_all poll WHERE 1 = 1 AND nvl(pol.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'CLOSED' AND poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id AND pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id AND pol.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id AND poh.approved_flag = 'Y' AND poll.approved_flag = 'Y' AND pol.item_id = p_item_id AND poll.po_header_id = rt.po_header_id AND poll.po_line_id = rt.po_line_id AND poll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id); l_transit_qty := nvl(l_receive_qty, 0) - nvl(l_delivery_qty, 0); --被其他订单占用的在途保留量 SELECT SUM(cotr.reservation_quantity) INTO l_transit_reser_qty FROM cux_om_transit_reservation cotr WHERE 1 = 1 AND cotr.item_id = p_item_id AND cotr.ship_from_org_id = p_organization_id AND cotr.cux_header_id <> nvl(p_cux_header_id, -9999); IF l_transit_reser_qty < 0 THEN l_transit_reser_qty := 0; END IF; RETURN l_transit_qty - nvl(l_transit_reser_qty, 0); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END get_onhand_transit_qty;