enyo官方开发入门教程翻译一Key Concepts之Object Lifecycle

Object Lifecycle

Lifecycle Methods in Enyo

A Trivial Kind


1 var MyKind = enyo.kind({
2     kind: null, // otherwise it will default to 'Control'
3     constructor: function() {
4         // do any initialization tasks
5     }
6 });



     myInstance = new MyKind();


     注意:尽管ComponentControl 类型的kind有一些高级特性,enyo.kind()本身非常简单。

     Inheritance: this.inherited()


 1 var MyNextKind = enyo.kind({
 2     kind: MyKind,
 3     constructor: function() {
 4         // do any initialization tasks before MyKind initializes
 5         //
 6         // do inherited initialization (optional, but usually a good idea)
 7         this.inherited(arguments);
 8         //
 9         // do any initialization tasks after MyKind initializes
10     }
11 });





     MyKind.prototype.<method name>.apply(this, arguments);


Components: create() and destroy()

     如上所述,所有的kind都有构造方法。Component kind添加了一些新的生命周期方法,主要是create()destroy()

 1 var myComponent = enyo.kind({
 2     kind: enyo.Component,
 3     constructor: function() {
 4         // low-level or esoteric initialization, usually not needed at all
 5         this.inherited(arguments);
 6     },
 7     create: function() {
 8         // create is called *after* the constructor chain is finished
 9         this.inherited(arguments);
10         // this.$ hash available only *after* calling inherited create
11     },
12     destroy: function() {
13         // do inherited teardown
14         this.inherited(arguments);
15     }
16 });




     Create()方法的另一个重要特性是 在Component.create()方法执行后this.$ hash值就可用了。这意味着你重写create()一般是用来初始化自定义component的

1 components: [
2     {kind: "MyWorker"}
3 ],
4 create: function() {
5     this.inherited(arguments);
6     // put MyWorker to work
7     this.$.myWorker.work();
8 }




1 destroy: function() {
2     // stop MyWorker from working
3     this.$.myWorker.stop();
4     // standard cleanup
5     this.inherited(arguments);
6     // this.$ hash is empty now
7 }



Controls: hasNode() and rendered()



     this.$.control.applyStyle("color", "blue");




1 rendered: function() {
2     // important! must call the inherited method
3     this.inherited(arguments);  
4     // this is the first moment bounds are available
5     this.firstBounds = this.getBounds();
6 }




1 twiddle: function() {
2     if (this.hasNode()) {
3         buffNode(this.node); // buffNode is made-up
4     }
5 }



1 rendered: function() {
2     this.inherited(arguments); // important! must call the inherited method
3     if (this.hasNode()) {
4         buffNode(this.node);
5     }
6 });


When Controls Are Rendered



 1 updateControls: function() {
 2     // destroy controls we made last time 
 3     // ('destroyClientControls' destroys only dynamic controls;
 4     // 'destroyControls' destroys everything)
 5     this.destroyClientControls(); 
 6     // create new controls
 7     for (var i=0; i<this.count; i++) {
 8         // created but not rendered
 9         this.createComponent({kind: "myCoolControl", index: i});
10     }
11     // render everything in one shot
12     this.render();
13 });



A Note About Kind Names


var MyKind = enyo.kind(...);



    name: "MyKind"





1 var foo = {
2     kinds: {
3         MyKind: enyo.kind(...);     
4     }
5 }




1 enyo.kind({
2     name: "foo.kinds.MyKind",
3     ...
4 });




posted @ 2013-01-09 20:31  外卖  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报