2)可以对指定git cmmit提交的代码进行UT覆盖率检查;
为实现如上需求,开发了一个ut_incremental_check.py 工具。其在jenkins集成的效果截图如下:
图一:每次构建后生成新增代码UT覆盖率报告:Unittest - incremental code coverage report
图三:点击具体的uncovered line行号可以直接“电梯”直达到本行代码位置进行查看
<since>..<until>:指定git commit SHA范围
$ ./ut_incremental_check.py
calculate UT coverage of git commits' new codeUSAGE:
./ut_incremental_check.py <since>..<until> <monitor_c_files> <lcov_dir> <threshold>
./ut_incremental_check.py "227b032..79196ba" '["source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource"]' "coverage" 0.6WORK PROCESS:
get changed file list between <since> and <until> , filter by <monitor_c_files> options;
get changed lines per changed file;
based on <lcov_dir>, search .gcov.html per file, and get uncover lines;
create report file:ut_incremental_check_report.html and check <threshold> (cover lines/new lines).UT:
./ut_incremental_check.py ut
jenkins job shell命令示例:
# 运行UT(CppUTest需要使能CPPUTEST_USE_GCOV配置,此处细节与本文无关,不展开讨论) bash -ex bspmake ut # 生成UT覆盖率信息 lcov --capture --directory tmp/unittest/i2c-v2/ksource -b source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/unittest/ --output-file coverage.info # 生成UT覆盖率html报告 genhtml coverage.info -p $WORKSPACE --output-directory coverage # 生成增量代码UT覆盖率html报告 ./ut_incremental_check.py $GIT_PREVIOUS_SUCCESSFUL_COMMIT".."$GIT_COMMIT '["source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource"]' "coverage" 0.8 # 返回结果 exit $?
jenkins HTML报告配置示例:
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ###################################################################### # Purpose: calculate UT coverage of git commits' new code # Useage: ./ut_incremental_check.py # Version: Initial Version by wahaha02 ###################################################################### __version__ = 'V1.0' __author__ = 'wahaha02' __date__ = '2016-7-25' __doc__ = ''' PURPOSE: calculate UT coverage of git commits' new code USAGE: ./ut_incremental_check.py <since>..<until> <monitor_c_files> <lcov_dir> <threshold> example: ./ut_incremental_check.py "227b032..79196ba" '["source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource"]' "coverage" 0.6 WORK PROCESS: get changed file list between <since> and <until> , filter by <monitor_c_files> options; get changed lines per changed file; based on <lcov_dir>, search .gcov.html per file, and get uncover lines; create report file:ut_incremental_check_report.html and check <threshold> (cover lines/new lines). UT: ./ut_incremental_check.py ut ''' __todo__ = ''' TODO LIST: 1. support svn 2. refactory html report by django web template 3. add commit info in html report 4. prompt user/commit/date info when mouse point to uncovered line 5. ... ''' import sys, os, re import json import commands from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from pprint import * DEBUG = 0 class GcovHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.uncovers = [] self.covers = [] self.islineNum = False self.lineNum = 0 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == "span": for a in attrs: if a == ('class', 'lineNum'): self.islineNum = True if a == ('class', 'lineNoCov'): self.uncovers.append(self.lineNum) if a == ('class', 'lineCov'): self.covers.append(self.lineNum) def handle_data(self, data): if self.islineNum: try: self.lineNum = int(data) except: self.lineNum = -1 def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag == "span": self.islineNum = False class UTCover(object) : def __init__(self, since_until, monitor, lcov_dir, thresh) : self.since, self.until = since_until.split('..') self.monitor = json.loads(monitor) self.lcov_dir = lcov_dir self.thresh = float(thresh) def get_src(self): # self.since, self.until, self.monitor satus, output = commands.getstatusoutput("git diff --name-only %s %s" %(self.since, self.until)) src_files = [f for f in output.split('\n') for m in self.monitor if m in f if os.path.splitext(f)[1][1:] in ['c', 'cpp']] if DEBUG: pprint(src_files) return src_files def get_change(self, src_files): # self.since, self.until changes = {} for f in src_files: satus, output = commands.getstatusoutput("git log --oneline %s..%s %s | awk '{print $1}'" %(self.since, self.until, f)) commits = output.split('\n') cmd = "git blame %s | grep -E '(%s)' | awk -F' *|)' '{print $6}'" %(f, '|'.join(commits)) satus, lines = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) changes[f] = [ int(i) for i in lines.split('\n') if i.isdigit() ] if DEBUG: pprint(changes) return changes def get_ghp(self, f): gcovfile = os.path.join(self.lcov_dir, f + '.gcov.html') if not os.path.exists(gcovfile): return None ghp = GcovHTMLParser() ghp.feed(open(gcovfile, 'r').read()) return ghp def get_lcov_data(self, changes): # self.lcov_dir uncovers = {} lcov_changes = {} for f, lines in changes.items(): ghp = self.get_ghp(f) if not ghp: uncovers[f] = lines lcov_changes[f] = lines continue if DEBUG: print f, ghp.uncovers, ghp.covers, lines lcov_changes[f] = sorted(list(set(ghp.uncovers + ghp.covers) & set(lines))) uncov_lines = list(set(ghp.uncovers) & set(lines)) if len(uncov_lines) != 0: uncovers[f] = sorted(uncov_lines) ghp.close() return lcov_changes, uncovers def create_uncover_trs(self, uncovers): tr_format = ''' <tr> <td class="coverFile"><a href="%(file)s.gcov.html">%(file)s</a></td> <td class="coverFile">%(uncov_lines)s </td> </tr> ''' trs = '' for f,v in uncovers.items(): gcovfile = os.path.join(self.lcov_dir, f + '.gcov.html') if os.path.exists(gcovfile): s = '' p = re.compile(r'^<span class="lineNum">\s*(?P<num>\d+)\s*</span>') for line in open(gcovfile, 'r').readlines(): ps = p.search(line) if ps: s += '<a name="%s">' %ps.group('num') + line + '</a>' else: s += line open(gcovfile, 'w').write(s) data = {'file':f, 'uncov_lines': ", ".join(['<a href="%s.gcov.html#%d">%d</a>' %(f, i, i) for i in v])} trs += tr_format %data return trs def create_report(self, changes, uncovers): change_linenum, uncov_linenum = 0, 0 for k,v in changes.items(): change_linenum += len(v) for k,v in uncovers.items(): uncov_linenum += len(v) cov_linenum = change_linenum - uncov_linenum coverage = round(cov_linenum * 1.0 / change_linenum if change_linenum > 0 else 1, 4) template = open('ut_incremental_coverage_report.template', 'r').read() data = { 'cov_lines':cov_linenum, 'change_linenum':change_linenum, 'coverage': coverage * 100, 'uncover_trs': self.create_uncover_trs(uncovers)} open(os.path.join(self.lcov_dir, 'ut_incremental_coverage_report.html'), 'w').write(template %data) return coverage def check(self): # main function src_files = self.get_src() changes = self.get_change(src_files) lcov_changes, uncovers = self.get_lcov_data(changes) return 0 if self.create_report(lcov_changes, uncovers) > self.thresh else 1 if len(sys.argv) == 1: print __doc__ sys.exit(0) if sys.argv[1] == 'ut': monitor, lcov_dir, threshold = ['["source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource"]', "coverage", 0.8] test1 = ["b2016fdb..11440652", monitor, lcov_dir, threshold] if DEBUG: print "test1: ", test1 ut = UTCover(*test1) src_files = ut.get_src() assert(src_files == []) changes = ut.get_change(src_files) assert(changes == {}) lcov_changes, uncovers = ut.get_lcov_data(changes) assert(uncovers == {}) rate = ut.create_report(changes, uncovers) assert(rate == 1) assert(ut.check() == 0) test2 = [ "227b03259b33360e2309274f3927c38457d84dd3..79196baabed99661bd31a201ead6764f23a2884c", monitor, lcov_dir, threshold] if DEBUG: print "test2: ", test2 ut = UTCover(*test2) src_files = ut.get_src() assert(src_files == ['source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/bsp_i2c_dev.c', 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_cfcuctrl.c', 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_opt.c', 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_pcie.c']) changes = ut.get_change(src_files) assert(changes == {'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_pcie.c': [78], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_cfcuctrl.c': [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 130, 131, 132], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_opt.c': [68, 69, 115, 118, 124, 125, 126, 454, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 471, 721], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/bsp_i2c_dev.c': [494, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652]}) lcov_changes, uncovers = ut.get_lcov_data(changes) assert( lcov_changes == {'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_pcie.c': [78], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_cfcuctrl.c': [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 130, 131, 132], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_opt.c': [125, 459, 461, 462, 471], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/bsp_i2c_dev.c': [496, 498, 502, 503, 504, 625, 629, 630, 631, 633, 634, 636, 638, 639, 643, 644, 649, 650]}) assert(uncovers == {'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_pcie.c': [78], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_cfcuctrl.c': [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 130, 131, 132], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/chips/bsp_i2c_opt.c': [125, 471], 'source/soda/sp/lssp/i2c-v2/ksource/bsp_i2c_dev.c': [502, 503, 504, 643, 644]}) rate = ut.create_report(changes, uncovers) assert(0.8 > rate > 0.6) assert(ut.check() == 1) test3 = ['d98b93e705a227389e7cdc4b43252f4194a6cb7a..e8876ff5fe8ee0e61865315a67bd395f5d7f63f7 ', monitor, lcov_dir, threshold] if DEBUG: print "test3: ", test3 ut = UTCover(*test3) assert(ut.check() == 0) sys.exit(0) ret = UTCover(*sys.argv[1:]).check() sys.exit(ret)

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>coverage report</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gcov.css"> </head> <body> <table width="100%%" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tr><td class="title">Unittest - incremental code coverage report</td></tr> <tr><td class="ruler"><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=6 alt=""></td></tr> <tr> <td width="100%%"> <table cellpadding=1 border=0 width="100%%"> <tr> <td></td> <td width="33%%" class="headerCovTableHead">UT covered</td> <td width="33%%" class="headerCovTableHead">Total</td> <td width="33%%" class="headerCovTableHead">Coverage</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="headerItem">Incremental Lines:</td> <td class="headerCovTableEntry">%(cov_lines)s</td> <td class="headerCovTableEntry">%(change_linenum)s</td> <td class="headerCovTableEntry">%(coverage)s %%</td> </tr> <tr><td><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr><td class="ruler"><img src="glass.png" width=3 height=3 alt=""></td></tr> </table> <center> <br> <table width="100%%" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0> <tr> <td width="60%%" class="tableHead">File </td> <td width="40%%" class="tableHead">Uncovered Lines </td> </tr> %(uncover_trs)s </table> </center> <br> </body> </html>
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