cephadm NFS

一 工作目录

root@cephadm-deploy:~# cephadm shell
Inferring fsid 0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74
Using recent ceph image quay.io/ceph/ceph@sha256:bb6a71f7f481985f6d3b358e3b9ef64c6755b3db5aa53198e0aac38be5c8ae54

二 NFS集群管理



从 Ceph Pacific 开始,nfs必须启用 mgr 模块。

2.1 查看nfs cluster

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph nfs cluster ls

2.2 编写nfs.yml

root@cephadm-deploy:~# cat nfs.yml 
service_type: nfs
service_id: wgsnfs
    - ceph-node01
    - cephadm-deploy
  port: 2049

2.3 创建NFS GANESHA 集群

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph orch apply -i nfs.yml 
Scheduled nfs.wgsnfs update...

2.3 编写nfs-lvs.yml

root@cephadm-deploy:~# cat nfs-lvs.yml 
service_type: ingress
service_id: nfs.wgsnfs
  count: 3
  backend_service: nfs.wgsnfs
  frontend_port: 20490
  monitor_port: 9000

2.4 创建nfs 高可用

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph orch apply -i nfs-lvs.yml 
Scheduled ingress.nfs.wgsnfs update...

2.5 查看nfs cluster

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs cluster ls

2.6 查看ceph集群服务

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph orch ls |grep nfs
ingress.nfs.wgsnfs,9000      6/6  3m ago     4m   count:3                     
nfs.wgsnfs                 ?:2049                          2/2  3m ago     5m   ceph-node01;cephadm-deploy  

2.5 查看生成的镜像信息


root@cephadm-deploy:~# docker ps |grep nfs
fa6fd4360245   arcts/keepalived                           "./init.sh"              4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-keepalived-nfs-wgsnfs-cephadm-deploy-nsuwtu
11288427bb40   haproxy:2.3                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-haproxy-nfs-wgsnfs-cephadm-deploy-egujpl
9888fee1d909   quay.io/ceph/ceph                          "/usr/bin/ganesha.nf…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-nfs-wgsnfs-1-0-cephadm-deploy-hwgipi


root@ceph-node01:~# docker ps |grep nfs
6b30825c37d4   arcts/keepalived                           "./init.sh"              4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-keepalived-nfs-wgsnfs-ceph-node01-rgxlxi
b45c35028873   haproxy:2.3                                "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-haproxy-nfs-wgsnfs-ceph-node01-lwojxg
8ffb124d06ec   quay.io/ceph/ceph                          "/usr/bin/ganesha.nf…"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes             ceph-0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74-nfs-wgsnfs-1-0-ceph-node01-pgdqkp

2.6 查看端口

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph orch ls
NAME                       PORTS                       RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT                   
alertmanager               ?:9093,9094                     1/1  3m ago     3h   count:1                     
crash                                                      5/5  5m ago     3h   *                           
grafana                    ?:3000                          1/1  3m ago     3h   count:1                     
ingress.nfs.wgsnfs,9000      6/6  5m ago     6m   count:3                     
mds.wgs_cephfs                                             3/3  5m ago     19h  count:3                     
mgr                                                        1/2  5m ago     3h   count:2                     
mon                                                        5/5  5m ago     3h   count:5                     
nfs.wgsnfs                 ?:2049                          2/2  5m ago     7m   ceph-node01;cephadm-deploy  
node-exporter              ?:9100                          5/5  5m ago     3h   *                           
osd                                                          1  5m ago     -    <unmanaged>                 
osd.all-available-devices                                   14  5m ago     1h   *                           
prometheus                 ?:9095                          1/1  3m ago     3h   count:1                     
rgw.wgs_rgw                ?:8000                          6/6  5m ago     6h   count-per-host:2;label:rgw  

2.7 查看nfs进程信息

root@cephadm-deploy:~# ceph orch ps |grep nfs
haproxy.nfs.wgsnfs.ceph-node01.nkcvsz        ceph-node01     *:20490,9000  running (7m)      6m ago   7m    8227k        -  2.3.16-49b2134  8171b25df830  78dad96347d0  
haproxy.nfs.wgsnfs.ceph-node02.nnexpa        ceph-node02     *:20490,9000  running (6m)      6m ago   6m    8867k        -  2.3.16-49b2134  8171b25df830  5537a630976e  
haproxy.nfs.wgsnfs.cephadm-deploy.egujpl     cephadm-deploy  *:20490,9000  running (7m)      4m ago   7m    8223k        -  2.3.16-49b2134  8171b25df830  11288427bb40  
keepalived.nfs.wgsnfs.ceph-node01.zdfavu     ceph-node01                   running (6m)      6m ago   6m    5459k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  d11b2b413e36  
keepalived.nfs.wgsnfs.ceph-node02.ckothj     ceph-node02                   running (6m)      6m ago   6m    2411k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  cad4f6a5d3f1  
keepalived.nfs.wgsnfs.cephadm-deploy.nsuwtu  cephadm-deploy                running (6m)      4m ago   6m    5556k        -  2.0.5           073e0c3cd1b9  fa6fd4360245  
nfs.wgsnfs.0.0.ceph-node01.aixpmu            ceph-node01     *:2049        running (8m)      6m ago   8m    39.8M        -  3.5             cc266d6139f4  a4f561111c0f  
nfs.wgsnfs.1.0.cephadm-deploy.hwgipi         cephadm-deploy  *:2049        running (8m)      4m ago   8m    36.1M        -  3.5             cc266d6139f4  9888fee1d909


仅对使用 nfs 接口部署的 NFS Ganesha 集群支持导出创建。

3.1 创建命令格式

$ ceph nfs export create cephfs --cluster-id <cluster_id> --pseudo-path <pseudo_path> --fsname <fsname> [--readonly] [--path=/path/in/cephfs] [--client_addr <value>...] [--squash <value>]

<cluster_id> 是 NFS Ganesha 集群 ID。

<pseudo_path>是 NFS v4 伪文件系统中的导出位置,导出将在服务器上可用。它必须是绝对路径并且是唯一的。

<fsname> 是 NFS Ganesha 集群使用的 FS 卷的名称,该集群将为该导出提供服务。

<path>是 cephfs 中的路径。应给出有效路径,默认路径为“/”。它不必是唯一的。可以使用以下方法获取子卷路径:

$ ceph fs subvolume getpath <vol_name> <subvol_name> [--group_name <subvol_group_name>]


<squash>定义要执行的用户 ID 压缩类型。默认值为no_root_squash

3.3 查看cephfs 文件系统

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph fs ls
name: wgs_cephfs, metadata pool: cephfs.wgs_cephfs.meta, data pools: [cephfs.wgs_cephfs.data ]

3.4 查看NFS Ganesha ID

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs cluster ls

3.5 创建cephfs exporter

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export create cephfs --cluster-id wgsnfs --pseudo-path /cephfs  --fsname wgs_cephfs  --path=/
    "bind": "/cephfs",
    "fs": "wgs_cephfs",
    "path": "/",
    "cluster": "wgsnfs",
    "mode": "RW"

3.6 查看cephfs exporter信息

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export info wgsnfs /cephfs
  "export_id": 1,
  "path": "/",
  "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
  "pseudo": "/cephfs",
  "access_type": "RW",
  "squash": "none",
  "security_label": true,
  "protocols": [
  "transports": [
  "fsal": {
    "name": "CEPH",
    "user_id": "nfs.wgsnfs.1",
    "fs_name": "wgs_cephfs"
  "clients": []


仅对使用 nfs 接口部署的 NFS Ganesha 集群支持导出创建。

如果启用了多站点 RGW,Ceph 只能导出默认领域中的 RGW 存储区。

4.1 创建命令格式

$ ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id <cluster_id> --pseudo-path <pseudo_path> --bucket <bucket_name> [--user-id <user-id>] [--readonly] [--client_addr <value>...] [--squash <value>]

<cluster_id> 是 NFS Ganesha 集群 ID。

<pseudo_path>是 NFS v4 伪文件系统中的导出位置,导出将在服务器上可用。它必须是绝对路径并且是唯一的。

<bucket_name> 是将要导出的存储桶的名称。

<user_id>是可选的,并指定将使用哪个 RGW 用户对存储桶进行读写操作。如果未指定,将使用拥有该桶的用户。


<squash>定义要执行的用户 ID 压缩类型。默认值为no_root_squash

4.2 查看bucket

root@cephadm-deploy:/# radosgw-admin bucket list

4.3 查看NFS Ganesha ID

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs cluster ls

4.4 创建rgw bucket exporter

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id wgsnfs --pseudo-path /bucketdata --bucket wgsbucket
    "bind": "/bucketdata",
    "path": "wgsbucket",
    "cluster": "wgsnfs",
    "mode": "RW",
    "squash": "none"

4.5 查看rgw bucket exporter

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export info wgsnfs /bucketdata
  "export_id": 2,
  "path": "wgsbucket",
  "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
  "pseudo": "/bucketdata",
  "access_type": "RW",
  "squash": "none",
  "security_label": true,
  "protocols": [
  "transports": [
  "fsal": {
    "name": "RGW",
    "user_id": "wgs01",
    "access_key_id": "BKRXWW1XBXZI04MDEM09",
    "secret_access_key": "pbkRtYmG5fABMe4wFuV7VPENIKcXbj0bUiYtxnCB"
  "clients": []

五 rgw user exporter

5.1 创建命令格式

$ ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id <cluster_id> --pseudo-path <pseudo_path> --user-id <user-id> [--readonly] [--client_addr <value>...] [--squash <value>]

5.2 查看NFS Ganesha ID

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs cluster ls

5.3 查看rgw user

root@cephadm-deploy:/# radosgw-admin user list  

5.4 创建rgw user exporter

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export create rgw --cluster-id wgsnfs --pseudo-path /userbucket --user-id wgs01
    "bind": "/userbucket",
    "path": "/",
    "cluster": "wgsnfs",
    "mode": "RW",
    "squash": "none"

5.5 查看rgw user exporter信息

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export info wgsnfs /userbucket    
  "export_id": 3,
  "path": "/",
  "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
  "pseudo": "/userbucket",
  "access_type": "RW",
  "squash": "none",
  "security_label": true,
  "protocols": [
  "transports": [
  "fsal": {
    "name": "RGW",
    "user_id": "wgs01",
    "access_key_id": "BKRXWW1XBXZI04MDEM09",
    "secret_access_key": "pbkRtYmG5fABMe4wFuV7VPENIKcXbj0bUiYtxnCB"
  "clients": []

六 列出nfs exporter

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph nfs export ls wgsnfs --detailed
    "export_id": 1,
    "path": "/",
    "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
    "pseudo": "/cephfs",
    "access_type": "RW",
    "squash": "none",
    "security_label": true,
    "protocols": [
    "transports": [
    "fsal": {
      "name": "CEPH",
      "user_id": "nfs.wgsnfs.1",
      "fs_name": "wgs_cephfs"
    "clients": []
    "export_id": 2,
    "path": "wgsbucket",
    "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
    "pseudo": "/bucketdata",
    "access_type": "RW",
    "squash": "none",
    "security_label": true,
    "protocols": [
    "transports": [
    "fsal": {
      "name": "RGW",
      "user_id": "wgs01",
      "access_key_id": "BKRXWW1XBXZI04MDEM09",
      "secret_access_key": "pbkRtYmG5fABMe4wFuV7VPENIKcXbj0bUiYtxnCB"
    "clients": []
    "export_id": 3,
    "path": "/",
    "cluster_id": "wgsnfs",
    "pseudo": "/userbucket",
    "access_type": "RW",
    "squash": "none",
    "security_label": true,
    "protocols": [
    "transports": [
    "fsal": {
      "name": "RGW",
      "user_id": "wgs01",
      "access_key_id": "BKRXWW1XBXZI04MDEM09",
      "secret_access_key": "pbkRtYmG5fABMe4wFuV7VPENIKcXbj0bUiYtxnCB"
    "clients": []


七 客户端挂载cephfs nfs

7.1 客户端安装nfs-common

root@ceph-client01:~# apt -y install nfs-common

7.2 创建挂载点

root@ceph-client01:~# mkdir -pv /data/{cephfs-data01,cephfs-data02} 

7.3 ceph方式挂载cephfs

7.3.1 挂载cephfs

root@ceph-client01:~# mount -t ceph,, /data/cephfs-data02 -o name=wgs,secretfile=/etc/ceph/wgs.key

7.3.2 验证挂载

root@ceph-client01:~# df -TH
Filesystem                                                       Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                                                             devtmpfs  982M     0  982M   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     206M  2.0M  204M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv                                ext4       20G  9.8G  9.2G  52% /
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     5.3M     0  5.3M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup,, ceph      102G     0  102G   0% /data/cephfs-data02

7.3.3 查看挂载点内容

root@ceph-client01:~# ls -l /data/cephfs-data02/
total 1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Dec  8 22:17 data01.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Dec  8 22:18 data02.txt

7.4  nfs挂载cephfs

7.4.1 挂载cephfs

root@ceph-client01:~# mount -t nfs -o port=20490,nfsvers=4.1,proto=tcp /data/cephfs-data01

7.4.2 验证挂载

root@ceph-client01:~# df -TH
Filesystem                                                       Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                                                             devtmpfs  982M     0  982M   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     206M  2.0M  204M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv                                ext4       20G  9.8G  9.2G  52% /
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     5.3M     0  5.3M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                                                            tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop5                                                       squashfs   46M   46M     0 100% /snap/snapd/14295,, ceph      102G     0  102G   0% /data/cephfs-data02                                          nfs4      102G     0  102G   0% /data/cephfs-data01

7.4.3 验证挂载点数据

root@ceph-client01:~# ls -l /data/cephfs-data01/
total 1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Dec  8 22:17 data01.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Dec  8 22:18 data02.txt

7.5 下载挂载点

root@ceph-client01:~# umount /data/cephfs-data01
root@ceph-client01:~# umount /data/cephfs-data02

八 客户端挂载rgw nfs

8.1 客户端安装nfs-common

root@ceph-client01:~# apt -y install nfs-common

8.2 创建挂载点

root@ceph-client01:~# mkdir /data/{rgw_data,rgw_userdata} -pv
mkdir: created directory '/data/rgw_data'
mkdir: created directory '/data/rgw_userdata'

8.3 rgw bucket

8.3.1 挂载rgw bucket

root@ceph-client01:~# mount -t nfs -o port=20490,nfsvers=4.1,proto=tcp /data/rgw_data/

8.3.2 验证挂载

root@ceph-client01:~# df -TH
Filesystem                        Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                              devtmpfs  982M     0  982M   0% /dev
tmpfs                             tmpfs     206M  2.0M  204M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ext4       20G  9.8G  9.2G  52% /
tmpfs                             tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             tmpfs     5.3M     0  5.3M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                             tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup       nfs4      323G  680M  322G   1% /data/rgw_data

8.3.3 查看当前挂载点内容

root@ceph-client01:~# ls /data/rgw_data/ -l
total 0

8.3.4 客户s3cmd上传文件

root@ceph-client01:~# s3cmd put /var/log/syslog s3://wgsbucket/sys_logs
upload: '/var/log/syslog' -> 's3://wgsbucket/sys_logs'  [1 of 1]
 5968909 of 5968909   100% in    2s     2.07 MB/s  done

8.3.5 查看ceph集群IO

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph -s
    id:     0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            mon ceph-node01 is low on available space

mon: 5 daemons, quorum cephadm-deploy,ceph-node01,ceph-node02,ceph-node03,ceph-node04 (age 21m)
mgr: ceph-node01.anwvfy(active, since 22m), standbys: cephadm-deploy.jgiulj
mds: 1/1 daemons up, 2 standby
osd: 15 osds: 15 up (since 21m), 15 in (since 21h)
rgw: 6 daemons active (3 hosts, 1 zones)
rgw-nfs: 2 daemons active (2 hosts, 1 zones)

volumes: 1/1 healthy
pools: 10 pools, 241 pgs
objects: 275 objects, 5.7 MiB
usage: 664 MiB used, 299 GiB / 300 GiB avail
pgs: 241 active+clean

client: 170 B/s rd, 0 op/s rd, 0 op/s wr

8.3.6 验证挂载点数据


root@ceph-client01:~# ls -l /data/rgw_data/
total 5829
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 5968909 Dec  9 18:14 sys_logs

8.4 rgw user 

8.4.1 挂载rgw user

root@ceph-client01:~# mount -t nfs -o port=20490,nfsvers=4.1,proto=tcp /data/rgw_userdata/

8.4.2 验证挂载

root@ceph-client01:~# df -TH
Filesystem                        Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev                              devtmpfs  982M     0  982M   0% /dev
tmpfs                             tmpfs     206M  2.0M  204M   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv ext4       20G  9.8G  9.2G  52% /
tmpfs                             tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             tmpfs     5.3M     0  5.3M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs                             tmpfs     1.1G     0  1.1G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup       nfs4      323G  698M  322G   1% /data/rgw_data       nfs4      323G  698M  322G   1% /data/rgw_userdata

8.4.3 查看当前挂载点内容

root@ceph-client01:~# tree /data/rgw_userdata/
└── wgsbucket
    └── sys_logs

1 directory, 1 file

8.5 卸载挂载点

root@ceph-client01:~# umount /data/rgw_userdata 
root@ceph-client01:~# umount /data/rgw_data 

九 查看ceph集群状态

root@cephadm-deploy:/# ceph -s
    id:     0888a64c-57e6-11ec-ad21-fbe9db6e2e74
    health: HEALTH_WARN
            mon ceph-node01 is low on available space

mon: 5 daemons, quorum cephadm-deploy,ceph-node01,ceph-node02,ceph-node03,ceph-node04 (age 35m)
mgr: ceph-node01.anwvfy(active, since 37m), standbys: cephadm-deploy.jgiulj
mds: 1/1 daemons up, 2 standby
osd: 15 osds: 15 up (since 35m), 15 in (since 21h)
rgw: 6 daemons active (3 hosts, 1 zones)
rgw-nfs: 2 daemons active (2 hosts, 1 zones)

volumes: 1/1 healthy
pools: 10 pools, 241 pgs
objects: 275 objects, 5.7 MiB
usage: 650 MiB used, 299 GiB / 300 GiB avail
pgs: 241 active+clean

十 查看ceph dashboard

posted @ 2021-12-09 18:33  小吉猫  阅读(1020)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报