
# yum install -y flex byacc libpcap ncurses-devel libpcap-devel gcc  #先要安装必需的软件  
# mkdir iftop  
# cd iftop/  
# wget http://www.ex-parrot.com/pdw/iftop/download/iftop-1.0pre4.tar.gz #下载  
# tar zxvf iftop-1.0pre4.tar.gz #解压  
# cd iftop-1.0pre4  
# ./configure #配置  
# make && make install #编译安装  

语法: iftop -h | [-npblNBP] [-i interface] [-f filter code] [-F net/mask] [-G net6/mask6]
-h 显示本帮助(Help)信息
-n 不进行主机名(hostName)查找
-N 不将端口号(port Number)转换成对应的服务 to services
-p 混合(Promiscuous)模式(显示网络相关的其他主机信息)
-b 不显示流量图形条(Bar)
-B 以字节(Byte)为单位,显示带宽(Bandwidth);默认以比特(bit)显示的
-i interface 监控的网卡接口(interface)
-f filter code 包统计时,使用过滤码;默认:无,只统计IP包
-F net/mask 显示特定IPv4网段的进出流量(Flow);如# iftop -F
-G net6/mask6 显示特定IPv6网段的进出流量(Flow)
-l 显示并统计IPv6本地(Local)链接的流量(默认:关)
-P 显示端口(Port)
-m limit 设置显示界面上侧的带宽刻度(liMit)
-c config file 指定配置(Config)文件
-t 使用不带窗口菜单的文本(text)接口

-o 2s Sort by first column (2s traffic average)
-o 10s Sort by second column (10s traffic average) [default]
-o 40s Sort by third column (40s traffic average)
-o source Sort by source address
-o destination Sort by destination address

The following options are only available in combination with -t
-s num print one single text output afer num seconds, then quit
-L num number of lines to print

posted @ 2019-02-21 20:00  echo$?  阅读(414)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报