Oracle 修改表 Alter Table...

ALTER TABLE Student add sex number(2);
ALTER TABLE Student drop column sex;
ALTER TABLE Student modify city number(2);
ALTER TABLE Student modify sex default 1;
ALTER TABLE Student add constraint stu_pk primary key(student_id);
ALTER TABLE Student add constraint stu_ref
foreign key(school) references school(schoolid);
ALTER TABLE Student modify sname not null;
ALTER TABLE Student add constraint check_stu_age check (age>10);
ALTER TABLE Student add constraint uqe_phone unique (phone);
ALTER TABLE Student drop constraint uqe_phone;
ALTER TABLE Student disable constraint uqe_phone;
ALTER TABLE Student enable constraint uqe_phone;
ALTER TABLE Student RENAME COLUMN phone TO phoneno
--表备注 Add comments to the table
comment on table STUDENT
is '学生';
--字段备注 Add comments to the columns
comment on column STUDENT.sname
is '姓名';

posted @ 2017-01-19 15:25  彩虹消失了  阅读(2087)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报