
Checkpoint 0 Writeup


  • std::queue<std::string> buffer_ {}; 用于存储写入的字符串(原本用的std::queue,但由于queue内存不连续,调用peek返回string_view时还要将char组合为string或者每次只返回一个字符,导致空间和时间效率低,所以选择了直接存储string,更高效的版本还可以存储一个std::queue<std::string_view>)
  • uint64_t capacity_ buffer容量
  • uint64_t bytes_pushed_ 写入的字节数
  • uint64_t bytes_popped_ 读出的字节数
  • bool is_closed_ 是否关闭
  • bool has_error_ 是否有错误
  • uint64_t cur 当前读取的位置,指向buffer队首字符串


  • void Writer::push( string data )

  • string_view Reader::peek() const

  • void Reader::pop( uint64_t len )

  • 其余函数主要是返回ByteStream状态和数据,利用成员变量即可获得

class ByteStream
  uint64_t capacity_;
  // Please add any additional state to the ByteStream here, and not to the Writer and Reader interfaces.
  simple version cause queue stores char, and the memory of queue is uncontinuous,
  so we can't use pointer to get the address of the next element, in peek we can only get one char each time
  std::queue<char> buffer_{};
  uint64_t bytes_pushed_ = 0;
  uint64_t bytes_popped_ = 0;
  bool is_closed_ = false;
  bool has_error_ = false;
  // good enough
  std::queue<std::string> buffer_ {};
  uint64_t bytes_pushed_ = 0;
  uint64_t bytes_popped_ = 0;
  bool is_closed_ = false;
  bool has_error_ = false;
  uint64_t cur = 0;
  better https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/630739394
  using string_view.remove_prefix and queue<string_view> to quikly pop data
  explicit ByteStream( uint64_t capacity );

  // Helper functions (provided) to access the ByteStream's Reader and Writer interfaces
  Reader& reader();
  const Reader& reader() const;
  Writer& writer();
  const Writer& writer() const;
void Writer::push( string data )
  // Your code here.
  uint64_t len = data.size();
  len = min( len, available_capacity() );
  // do not just test data, or you will push "", which is hard to correct
  if ( len == 0 )
  buffer_.push( data.substr( 0, len ) );
  bytes_pushed_ += len;
void Reader::pop( uint64_t len )
  // Your code here.
  len = min( len, bytes_buffered() );
  uint64_t poped = 0;
  while ( poped < len ) {
    uint64_t sz = buffer_.front().size();
    if ( sz - cur <= len - poped ) {
      poped += sz - cur;
      cur = 0;
    } else {
      cur += len - poped;
      poped = len;
  bytes_popped_ += poped;
posted @ 2023-10-09 22:23  trashwin  阅读(70)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报