最近一个MySQL 5.7.21备库告警当天的备份失败,登录上去看的时候发现前一天的备份任务还没有结束,通过查看日志发现无法备份成功的原因是一直无法获取FTWRL锁,登录MySQL查看会话状态发现其中几个复制worker一致处于异常状态,下发STOP SLAVE命令时命令也一直被卡住,当时的会话状态如下:
> show processlist; +---------+-----------------+----------------------+------+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +---------+-----------------+----------------------+------+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ | 1 | event_scheduler | localhost | NULL | Daemon | 47179666 | Waiting on empty queue | NULL | | 101 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for master to send event | NULL | | 102 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 112325 | Waiting for dependent transaction to commit | NULL | | 103 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 116446 | Waiting for commit lock | NULL | | 104 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 116434 | Waiting for preceding transaction to commit | NULL | | 105 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 590564 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 106 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 2902104 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 107 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 7057083 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 108 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 10948598 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 109 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 110 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 111 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 112 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 113 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 114 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 115 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 116 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 117 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 118 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 119 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 120 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 121 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 122 | system user | | NULL | Connect | 47085737 | Waiting for an event from Coordinator | NULL | | 4409099 | backupxxx | | NULL | Query | 112222 | Waiting for commit lock | FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK | +---------+-----------------+----------------------+------+---------+----------+---------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+
#1. Waiting for dependent transaction to commit pthread_cond_wait,native_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),my_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),inline_mysql_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),Mts_submode_logical_clock::wait_for_last_committed_trx(thr_cond.h:140),
apply_event_and_update_pos(,exec_relay_log_event(,handle_slave_sql(,pfs_spawn_thread(,start_thread(,clone( #2. 持有意向全局读锁(IX) Waiting for preceding transaction to commit pthread_cond_wait,native_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),my_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),inline_mysql_cond_wait(thr_cond.h:140),Commit_order_manager::wait_for_its_turn(thr_cond.h:140),
start_thread(,clone( #3. STOP SLAVE 等待worker完成当前任务并退出 pthread_cond_timedwait,native_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),my_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),terminate_slave_thread(thr_cond.h:129),
pfs_spawn_thread(,start_thread(,clone( #4. 等待获取意向全局读锁(IX) Waiting for commit lock pthread_cond_timedwait,native_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),my_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),MDL_wait::timed_wait(thr_cond.h:129),
pfs_spawn_thread(,start_thread(,clone( #5. 备份线程 等待获取全局读锁(X) Waiting for commit lock pthread_cond_timedwait,native_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),my_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),inline_mysql_cond_timedwait(thr_cond.h:129),MDL_wait::timed_wait(thr_cond.h:129),
thd->ENTER_COND(&rli->logical_clock_cond, &rli->mts_gaq_LOCK, &stage_worker_waiting_for_commit_parent, &old_stage); do { mysql_cond_wait(&rli->logical_clock_cond, &rli->mts_gaq_LOCK); } while ((!rli->info_thd->killed && !is_error) && !clock_leq(last_committed_arg, estimate_lwm_timestamp()));
其所处的stage为“Waiting for dependent transaction to commit”。目前其停留在do...while循环中,其正常需要满足两个条件才能跳出循环,第一:last_committed <= lwm,即满足事务满足并行回放的条件;第二:接收到logical_clock_cond条件变量,logical_clock_cond条件变量为worker回放完事务后会判断当前是否还有事务等待,如果存在则发送logical_clock_cond条件变量唤醒等待的coordinator线程。
线程#2所处的函数为Commit_order_manager::wait_for_its_turn,该函数被函数MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit调用,其逻辑处于两阶段提交的FLSH STAGE之前,用于判断从库提交事务时是否需要按照和主库一样的顺序进行提交(slave_preserve_commit_order)。线程所处的位置为:
while (queue_front() != worker->id) { if (unlikely(worker->found_order_commit_deadlock())) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex); thd->EXIT_COND(&old_stage); DBUG_RETURN(true); } mysql_cond_wait(cond, &m_mutex); }
#0 Commit_order_manager::queue_push (this=0x7fb1a8007f30, index=0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/rpl_slave_commit_order_manager.h:123 #1 0x000000000183ba79 in Commit_order_manager::register_trx (this=0x7fb1a8007f30, worker=0x7fb1a8022a60) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #2 0x000000000183adb9 in Mts_submode_logical_clock::get_least_occupied_worker (this=0x7fb1a8007ee0, rli=0xb340c70, ws=0xb343fa8, ev=0x7fb1a8691ce0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #3 0x00000000017978b9 in Log_event::get_slave_worker (this=0x7fb1a8691ce0, rli=0xb340c70) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #4 0x0000000001798f77 in Log_event::apply_event (this=0x7fb1a8691ce0, rli=0xb340c70) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #5 0x000000000180b5a4 in apply_event_and_update_pos (ptr_ev=0x7fb255aca8c0, thd=0x7fb1a8000950, rli=0xb340c70) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #6 0x000000000180cc3c in exec_relay_log_event (thd=0x7fb1a8000950, rli=0xb340c70) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #7 0x00000000018131e3 in handle_slave_sql (arg=0xb2a31b0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #8 0x0000000001ce0555 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x7fb1b00ddab0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/storage/perfschema/ #9 0x00007fb2f7745ea5 in start_thread () from /lib64/ #10 0x00007fb2f660bb0d in clone () from /lib64/
#0 Commit_order_manager::queue_pop (this=0x7fb1a8007f30) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/rpl_slave_commit_order_manager.h:111 #1 0x000000000183bee9 in Commit_order_manager::unregister_trx (this=0x7fb1a8007f30, worker=0x7fb1a8022a60) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #2 0x00000000017cd0a4 in Stage_manager::enroll_for (this=0x2d1c418 <mysql_bin_log+4568>, stage=Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE, thd=0x7fb1ac000950, stage_mutex=0x0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #3 0x00000000017dd652 in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::change_stage (this=0x2d1b240 <mysql_bin_log>, thd=0x7fb1ac000950, stage=Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE, queue=0x7fb1ac000950, leave_mutex=0x0, enter_mutex=0x2d1b248 <mysql_bin_log+8>) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #4 0x00000000017de2f6 in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit (this=0x2d1b240 <mysql_bin_log>, thd=0x7fb1ac000950, all=false, skip_commit=false) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #5 0x00000000017dcbbe in MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit (this=0x2d1b240 <mysql_bin_log>, thd=0x7fb1ac000950, all=false) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #6 0x0000000001632b78 in trans_commit_stmt (thd=0x7fb1ac000950) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #7 0x000000000153895a in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x7fb1ac000950, first_level=true) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #8 0x0000000001539f91 in mysql_parse (thd=0x7fb1ac000950, parser_state=0x7fb255a88a80) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #9 0x000000000179cf62 in Query_log_event::do_apply_event (this=0x7fb1a8691ce0, rli=0x7fb1a8022a60, query_arg=0x7fb1a869f2d7 "create table t(id int)", q_len_arg=22) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #10 0x000000000179be51 in Query_log_event::do_apply_event (this=0x7fb1a8691ce0, rli=0x7fb1a8022a60) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #11 0x00000000017bf204 in Log_event::do_apply_event_worker (this=0x7fb1a8691ce0, w=0x7fb1a8022a60) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #12 0x0000000001834bee in Slave_worker::slave_worker_exec_event (this=0x7fb1a8022a60, ev=0x7fb1a8691ce0) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #13 0x0000000001836bb8 in slave_worker_exec_job_group (worker=0x7fb1a8022a60, rli=0xb340c70) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #14 0x000000000180f9aa in handle_slave_worker (arg=0x7fb1a8022a60) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/sql/ #15 0x0000000001ce0555 in pfs_spawn_thread (arg=0x7fb1a8027000) at /soft/mysql-5.7.21/storage/perfschema/ #16 0x00007fb2f7745ea5 in start_thread () from /lib64/
即事务在ordered_commit中当在切换到FLUSH STAGE的过程中会进行出队,因为此时已经可以通过FLSUH STAGE的&LOCK_LOG互斥量来保证该事务组一定会比后续的事务组先提交。
线程#3是我们下发STOP SLAVE命令的线程,其处于terminate_slave_thread函数中,其正在退出SQL线程:
while (*slave_running) // Should always be true { DBUG_PRINT("loop", ("killing slave thread")); mysql_mutex_lock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); /* Error codes from pthread_kill are: EINVAL: invalid signal number (can't happen) ESRCH: thread already killed (can happen, should be ignored) */ #ifndef _WIN32 int err MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused))= pthread_kill(thd->real_id, SIGUSR1); DBUG_ASSERT(err != EINVAL); #endif thd->awake(THD::NOT_KILLED); mysql_mutex_unlock(&thd->LOCK_thd_data); /* There is a small chance that slave thread might miss the first alarm. To protect againts it, resend the signal until it reacts */ struct timespec abstime; set_timespec(&abstime,2); #ifndef DBUG_OFF int error= #endif mysql_cond_timedwait(term_cond, term_lock, &abstime); // 在这等待 if ((*stop_wait_timeout) >= 2) (*stop_wait_timeout)= (*stop_wait_timeout) - 2; else if (*slave_running) { if (need_lock_term) mysql_mutex_unlock(term_lock); DBUG_RETURN (1); } DBUG_ASSERT(error == ETIMEDOUT || error == 0); } DBUG_ASSERT(*slave_running == 0); if (need_lock_term) mysql_mutex_unlock(term_lock); DBUG_RETURN(0); }
其也是处于一个while循环中,循环判断接收线程退出条件变量term_cond,退出条件变量的触发只有当worker线程发现了mi->abort_slave = true退出标记并完成当前的event_group之后才会退出(详细分析可见,所以如果当前worker线程存在未完成的event,用户的STOP SLAVE命令就无法执行完成。
线程#4正处于ha_commit_trans函数中,正在等待获取commit lock:
if (rw_trans && !ignore_global_read_lock) { /* Acquire a metadata lock which will ensure that COMMIT is blocked by an active FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK (and vice versa: COMMIT in progress blocks FTWRL). We allow the owner of FTWRL to COMMIT; we assume that it knows what it does. */ MDL_REQUEST_INIT(&mdl_request, MDL_key::COMMIT, "", "", MDL_INTENTION_EXCLUSIVE, MDL_EXPLICIT); DBUG_PRINT("debug", ("Acquire MDL commit lock")); if (thd->mdl_context.acquire_lock(&mdl_request, thd->variables.lock_wait_timeout)) { ha_rollback_trans(thd, all); DBUG_RETURN(1); } release_mdl= true; DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "ha_commit_trans_after_acquire_commit_lock"); }
即事务在提交之前需要先获取意向独占元数据锁(commit lock),如果当前实例存在全局读锁,则事务就会被阻塞,不能提交。
- 线程#1可能在等待线程#2,也可能在等待线程#4,不过不重要,因为它也只是受害者
- 线程#2持有元数据意向独占锁(IX),并等待线程#4的提交
- 线程#3等待线程#2和#4完成后停止复制线程,不重要,受害者
- 线程#4想要获取意向独占锁(IX),但是却被阻塞,所以在等待线程#5
- 线程#5想要获取独占锁(X),但是却被阻塞,所以在等待线程#2
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