





InterfaceJDK or Guava?Corresponding Guava utility class
Collection JDK Collections2
List JDK Lists
Set JDK Sets
SortedSet JDK Sets
Map JDK Maps
SortedMap JDK Maps
Queue JDK Queues
Multiset Guava Multisets
Multimap Guava Multimaps
BiMap Guava Maps
Table Guava Tables

Iterables Iterable<Integer> concatenated = Iterables.concat( Ints.asList(1, 2, 3), Ints.asList(4, 5, 6)); // concatenated has elements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 String lastAdded = Iterables.getLast(myLinkedHashSet); String theElement = Iterables.getOnlyElement(thisSetIsDefinitelyASingleton); //Sets Set<String> wordsWithPrimeLength = ImmutableSet.of("one", "two", "three", "six", "seven", "eight"); Set<String> primes = ImmutableSet.of("two", "three", "five", "seven"); SetView<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(primes, wordsWithPrimeLength); //Lists List<Integer> countDown = Lists.reverse(theList); // {5, 4, 3, 2, 1} List<List<Integer>> parts = Lists.partition(countUp, 2); // {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5}} //Maps ImmutableMap<Integer, String> stringsByIndex = Maps.uniqueIndex(strings, new Function<String, Integer> () { public Integer apply(String string) { return string.length(); } }); Map<String, Integer> left = ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3); Map<String, Integer> right = ImmutableMap.of("b", 2, "c", 4, "d", 5); MapDifference<String, Integer> diff = Maps.difference(left, right); //Multisets Multiset<String> multiset1 = HashMultiset.create(); multiset1.add("a", 2); Multiset<String> multiset2 = HashMultiset.create(); multiset2.add("a", 5); multiset1.containsAll(multiset2); // returns true: all unique elements are contained, // even though multiset1.count("a") == 2 < multiset2.count("a") == 5 Multisets.containsOccurrences(multiset1, multiset2); // returns false Multisets.removeOccurrences(multiset2, multiset1); // multiset2 now contains 3 occurrences of "a" multiset2.removeAll(multiset1); // removes all occurrences of "a" from multiset2, even though multiset1.count("a") == 2 multiset2.isEmpty(); // returns true //Multimaps ImmutableSet<String> digits = ImmutableSet.of( "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"); Function<String, Integer> lengthFunction = new Function<String, Integer>() { public Integer apply(String string) { return string.length(); } }; ImmutableListMultimap<Integer, String> digitsByLength = Multimaps.index(digits, lengthFunction); //Tables Table<String, Character, Integer> table = Tables.newCustomTable( Maps.<String, Map<Character, Integer>>newLinkedHashMap(), new Supplier<Map<Character, Integer>> () { public Map<Character, Integer> get() { return Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } });


ArrayListMultimap<String, Integer> multimap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
multimap.putAll("b", Ints.asList(2, 4, 6));
multimap.putAll("a", Ints.asList(4, 2, 1));
multimap.putAll("c", Ints.asList(2, 5, 3));

TreeMultimap<Integer, String> inverse = Multimaps.invertFrom(multimap, TreeMultimap.<String, Integer> create());
// note that we choose the implementation, so if we use a TreeMultimap, we get results in order
 * inverse maps:
 *  1 => {"a"}
 *  2 => {"a", "b", "c"}
 *  3 => {"c"}
 *  4 => {"a", "b"}
 *  5 => {"c"}
 *  6 => {"b"}

Map<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of("a", 1, "b", 1, "c", 2);
SetMultimap<String, Integer> multimap = Multimaps.forMap(map);
// multimap maps ["a" => {1}, "b" => {1}, "c" => {2}]
Multimap<Integer, String> inverse = Multimaps.invertFrom(multimap, HashMultimap.<Integer, String> create());
// inverse maps [1 => {"a", "b"}, 2 => {"c"}]

ImmutableSet<String> digits = ImmutableSet.of(
    "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four",
    "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine");
Function<String, Integer> lengthFunction = new Function<String, Integer>() {
  public Integer apply(String string) {
    return string.length();
ImmutableListMultimap<Integer, String> digitsByLength = Multimaps.index(digits, lengthFunction);
 * digitsByLength maps:
 *  3 => {"one", "two", "six"}
 *  4 => {"zero", "four", "five", "nine"}
 *  5 => {"three", "seven", "eight"}


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