LeetCode 345 Reverse Vowels of a String
LeetCode 345 Reverse Vowels of a String
Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.
Example 1:
Given s = "hello", return "holle".
Example 2:
Given s = "leetcode", return "leotcede".
char* reverseVowels(char* s) { int n=strlen(s); char temp; int i=0; int j=n-1; while(j>i) { while(j>i && s[i]!='a' &&s[i]!='e' &&s[i]!='i' &&s[i]!='o' &&s[i]!='u'&& s[i]!='A' &&s[i]!='E' &&s[i]!='I' &&s[i]!='O' &&s[i]!='U') { i++; } while(j>i && s[j]!='a' &&s[j]!='e' &&s[j]!='i' &&s[j]!='o' &&s[j]!='u'&& s[j]!='A' &&s[j]!='E' &&s[j]!='I' &&s[j]!='O' &&s[j]!='U') { j--; } temp = s[i]; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = temp; i++; j--; } return s; }