1.git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap.git
2.cd create_ap
3.sudo make install就这样安装好了
4.接下来安装依赖库sudo apt-get install util-linux procps hostapd iproute2 iw haveged dnsmasq
sudo create_ap wlan0 eth0 热点名 密码
接下来就去打开手机wifi看看有没有上面命令中设置的热点名吧,有的话输入密码即可连接上,enjoy your PI3 wireless AP!





git clone https://github.com/oblique/create_ap
cd create_ap
make install

ArchLinux (AUR)

yaourt -S create_ap


emerge layman
layman -f -a jorgicio
emerge net-wireless/create_ap


No passphrase (open network):

create_ap wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint

WPA + WPA2 passphrase:

create_ap wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

AP without Internet sharing:

create_ap -n wlan0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Bridged Internet sharing:

create_ap -m bridge wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Bridged Internet sharing (pre-configured bridge interface):

create_ap -m bridge wlan0 br0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Internet sharing from the same WiFi interface:

create_ap wlan0 wlan0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Choose a different WiFi adapter driver

create_ap --driver rtl871xdrv wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

No passphrase (open network) using pipe:

echo -e "MyAccessPoint" | create_ap wlan0 eth0

WPA + WPA2 passphrase using pipe:

echo -e "MyAccessPoint\nMyPassPhrase" | create_ap wlan0 eth0

Enable IEEE 802.11n

create_ap --ieee80211n --ht_capab '[HT40+]' wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Client Isolation:

create_ap --isolate-clients wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase

Systemd service

Using the persistent systemd service

Start service immediately:

systemctl start create_ap

Start on boot:

systemctl enable create_ap
posted on 2016-06-16 14:16  Dufe王彬  阅读(2830)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报