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1. Every control on pages should accord to design exactly.
2. Every hyperlink should link to right page. No error pages.
3. All buttons should work well.
4. There is no isolated pages on server that no hyperlink or code can access to.
5. Click “Back” or “Forward” button on IE, make sure the pages shows well or expired as design and no malfunction. 
6. For hardcode page, make sure page style is consistent with the system frame design, except some special design.

Data Input
1. Enter data in all input controls, like textbox, checkbox, radio Button, etc. to make sure data can be saved and retrieved correctly.
2. If the record inputted by popup, it should shows correctly. Get dropped back into a meaningful location after the popup is closed.
3. Every deletion operation should have confirmed deleting dialog.
4. For required field, make sure error message shows up when submit without enter data and focus to that field for data re-enter.
5. For textbox / textarea / richtext, try to enter a very long string to make there is a max length validation.
6. For textbox, try to enter all kinds of characters to make sure system can handle, save and display them correctly.
7. For textbox, check  data validation applied properly.(Like Email and Phone number)
8. For mask field, make sure mask control work properly.
9. For datetime / date / time field, try enter different datetime /date/time format and very small and larget datetime/date/time to make sure system can handle, save, display, and use in search correctly.
10. For datetimes, check if there is certain rules applied(some date must later or earlier than some date)
11. For numeric field, make sure only valid numeric format is acceptable, try to enter a very small and large number to make sure data can be handled and displayed correctly.
12. For page, auto focus on the first inputable control. In multisection, auto focus the first inputable control for the new added area after click “+”.
13. For textbox/textarea/richtext, use suitable control size for each field.
14. The controls should have  proper default value if it’s necessary.  And it can be saved correctly.
15. For page, Check all background color if had for textbox is same.
16. For dropdownlist, check if the items list completely. Or if some relation between 2 or 3 dropdownlist(some dropdown list items depends on the selection of other dropdownlist), check if their relation worked very well.

Search & List
1. For search page, try to search with every criterion.
2. For search page, try to search with some criteria combine and all criteria to make sure all be used in search SQL statement and displayed in criteria section of the result list page.
3. For list page, make sure can sort on any column if sorting offered, can display the maximum allowed records, and can go to the last page.
4. For each list (with multiple columns), confirm it has correct default sorting.

Hot keys
1. Hot key should apply as designed.
2. Hotkey should not conflict with System hotkeys/IE hotkeys etc.
3. Use “tab” to see if every field can be tabbed into according the sequence.
4. “Esc” and “Enter” works as the users expect?


Hint/ Warning and Message
1. Make sure the users can find help via hyperlink or functional key like F1
2. Make sure the hint tag of every control is right
3. For page, check all alert messages to make sure it’s spelling are correct.
4. If some error happens, make sure the warning message is meaningful to users.

Work Flow
1. Work steps move as expected.
2. Log in with different roles and users make sure the inboxes as expected.
3. If work step is over, the corresponding inbox tasks should be removed.
4. If it supports Email-remind, does the Email write with right content?
5. If the task is assigned to a team, the team approving business rule is applied well with this task?
6. If a work flow task ends, does it handled properly?

Document generation
1. Correct document return with correct format and right data.
2. Special characters should not cause problem.
3. Document should print correctly.
4. Document should save correctly.
5. Required reports present with expected results.

1. If user can visit pages without login?
2. If the pages can prevent SQL injection
3. Session expire time set properly?
4. Information stored in Cookie has encrypted properly?
5. If the password or some confidential information stored in database encrypted properly?
6. IIS security setting is well?


posted on 2010-04-15 12:15  炭炭  阅读(455)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报