import openpyxl as xl from copy import copy style_attrs = ["alignment", "border", "fill", "font", "number_format", "protection"] def cells(worksheet): """Return a generator for the sequence of cells in the worksheet""" for row in worksheet: for cell in row: yield cell def copy_attrs(src, dst, attrs=style_attrs): """Copy attributes from src to dst. Attributes are shallow-copied to avoid TypeError: unhashable type: 'StyleProxy'""" for name in attrs: setattr(dst, name, copy(getattr(src, name))) def copy_column_attrs(worksheet_src, worksheet_dst, attrs=style_attrs + ["width"]): """Copy ColumnDimension properties from worksheet_src to worksheet_dst. Only properties listed in attrs will be copied.""" for column, dimensions in worksheet_src.column_dimensions.items(): copy_attrs( src=dimensions, dst=worksheet_dst.column_dimensions[column], attrs=attrs, ) def copy_row_attrs(worksheet_src, worksheet_dst, attrs=style_attrs + ["height"]): """Copy RowDimension properties from worksheet_src to worksheet_dst. Only properties listed in attrs will be copied.""" for row, dimensions in worksheet_src.row_dimensions.items(): copy_attrs( src=dimensions, dst=worksheet_dst.row_dimensions[row], attrs=style_attrs + ["height"], ) def copy_cells(worksheet_src, worksheet_dst, attrs=style_attrs): """Copy cells from worksheet_src to worksheet_dst. If cells are styled then also copy the attributes listed in attrs.""" for cell in cells(worksheet_src): cell_dst = worksheet_dst.cell(row=cell.row, column=cell.column) if cell.has_style: copy_attrs(cell, cell_dst, attrs=attrs) cell_dst.value = cell.value def delete_worksheet_cells(worksheet): worksheet.delete_cols(1, worksheet.max_column + 1) worksheet.delete_rows(1, worksheet.max_row + 1) wb_src = xl.load_workbook("a.xlsx") ws_src = wb_src.active wb_dst = xl.load_workbook("b.xlsx") ws_dst = wb_dst.active delete_worksheet_cells(ws_dst) copy_column_attrs(ws_src, ws_dst) copy_row_attrs(ws_src, ws_dst) copy_cells(ws_src, ws_dst) wb_dst.save("b.xlsx")
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