Celery with FastAPI and TortoiseORM
API server using: fastapi+tortoise-orm+postgresql+redis+supervisor+nginx
There are some period tasks and async tasks that will run in celery+rabbitmq
- init.py
from .celery import app as celery_app # NOQA
__all_ = ("celery_app",)
- celery.py
import asyncio
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Coroutine
from celery import Celery
from celery.schedules import crontab
from celery.signals import worker_ready
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from .settings import CELERY_ROOT, broker_url
FTP_PASSWD = os.environ["FTP_PASSWD"]
except KeyError as e:
print(e, "请先配置环境变量或.env文件")
CALLBACK_KEY_PREFIX = "celery__callback__"
ORDER_NUM_NOTIFIED_KEY = "__notify__order_num="
IS_TEST_SERVER = str(CELERY_ROOT).startswith("/home/ubuntu")
host_name = CELERY_ROOT.name
app = Celery(host_name, broker=broker_url)
def get_result(task_id: str) -> Any:
return app.AsyncResult(task_id).result
def run_async(coro: Coroutine, initdb: bool = True) -> Any:
if initdb:
# 当时celery还是4.x版本,不太支持异步
# 所以db操作是通过发HTTP请求给fastapi来实现的
raise Exception("Not support db operation yet!")
return asyncio.run(coro)
def run_raw_async(coro: Coroutine) -> Any:
"""同步的方式运行异步函数, 但不初始数据库, 适用于无SQL操作的情况"""
return run_async(coro, False)
def do_query(mchid: str, order_num: str, cached_key: str) -> None:
run_raw_async(query_pay_result(mchid, order_num, cached_key))
def do_transfer_notify(r: dict, cached_key: str) -> None:
run_raw_async(transfer_notify(r, cached_key, is_notified=True))
def run_shell(cmd, echo: bool = True):
"""打印要执行的命令, 并返回命令执行的结果"""
if echo:
print("--> " + cmd)
with os.popen(cmd) as p:
return p.read()
def print_git_info(**kwargs):
cmd = "git log -1 --stat"
print(run_shell(cmd)) # 因为配置了supervisor,所以直接用print即可(当然也可以用logger.info)
if "nothing to commit, working tree clean" not in run_shell("git status", False):
print("Code already changed after last commit...\n")
print(run_shell("git diff"))
"run-everyday": {
"task": f"{Path(__file__).parent.name}.celery.update_check_data",
# 每天09:20(生产服是9:25)启动定时任务
"schedule": crontab(minute=20 if IS_TEST_SERVER else 25, hour=9),
def update_check_data() -> None:
# This is a period task, and also can be run by xxx.delay()
- settings.py
from pathlib import Path
CELERY_ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
# celery
broker_url = f"amqp://waket:123456@localhost:5672/{CELERY_ROOT.name}"
result_backend = "redis://localhost:6379/1"
task_serializer = "msgpack"
result_serializer = "json"
task_result_expires = 60 * 60 * 24
accept_content = ["json", "msgpack"]
timezone = "Asia/Shanghai"
enable_utc = False
REDIS_HOST = "localhost"
- routers/foo.py
from <project_name>.celery import do_transfer_notify
@router.post("", include_in_schema=False)
async def fine_thank_you(request: Request):
data = await request.json()
rv = do_transfer_notify.delay(data)
return dict(data=data, rv=rv, ip=get_client_ip(request))