[读书笔记]C#学习笔记六: C#3.0Lambda表达式及Linq解析
如果一个数组是:int[] s = new int[]{1,3,5,9,14,16,22};
最开始的想法就是将这个s遍历一遍然后判断下再来重新组装成新的数组.好麻烦是不是? 于是便百度到了一个叫做Lambda的东西, 所以用了之后效果如下:
1 class Program
2 {
3 static void Main(string[] args)
4 {
5 int[] s = new int []{ 1,3,5,9,14,16,22 };
6 var result = from n in s where n < 15 select n;
7 int[] b = result.ToArray();
8 for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
9 {
10 Console.WriteLine(b[i]);
11 }
12 Console.ReadKey();
13 }
14 }
打印结果如我们所想: 1, 3, 5, 9, 14.
剩下的就是在真实的项目中接触到的, 在这里只是作为举例, 不做细致讲解:
1 var splitTexts = cmbValidationText.Split(new string[] { IncidentConstant.Comma },
StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 2 if (cmbValidation.Items != null && cmbValidation.Items.Count > 0) 3 { 4 foreach (var splitText in splitTexts) 5 { 6 bool valid = cmbValidation.Items.Any(item => (item != null) && (item.Enabled) &&
(string.Equals(splitText, item.Prefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); 7 8 if (!valid) 9 { 10 invalidText += splitText.ToString() + CommaAndBlank; 11 isInvalidTextExist = true; 12 } 13 } 14 } 15 16 var categoryAndCapabilities = capabilities.Select(item => 17 { 18 PRResponseCategory category = null; 19 PRCapability prCapability = provisioningManager.GetPRCapabilityByKey(item.PRCapabilityKey.
GetValueOrDefault()); 20 if (prCapability != null) 21 { 22 category = statusMonitorDao.GetResponseCategoryByKey(prCapability.ResponseCategoryKey.
GetValueOrDefault()); 23 } 24 return new { Category = category, PRCapability = prCapability, Capability = item }; 25 }) 26 .Where(item => (item != null && item.Category != null && item.PRCapability != null)) 27 .OrderBy(item => item.Category.Code) 28 .ThenBy(item => item.PRCapability.AllowNumeric.GetValueOrDefault() ? 1 : 0) 29 .ThenBy(item => item.PRCapability.CapabilityCode) 30 .GroupBy(item => item.PRCapability.ResponseCategoryKey.GetValueOrDefault()) 31 .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.ToList());
这里会不会觉得很神奇? 那么下面就开始Lambda及Linq之旅吧.
Linq是Language Integrated Query的缩写, 即"语言集成查询"的意思. 它主要包含4个组件: Linq to Object, Linq to XML, Linq to DataSet 和Linq to Sql.
更多详细内容可以查看一个国外网站: http://www.dotnetperls.com/linq
查询表达式必须以from子句开头,以select或group子句结束。第一个from子句和最后一个select子句或group子句之间,可以包含一个活多个where子句、let子句、join子 句、orderby子句和group子句,甚至还可以是from子句。它包括8个基本子句,具体说明如下所示。
1.1,select,from, where子句:
int[]arr =new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 select n; 8 foreach (var element in query) 9 Console.WriteLine(element); 10 Console.ReadKey(); 11 } 12 }

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 where n >6 8 select n; 9 foreach (var element in query) 10 Console.WriteLine(element); 11 Console.ReadKey(); 12 } 13 }

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arr1= new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 int[] arr2=new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 7 var query = from a in arr1 8 from b in arr2 9 select a +b; 10 11 foreach (var element in query) 12 Console.WriteLine(element); 13 Console.ReadKey(); 14 } 15 }

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main(string[] args) 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 let isEven = (n % 2 == 0 ? true : false) 8 where isEven 9 select n; 10 11 foreach (var element in query) 12 Console.WriteLine(element); 13 Console.ReadKey(); 14 } 15 }
"return n%2==0?true:false"表达式判断n元素是否为偶数。如果是,则返回true,否则返回false。“let isEven =return n%2==0?true:false”表达式使用let子句创建新的范围变量isEven,用来保存"return n%2==0?true:false"表达式的结果。"where isEven"表达式使用where子句筛选isEven的值为true的元素。

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 where n>1 && n<6 8 orderby n descending 9 select n ; 10 foreach (var element in query) 11 Console.WriteLine(element); 12 Console.ReadKey(); 13 } 14 }
1.4, group子句

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main(string[] args) 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 where n > 1 && n < 6 8 group n by n % 2; 9 10 foreach (var element in query) 11 Console.WriteLine(element); 12 Console.ReadKey(); 13 } 14 }
1.5, into子句
where n>1 && n<6:指定筛选大于1且小于6的元素。
group n by n%2 into g: 按照n%2表达式的值对查询结果进行分组(0和0一组, 1和1 一组),并使用into子句创建临时标识符g。该临时标识符临时保存分组结果。
from sn in g:从g标识符指定的每一个分组中查询sn元素。
select sn:表示查询sn元素。

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arr = new int[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 var query = from n in arr 7 where n>1&& n<6 8 group n by n%2 into g 9 from sn in g 10 select sn; 11 foreach (var element in query) 12 Console.WriteLine(element); 13 Console.ReadKey(); 14 } 15 }
1.6, join子句
内部联接:元素的链接关系 必须同时满足两个数据源,类似于SQL语句中的inner join子句。
左外部联接:元素的链接关系必须满足联接中的左数据源,类似于SQL语句中的left join子句。
from a in arra:从arra数组中选择元素,并表示为a。
where a < 7: 从arra数组中选择小于7的元素
join b in arrb on a equals b: 将arra和arrb数组进行联接,同时满足a和b相等的条件。其中,b元素是arrb数组中的元素。
select a: 选择a元素。

1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 int[] arra = new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 6 int[] arrb = new int[]{0,2,4,6,8}; 7 var query = from a in arra 8 where a <7 9 join b in arrb on a equals b 10 select a; 11 foreach (var element in query) 12 Console.WriteLine(element); 13 Console.ReadKey(); 14 } 15 }
(2),使用Linq to XML查询XML文件
在Linq提出之前, 我们可以使用XPath来查询XML文件, 但是用XPath时必须首先知道XML文件的具体结构, 而使用Linq to XML则不需要知道这些.
而且Linq to XML的代码还更加简洁.

1 class Program 2 { 3 //初始化xml数据 4 private static string xmlString = 5 "<Persons>" + 6 "<Person Id = '1'>" + 7 "<Name>Barry Wang</Name>" + 8 "<Age>18</Age>" + 9 "</Person>" + 10 "<Person Id = '2'>" + 11 "<Name>Tony Jia</Name>" + 12 "<Age>20</Age>" + 13 "</Person>" + 14 "<Person Id = '3'>" + 15 "<Name>Anson Shen</Name>" + 16 "<Age>19</Age>" + 17 "</Person>" + 18 "</Persons>"; 19 20 21 static void Main(string[] args) 22 { 23 Console.WriteLine("使用Linq方法来对XML文件查询, 查询结果是: "); 24 UsingLinqLinqToXmlQuery(); 25 Console.ReadKey(); 26 } 27 28 //使用Linq来对XML文件进行查询 29 private static void UsingLinqLinqToXmlQuery() 30 { 31 //导入XML文件 32 XElement xmlDoc = XElement.Parse(xmlString); 33 34 //创建查询, 获取姓名为"李四"的元素 35 var queryResults = from element in xmlDoc.Elements("Person") 36 where element.Element("Name").Value == "Barry Wang" 37 select element; 38 39 //输出查询结果 40 foreach (var xele in queryResults) 41 { 42 Console.WriteLine("姓名为: " + xele.Element("Name").Value + "Id为: " + xele.Attribute("Id").Value); 43 } 44 } 45 }
Linq to DataSet其实都和Linq to Object 类似, 这里就不在讲解了.更多内容在以下两个链接:
Lambda表达式可以理解为一个匿名方法, 它可以包含表达式和语句, 并且用于创建委托或转换表达式树.
在使用Lambda表示式时, 都会使用"=>"运算符(读作goes to), 该运算符的左边是匿名方法的输入参数, 右边则是表达式或语句块.
from 临时变量 in 集合对象或数据库对象
where 条件表达式
[order by条件]
select 临时变量中被查询的值
[group by 条件]
(参数列表) => 表达式或者语句块

1 select * from student 2 Linq: 3 from s in Students 4 select s 5 Lambda: 6 Students.Select( s => s)
2 按条件查询全部:

1 select sname,ssex,class from student 2 Linq: 3 from s in Students 4 select new { 5 s.SNAME, 6 s.SSEX, 7 s.CLASS 8 } 9 Lambda: 10 Students.Select( s => new { 11 SNAME = s.SNAME,SSEX = s.SSEX,CLASS = s.CLASS 12 })
3.distinct 去掉重复的

1 select distinct depart from teacher 2 Linq: 3 from t in Teachers.Distinct() 4 select t.DEPART 5 Lambda: 6 Teachers.Distinct().Select( t => t.DEPART)
4.连接查询 between and

1 select * from score where degree between 60 and 80 2 Linq: 3 from s in Scores 4 where s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80 5 select s 6 Lambda: 7 Scores.Where( 8 s => ( 9 s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80 10 ) 11 )
5.在范围内筛选 In

1 select * from score where degree in (85,86,88) 2 Linq: 3 from s in Scores 4 where ( 5 new decimal[]{85,86,88} 6 ).Contains(s.DEGREE) 7 select s 8 Lambda: 9 Scores.Where( s => new Decimal[] {85,86,88}.Contains(s.DEGREE))
6.or 条件过滤

1 select * from student where class ='95031' or ssex= N'女' 2 Linq: 3 from s in Students 4 where s.CLASS == "95031" 5 || s.CLASS == "女" 6 select s 7 Lambda: 8 Students.Where(s => ( s.CLASS == "95031" || s.CLASS == "女"))

1 select * from student order by Class DESC 2 Linq: 3 from s in Students 4 orderby s.CLASS descending 5 select s 6 Lambda: 7 Students.OrderByDescending(s => s.CLASS)

1 select count(*) from student where class = '95031' 2 Linq: 3 ( from s in Students 4 where s.CLASS == "95031" 5 select s 6 ).Count() 7 Lambda: 8 Students.Where( s => s.CLASS == "95031" ) 9 .Select( s => s) 10 .Count()

1 select avg(degree) from score where cno = '3-105' 2 Linq: 3 ( 4 from s in Scores 5 where s.CNO == "3-105" 6 select s.DEGREE 7 ).Average() 8 Lambda: 9 Scores.Where( s => s.CNO == "3-105") 10 .Select( s => s.DEGREE).Average()

1 select distinct s.Sno,c.Cno from student as s,course as c ,score as sc 2 where s.sno=(select sno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score)) 3 and c.cno = (select cno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score)) 4 Linq: 5 ( 6 from s in Students 7 from c in Courses 8 from sc in Scores 9 let maxDegree = (from sss in Scores 10 select sss.DEGREE 11 ).Max() 12 let sno = (from ss in Scores 13 where ss.DEGREE == maxDegree 14 select ss.SNO).Single().ToString() 15 let cno = (from ssss in Scores 16 where ssss.DEGREE == maxDegree 17 select ssss.CNO).Single().ToString() 18 where s.SNO == sno && c.CNO == cno 19 select new { 20 s.SNO, 21 c.CNO 22 } 23 ).Distinct()
11.分组 过滤

1 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5 2 Linq: 3 from s in Scores 4 where s.CNO.StartsWith("3") 5 group s by s.CNO 6 into cc 7 where cc.Count() >= 5 8 select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) 9 Lambda: 10 Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") ) 11 .GroupBy( s => s.CNO ) 12 .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) ) 13 .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) ) 14 Linq: SqlMethod 15 like也可以这样写: 16 s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3")

1 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5 2 Linq: 3 from s in Scores 4 where s.CNO.StartsWith("3") 5 group s by s.CNO 6 into cc 7 where cc.Count() >= 5 8 select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) 9 Lambda: 10 Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") ) 11 .GroupBy( s => s.CNO ) 12 .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) ) 13 .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) ) 14 Linq: SqlMethod 15 like也可以这样写: 16 s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3")
13. 多表查询

1 select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.degree from course as c,score as sc where c.cno = sc.cno 2 Linq: 3 from c in Courses 4 join sc in Scores 5 on c.CNO equals sc.CNO 6 select new 7 { 8 sc.SNO,c.CNAME,sc.DEGREE 9 } 10 Lambda: 11 Courses.Join ( Scores, c => c.CNO, 12 sc => sc.CNO, 13 (c, sc) => new 14 { 15 SNO = sc.SNO, 16 CNAME = c.CNAME, 17 DEGREE = sc.DEGREE 18 })
感谢@浪子哥 给的建议, 现在加上两张表的关联多条件查询, 只有Linq和Lambda表达式
今天自己又参考园里大神的一些帖子自己写了一个两张表关联查询的Linq及Lambda表达式的Demo, 大家可以看下.
1 class Program 2 { 3 static void Main() 4 { 5 DataTable tableA = new DataTable(); 6 tableA.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); 7 tableA.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int)); 8 tableA.Columns.Add("Score", typeof(int)); 9 10 DataTable tableB = new DataTable(); 11 tableB.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); 12 tableB.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int)); 13 tableB.Columns.Add("Score", typeof(int)); 14 15 tableA.Rows.Add("Barry", 12, 60); 16 tableA.Rows.Add("Tony", 24, 70); 17 tableA.Rows.Add("Tom", 22, 80); 18 tableA.Rows.Add("Brad", 25, 90); 19 20 tableB.Rows.Add("Kitty", 12, 65); 21 tableB.Rows.Add("Tom", 27, 75); 22 tableB.Rows.Add("Jhon", 22, 85); 23 tableB.Rows.Add("Brad", 21, 95); 24 25 //单表查询 26 var singleQuery = tableA.AsEnumerable().Where(stu => stu.Field<int>("Age") > 20); 27 foreach (var item in singleQuery) 28 { 29 Console.WriteLine("Case 1 query result: Age {0}, Name {1}", item.Field<int>("Age"),
item.Field<string>("Name").ToString()); 30 } 31 32 //Linq:两张表的关联查询 33 var doubleQuery = from a in tableA.AsEnumerable() 34 from b in tableB.AsEnumerable() 35 where a.Field<string>("Name") == b.Field<string>("Name") && 36 a.Field<int>("Age") != b.Field<int>("Age") 37 orderby a.Field<string>("Name"), a.Field<int>("Score") 38 select new 39 { 40 Name = a.Field<string>("Name"), 41 A_Age = a.Field<int>("Age"), 42 B_Age = b.Field<int>("Age") 43 }; 44 foreach (var item in doubleQuery) 45 { 46 Console.WriteLine("Case 2 query result: Name {0}, tableA_Age {1}, tableB_Age {2}",
item.Name, item.A_Age, item.B_Age); 47 } 48 49 //Lambda:两张表的关联查询 50 var query = tableA.AsEnumerable() 51 .Join(tableB.AsEnumerable(), 52 a => a.Field<string>("Name"), 53 b => b.Field<string>("Name"), 54 (a, b) => new 55 { 56 a = a, 57 b = b 58 }) 59 .Where(c => (c.a.Field<int>("Age") != c.b.Field<int>("Age"))) 60 .OrderBy(d => d.a.Field<string>("Name")) 61 .ThenBy(e => e.a.Field<int>("Score")) 62 .Select(f => new 63 { 64 Name = f.a.Field<string>("Name"), 65 A_Age = f.a.Field<int>("Age"), 66 B_Age = f.b.Field<int>("Age"), 67 A_Score = f.a.Field<int>("Score"), 68 B_Score = f.a.Field<int>("Score") 69 }); 70 foreach (var item in query) 71 { 72 Console.WriteLine("Case 3 query result: Name {0}, tableA_Age {1}, tableB_Age {2}, tableA_Score {3},
tableB_Score {4}",item.Name, item.A_Age, item.B_Age, item.A_Score, item.B_Score);
73 } 74 Console.ReadKey(); 75 } 76 }
首先可以看出来, Lambda表达式对于这种多表多条件的查询写法的易读性明显没有Linq高, 所以 还是建议用Linq去写. 运行结果如下图:
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