oracle 实现在Mybatis中批量插入,下面测试可以使用,在批量插入中不能使用insert 标签,只能使用select标签进行批量插入,否则会提示错误
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正确结束 ; bad SQL grammar []; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL 命令未正确结束
- 批量插入方式一
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="com.attence.attence.dao.AttenceDao"> <resultMap id="Attence" type="Attence"> <id column="ATTENCEKEY" property="attenceKey"/> <result column="EPC" property="epc"/> <result column="ANT" property="ant"/> <result column="RSSI" property="rssi"/> <result column="DEVICE" property="device"/> <result column="CRC" property="crc"/> <result column="BCC" property="bcc"/> <result column="DATETIME" property="dateTime" /> </resultMap> <select id="insertAttence" parameterType="List"> INSERT ALL <foreach collection="list" item="attence" index="index" separator=""> into Attence( attenceKey, epc, ant, rssi, device, crc, bcc, dateTime ) values ( #{}, #{attence.epc}, #{attence.ant}, #{attence.rssi}, #{attence.device}, #{attence.crc}, #{attence.bcc}, #{attence.dateTime} ) </foreach> SELECT * FROM dual </select> </mapper>
- 批量插入方式二
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="com.attence.attence.dao.AttenceDao"> <resultMap id="Attence" type="Attence"> <id column="ATTENCEKEY" property="attenceKey"/> <result column="EPC" property="epc"/> <result column="ANT" property="ant"/> <result column="RSSI" property="rssi"/> <result column="DEVICE" property="device"/> <result column="CRC" property="crc"/> <result column="BCC" property="bcc"/> <result column="DATETIME" property="dateTime" /> </resultMap> <insert id="insertAttence" parameterType="java.util.List"> insert into Attence( attenceKey, epc, ant, rssi, device, crc, bcc, dateTime ) Select SEQ_ATTENCE.NEXTVAL,a.* From ( <foreach collection="list" item="attence" index="index" separator="union all"> ( Select #{attence.epc}, #{attence.ant}, #{attence.rssi}, #{attence.device}, #{attence.crc}, #{attence.bcc}, #{attence.dateTime} From dual ) </foreach> ) </insert> </mapper>
同时由于使用oracle的自增加序列,无法联合union all使用,会提示错误,必须加上select语句进行进一步封装。
- 传递包含有数组参数的多参数HashMap实现批量插入
<select id="insertGuideVideoList" parameterType="HashMap"> insert into Guide_Video( id, guideId, videoId ) Select SEQ_Guide_Video.NEXTVAL ,#{guideId}, video.* From( <foreach collection="arrGuideVideo" item="videoId" index="index" separator="union all"> Select #{videoId} videoId From dual </foreach> )video </select>
- 实现批量更新
<update id="updateTest" parameterType="Test"> Begin Update TST_TEST <set> <if test="test.testName != null and test.testName!= ''"> TESTNAME = #{test.testName}, </if> <if test="test.gatherKey != null and test.gatherKey!= ''"> GATHERKEY = #{test.gatherKey}, </if> <if test="test.subjectKey != null and test.subjectKey!= ''"> SUBJECTKEY = #{test.subjectKey}, </if> <if test="test.gradeKey != null and test.gradeKey!= ''"> GRADEKEY = #{test.gradeKey}, </if> <if test="test.answerCount != null and test.answerCount!= ''"> answerCount = #{test.answerCount}, </if> <if test="test.answerEndTime != null and test.answerEndTime!= ''"> answerEndTime = #{test.answerEndTime}, </if> <if test="test.answerTimeLength != null and test.answerTimeLength!= ''"> answerTimeLength = #{test.answerTimeLength}, </if> </set> Where testKey = #{testKey} End; </update>
实现批量更新实际上就是 生成oracle语句的代码块,然后jdbc执行sql语句。
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