
  1 <?php
  2 /*
  3  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
  4  * and open the template in the editor.
  5  */
  7 /**
  8  * 分页类
  9  * 使用方式:
 10  * $page = new Page();
 11  * $page->init(1000, 20);
 12  * $page->setNotActiveTemplate('<span> {a} </span>');
 13  * $page->setActiveTemplate('{a}');
 14  * echo $page->show();
 15  * 
 16  * 
 17  * @author 风居住的地方
 18  */
 19 class Page {
 20   /**
 21    * 总条数
 22    */
 23   private $total;
 24   /**
 25    * 每页大小
 26    */
 27   private $pageSize;
 28   /**
 29    * 总页数
 30    */
 31   private $pageNum;
 32   /**
 33    * 当前页
 34    */
 35   private $page;
 36   /**
 37    * 地址
 38    */
 39   private $uri;
 40   /**
 41    * 分页变量
 42    */
 43   private $pageParam;
 44   /**
 45    * LIMIT XX,XX
 46    */
 47   private $limit;
 48   /**
 49    * 数字分页显示
 50    */
 51   private $listnum = 8;
 52   /**
 53    * 分页显示模板
 54    * 可用变量参数
 55    * {total}   总数据条数
 56    * {pagesize}  每页显示条数
 57    * {start}   本页开始条数
 58    * {end}    本页结束条数
 59    * {pagenum}  共有多少页
 60    * {frist}   首页
 61    * {pre}    上一页
 62    * {next}    下一页
 63    * {last}    尾页
 64    * {list}    数字分页
 65    * {goto}    跳转按钮
 66    */
 67   private $template = '<div><span>共有{total}条数据</span><span>每页显示{pagesize}条数据</span>,<span>本页{start}-{end}条数据</span><span>共有{pagenum}页</span><ul>{frist}{pre}{list}{next}{last}{goto}</ul></div>';
 68   /**
 69    * 当前选中的分页链接模板
 70    */
 71   private $activeTemplate = '<li class="active"><a href="javascript:;">{text}</a></li>';
 72   /**
 73    * 未选中的分页链接模板
 74    */
 75   private $notActiveTemplate = '<li><a href="{url}">{text}</a></li>';
 76   /**
 77    * 显示文本设置
 78    */
 79   private $config = array('frist' => '首页', 'pre' => '上一页', 'next' => '下一页', 'last' => '尾页');
 80   /**
 81    * 初始化
 82    * @param type $total    总条数
 83    * @param type $pageSize  每页大小
 84    * @param type $param    url附加参数
 85    * @param type $pageParam  分页变量
 86    */
 87   public function init($total, $pageSize, $param = '', $pageParam = 'page') {
 88     $this->total = intval($total);
 89     $this->pageSize = intval($pageSize);
 90     $this->pageParam = $pageParam;
 91     $this->uri = $this->geturi($param);
 92     $this->pageNum = ceil($this->total / $this->pageSize);
 93     $this->page = $this->setPage();
 94     $this->limit = $this->setlimit();
 95   }
 97   /**
 98    * 设置分页模板
 99    * @param type $template  模板配置
100    */
101   public function setTemplate($template) {
102     $this->template = $template;
103   }
105   /**
106    * 设置选中分页模板
107    * @param type $activeTemplate   模板配置
108    */
109   public function setActiveTemplate($activeTemplate) {
110     $this->activeTemplate = $activeTemplate;
111   }
113   /**
114    * 设置未选中分页模板
115    * @param type $notActiveTemplate  模板配置
116    */
117   public function setNotActiveTemplate($notActiveTemplate) {
118     $this->notActiveTemplate = $notActiveTemplate;
119   }
121   /**
122    * 返回分页
123    * @return type
124    */
125   public function show() {
126     return str_ireplace(array(
127       '{total}',
128       '{pagesize}',
129       '{start}',
130       '{end}',
131       '{pagenum}',
132       '{frist}',
133       '{pre}',
134       '{next}',
135       '{last}',
136       '{list}',
137       '{goto}',
138     ), array(
139       $this->total,
140       $this->setPageSize(),
141       $this->star(),
142       $this->end(),
143       $this->pageNum,
144       $this->frist(),
145       $this->prev(),
146       $this->next(),
147       $this->last(),
148       $this->pagelist(),
149       $this->gopage(),
150     ), $this->template);
151   }
153   /**
154    * 获取limit起始数
155    * @return type
156    */
157   public function getOffset() {
158     return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize;
159   }
161   /**
162    * 设置LIMIT
163    * @return type
164    */
165   private function setlimit() {
166     return "limit " . ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize . ",{$this->pageSize}";
167   }
169   /**
170    * 获取limit
171    * @param type $args
172    * @return type
173    */
174   public function __get($args) {
175     if ($args == "limit") {
176       return $this->limit;
177     } else {
178       return null;
179     }
180   }
182   /**
183    * 初始化当前页
184    * @return int
185    */
186   private function setPage() {
187     if (!empty($_GET[$this->pageParam])) {
188       if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > 0) {
189         if ($_GET[$this->pageParam] > $this->pageNum)
190           return $this->pageNum;
191         else
192           return $_GET[$this->pageParam];
193       }
194     }
195     return 1;
196   }
198   /**
199    * 初始化url
200    * @param type $param
201    * @return string
202    */
203   private function geturi($param) {
204     $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") ? "" : "?") . $param;
205     $parse = parse_url($url);
206     if (isset($parse["query"])) {
207       parse_str($parse["query"], $params);
208       unset($params["page"]);
209       $url = $parse["path"] . "?" . http_build_query($params);
210       return $url;
211     } else {
212       return $url;
213     }
214   }
216   /**
217    * 本页开始条数
218    * @return int
219    */
220   private function star() {
221     if ($this->total == 0) {
222       return 0;
223     } else {
224       return ($this->page - 1) * $this->pageSize + 1;
225     }
226   }
228   /**
229    * 本页结束条数
230    * @return type
231    */
232   private function end() {
233     return min($this->page * $this->pageSize, $this->total);
234   }
236   /**
237    * 设置当前页大小
238    * @return type
239    */
240   private function setPageSize() {
241     return $this->end() - $this->star() + 1;
242   }
244   /**
245    * 首页
246    * @return type
247    */
248   private function frist() {
249     $html = '';
250     if ($this->page == 1) {
251       $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config['frist'], true);
252     } else {
253       $html .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page=1", $this->config['frist'], false);
254     }
255     return $html;
256   }
258   /**
259    * 上一页
260    * @return type
261    */
262   private function prev() {
263     $html = '';
264     if ($this->page > 1) {
265       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page - 1), $this->config['pre'], false);
266     } else {
267       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page - 1), $this->config['pre'], true);
268     }
269     return $html;
270   }
272   /**
273    * 分页数字列表
274    * @return type
275    */
276   private function pagelist() {
277     $linkpage = "";
278     $lastlist = floor($this->listnum / 2);
279     for ($i = $lastlist; $i >= 1; $i--) {
280       $page = $this->page - $i;
281       if ($page >= 1) {
282         $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false);
283       } else {
284         continue;
285       }
286     }
287     $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$this->page}", $this->page, true);
288     for ($i = 1; $i <= $lastlist; $i++) {
289       $page = $this->page + $i;
290       if ($page <= $this->pageNum) {
291         $linkpage .= $this->replace("{$this->uri}&page={$page}", $page, false);
292       } else {
293         break;
294       }
295     }
296     return $linkpage;
297   }
299   /**
300    * 下一页
301    * @return type
302    */
303   private function next() {
304     $html = '';
305     if ($this->page < $this->pageNum) {
306       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page + 1), $this->config['next'], false);
307     } else {
308       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->page + 1), $this->config['next'], true);
309     }
310     return $html;
311   }
313   /**
314    * 最后一页
315    * @return type
316    */
317   private function last() {
318     $html = '';
319     if ($this->page == $this->pageNum) {
320       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->pageNum), $this->config['last'], true);
321     } else {
322       $html .= $this->replace($this->uri.'&page='.($this->pageNum), $this->config['last'], false);
323     }
324     return $html;
325   }
327   /**
328    * 跳转按钮
329    * @return string
330    */
331   private function gopage() {
332     $html = '';
333     $html.=' <input type="text" value="' . $this->page . '" onkeydown="javascript:if(event.keyCode==13){var page=(this.value>' . $this->pageNum . ')?' . $this->pageNum . ':this.value;location=\'' . $this->uri . '&page=\'+page+\'\'}" style="width:25px;"/><input type="button" onclick="javascript:var page=(this.previousSibling.value>' . $this->pageNum . ')?' . $this->pageNum . ':this.previousSibling.value;location=\'' . $this->uri . '&page=\'+page+\'\'" value="GO"/>';
334     return $html;
335   }
337   /**
338    * 模板替换
339    * @param type $replace   替换内容
340    * @param type $result   条件
341    * @return type
342    */
343   private function replace($url, $text, $result = true) {
344     $template = ($result ? $this->activeTemplate : $this->notActiveTemplate);
346      $html = str_replace('{url}', $url, $template);
347      $html = str_replace('{text}', $text, $html);
348     return $html;
349   }
350 }
  1 <?php
  2 /*
  3  *本程序文件对分页程序进行了封装
  4  *
  5 */
  7 class Page_Link
  8 {
  9   var $page_max = 10; //一组页码的最大数
 11   var $page_num = 10; //总页数
 12   var $length = 20; //一页的数据条数
 14   var $isNextPage = true;
 15   var $isFirstPage = false;
 17   function Calculation_Page_Num( $total )
 18   {
 19     $this->page_num = ceil( $total / $this->length );
 20     return $this->page_num;
 21   }
 23   function Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page = 1 )
 24   {
 25     // 定义左右偏移量
 26     $py_left = 0;
 27     $py_right = 0;
 28     // 定义左右边界
 29     $bj_left = 0;
 30     $bj_right = 0;
 31     // 定义滚动区间边界
 32     $gd_left = 0;
 33     $gd_right = 0;
 34     // 判断是否需要分组
 35     if ( ( $this->page_num - $this->page_max ) <= 0 )
 36     {
 37       // 不需要分组
 38       $bj_left = 1;
 39       $bj_right = $this->page_num;
 40     }
 41     else
 42     {
 43       // 要进行分组
 44       // 判断容量的奇偶
 45       $tmp = $this->page_max % 2;
 46       if ( $tmp === 1 )
 47       {
 48         // 奇数
 49         $py_left = $py_right = ( $this->page_max - 1 ) / 2;
 50       }
 51       else
 52       {
 53         // 偶数
 54         $py_left = $this->page_max / 2 - 1;
 55         $py_right = $this->page_max / 2;
 56       }
 57       // 计算滚动区间
 58       $gd_left = 1 + $py_left;
 59       $gd_right = $this->page_num - $py_right;
 60       // 判断当前页是否落入了滚动区间
 61       if ( $act_page >= $gd_left && $act_page <= $gd_right )
 62       {
 63         // 区间内
 64         $bj_left = $act_page - $py_left;
 65         $bj_right = $act_page + $py_right;
 66       }
 67       else
 68       {
 69         // 区间外
 70         if ( ( $act_page - $py_left ) <= 1 )
 71         {
 72           // 左侧固定区间
 73           $bj_left = 1;
 74           $bj_right = $this->page_max;
 75         }
 76         else
 77         {
 78           $bj_left = $this->page_num - $this->page_max + 1;
 79           $bj_right = $this->page_num;
 80         }
 81       }
 82     }
 84     $res = array();
 85     $res['min'] = $bj_left;
 86     $res['max'] = $bj_right;
 88     return $res;
 90   }
 91   // 主方法
 92   function make_page( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
 93   {
 94     $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
 95     $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
 97     if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
 98       $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
 99       $url = $url."$param=0";
100     }
102     if ( $act_page > $page_num )
103     {
104       $act_page = $page_num;
105     }
106     // 用正则把url改成正规的
107     $url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
109     $res = array();
110     $d = 0;
111     for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
112     {
113       if ( $i == $act_page )
114       {
115         $res[$d]['url'] = '';
116         $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
117         $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
118       }
119       else
120       {
121         $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
122         $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
123         $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
124       }
125       $d++;
126     }
128     if ( $this->isNextPage )
129     {
130       $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
131     }
132     if ( $this->isFirstPage )
133     {
134       $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
135     }
136     return $res;
137   }
138   //// 带总页数
139   function make_page_with_total( $total, $act_page, $url, $param )
140   {
141     $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );
142     $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );
144     if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
145       $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
146       $url = $url."$param=0";
147     }
149     if ( $act_page > $page_num )
150     {
151       $act_page = $page_num;
152     }
153     // 用正则把url改成正规的
154     $url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
156     $res = array();
157     $d = 0;
158     for( $i = $arr_min_max['min'];$i <= $arr_min_max['max'];$i++ )
159     {
160       if ( $i == $act_page )
161       {
162         $res[$d]['url'] = '';
163         $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
164         $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
165       }
166       else
167       {
168         $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
169         $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
170         $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
171       }
172       $d++;
173     }
175     if ( $this->isNextPage )
176     {
177       $res = $this->make_before_next_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
178     }
179     if ( $this->isFirstPage )
180     {
181       $res = $this->make_first_end_link( $res, $act_page, $url, $param );
182     }
184     $total_num= ceil($total/$this->length);
185     $result['total']=$total_num;
186     $result['DATA']=$res;
187     return $result;
188   }
190   // 附加上一页和下一页
191   function make_before_next_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
192   {
193     $tmp = array();
195     $before = $act - 1;
196     $next = $act + 1;
198     if ( $before < 1 )
199     {
200       $before = 1;
201       $tmp[0]['url'] = '';
202       $tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
203       $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
204     }
205     else
206     {
207       $tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
208       $tmp[0]['name'] = "上一页";
209       $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
210     }
212     $counts = sizeof( $arr );
213     $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
214     for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
215     {
216       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
217       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
218       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
219       $tmp_count++;
220     }
222     if ( $next > $this->page_num )
223     {
224       $next = $this->page_num;
225       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
226       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
227       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
228     }
229     else
230     {
231       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
232       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "下一页";
233       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
234     }
236     return $tmp;
237   }
239   // 附加首页和尾页
240   function make_first_end_link( $arr, $act, $url, $param )
241   {
242     $tmp = array();
244     $before = 1;
245     $next = $this->page_num;
247     if ( $act == 1 )
248     {
249       $before = 1;
250       $tmp[0]['url'] = '';
251       $tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
252       $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
253     }
254     else
255     {
256       $tmp[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $before, $url );
257       $tmp[0]['name'] = "首页";
258       $tmp[0]['no'] = $before;
259     }
261     $counts = sizeof( $arr );
262     $tmp_count = sizeof( $tmp );
263     for( $i = 0;$i < $counts;$i++ )
264     {
265       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = $arr[$i]['url'];
266       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = $arr[$i]['name'];
267       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $arr[$i]['no'];
268       $tmp_count++;
269     }
271     if ( $act == $this->page_num )
272     {
273       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = '';
274       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
275       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
276     }
277     else
278     {
279       $tmp[$tmp_count]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $next, $url );
280       $tmp[$tmp_count]['name'] = "尾页";
281       $tmp[$tmp_count]['no'] = $next;
282     }
284     return $tmp;
285   }
288   /**
289    * 带上一页<,下一页>,省略号的分页
290    * @param int $total    记录总条数
291    * @param int $act_page    当前页码
292    * @param string $url    url
293    * @param int $maxpageicon  最大显示页码数
294    * @param int $style    上一页,下一页显示样式
295    * @param string $param    url参数
296    */
297   function make_page_with_points( $total,$act_page,$url,$maxpageicon,$style,$param )
298   {
299     $page_num = $this->Calculation_Page_Num( $total );    //总页数
300     $arr_min_max = $this->Calculation_Min_Max( $act_page );    //最大页,最小页  
301     if($total==0)
302     {
303        return "";
305     }
306     if( $act_page > $page_num )
307     {
308       $act_page = $page_num+1;
309       $page_num = $page_num+1;
310     }
312     switch ($style){
313       case 1:
314         $name_before = '前一页';
315         $name_next = '后一页';
316         break;
317       case 2:
318         $name_before = '<';
319         $name_next = '>';
320         break;
321       case 3:
322         $name_before = '<<';
323         $name_next = '>>';
324         break;
325       default:
326         $name_before = '上一页';
327         $name_next = '下一页';
328     }
330     if (!eregi("([?|&]$param=)", $url)) {
331       $url = strpos($url,"?")===false?$url."?":$url."&";
332       $url = $url."$param=0";
333     }
335     // 用正则把url改成正规的
336     $url = eregi_replace( $param . '=[0-9]+', $param . '=0', $url );
337     $res = array();
338     $no_before = $act_page-1;
339     $no_next = $act_page+1;
341     //总页数如果小于等于初始化最大呈现页数
342     if ($page_num<= ($maxpageicon + 1))
343     {
344       //如果当前页数是首页 上一页无效
345       if ($act_page == 1)  
346       {
347         $res[0]['url'] = '';
348         $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
349         $res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
350       }
351       else      //上一页有效
352       {
353         $res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
354         $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
355         $res[0]['no'] = $no_before; 
356       }
357       //循环添加页码
358       $d = 1;
359       for ($i = 1; $i <= $page_num; $i++)
360       {
361         if ($i != $act_page)
362         {
363           $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
364           $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
365           $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
366         }
367         else  //当前页,页码
368         {
369           $res[$d]['url'] = '';
370           $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
371           $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
372           $res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
373         }
374         $d++;
375       }
376       $last_d = count($res);
377       //判断尾页
378       if($act_page == $page_num)  //下一页无效
379       {
380         $res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
381         $res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
382         $res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;    
383       }
384       else
385       {
386          $res[$last_d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page + 1), $url );
387         $res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
388         $res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
389       }
390     }else if ($page_num > ($maxpageicon + 1))//如果总页数满足添加省略号
391     { 
392       if ($act_page <= $maxpageicon) //如果当前页小于等于初始化数目
393       {
394         //如果当前页数是首页 上一页无效
395         if ($act_page == 1)  
396         {
397           $res[0]['url'] = '';
398           $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
399           $res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
400         }
401         else      //上一页有效
402         {
403           $res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
404           $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
405           $res[0]['no'] = $no_before; 
406         }
407         //循环添加页码
408         $d = 1;
409         for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxpageicon; $i++)
410         {
411           if ($i != $act_page)
412           {
413             $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
414             $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
415             $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
416           }
417           else  //当前页,页码
418           {
419             $res[$d]['url'] = '';
420             $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
421             $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
422             $res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
423           }
424           $d++;
425         }
426         $last_d = count($res);
427         //添加省略号
428         $res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
429         $res[$last_d]['name'] = '...';
430         $res[$last_d]['no'] = '';
431         //总页数
432         $res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $page_num, $url );
433         $res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $page_num;
434         $res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $page_num;
435         //下一页
436         $res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . ($act_page + 1), $url );
437         $res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $name_next;
438         $res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $no_next;     
439       }else//如果当前页大于最大显示页面
440       {
441         if ($act_page > ($page_num - $maxpageicon))//满足后几页
442         {
443           //上一页
444           $res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
445           $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
446           $res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
447           //第一页
448           $res[1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=1', $url );
449           $res[1]['name'] = 1;
450           $res[1]['no'] = 1;  
451           //省略号
452           $res[2]['url'] = '';
453           $res[2]['name'] = '...';
454           $res[2]['no'] = ''; 
455           $d = 3;
456           for ($i = ($page_num - $maxpageicon + 1); $i <= $page_num; $i++)
457           {
458             if ($i != $act_page)
459             {
460               $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
461               $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
462               $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
463             }
464             else  //当前页,页码
465             {
466               $res[$d]['url'] = '';
467               $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
468               $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
469               $res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
470             }
471             $d++;
472           }
473           $last_d = count($res);
474           //判断尾页
475           if($act_page == $page_num)  //下一页无效
476           {
477              $res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
478             $res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
479             $res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;    
480           }
481           else
482           {
483              $res[$last_d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page + 1), $url );
484             $res[$last_d]['name'] = $name_next;
485             $res[$last_d]['no'] = $no_next;
486           }
488         }else//满足处在中间
489         {
490           //上一页
491           $res[0]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' .($act_page - 1), $url );
492           $res[0]['name'] = $name_before;
493           $res[0]['no'] = $no_before;
494           //第一页
495           $res[1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=1', $url );
496           $res[1]['name'] = 1;
497           $res[1]['no'] = 1;  
498           //省略号
499           $res[2]['url'] = '';
500           $res[2]['name'] = '...';
501           $res[2]['no'] = ''; 
502           for ($i = ($act_page - ($maxpageicon - 2) / 2); $i <= floor($act_page+($maxpageicon - 2) / 2); $i++)
503           {
504             $i = ceil($i);
505             if ($i != $act_page)
506             {
507               $res[$d]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $i, $url );
508               $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
509               $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
510             }
511             else  //当前页,页码
512             {
513               $res[$d]['url'] = '';
514               $res[$d]['name'] = $i;
515               $res[$d]['no'] = $i;
516               $res[$d]['attr'] = 'current';
517             }
518             $d++;
519           }
520           $last_d = count($res);
521           //加省略号
522           $res[$last_d]['url'] = '';
523           $res[$last_d]['name'] = '...';
524           $res[$last_d]['no'] = '';
525           //当前页
526           $res[$last_d+1]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . $page_num, $url );
527           $res[$last_d+1]['name'] = $page_num;
528           $res[$last_d+1]['no'] = $page_num;    
529           //下一页
530           $res[$last_d+2]['url'] = str_replace( $param . '=0', $param . '=' . ($act_page + 1), $url );
531           $res[$last_d+2]['name'] = $name_next;
532           $res[$last_d+2]['no'] = $no_next;
533           //exit;  
534          }
535       }
536     }
537     return $res;
538   }
539 }
541 ?>


posted @ 2017-11-27 13:11  huohuohiahia  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报