OB for MySQL 单节点安装记录


OceanBase 社区版下载 - 开源数据库下载 - OceanBase 数据库下载中心


tar -zxvf oceanbase-all-in-one-


vi single-example.yaml

## Only need to configure when remote login is required
  username: root
  password: 远程密码
#   key_file: your ssh-key file path if need
#   port: your ssh port, default 22
#   timeout: ssh connection timeout (second), default 30
    # Please don't use hostname, only IP can be supported
    - 节点IP
    #  The working directory for OceanBase Database. OceanBase Database is started under this directory. This is a required field.
    home_path: /opt/observer
    # The directory for data storage. The default value is $home_path/store.
    # data_dir: /data
    # The directory for clog, ilog, and slog. The default value is the same as the data_dir value.
    # redo_dir: /redo
    # Starting from observer version 4.2, the network selection for the observer is based on the 'local_ip' parameter, and the 'devname' parameter is no longer mandatory.
    # If the 'local_ip' parameter is set, the observer will first use this parameter for the configuration, regardless of the 'devname' parameter.
    # If only the 'devname' parameter is set, the observer will use the 'devname' parameter for the configuration.
    # If neither the 'devname' nor the 'local_ip' parameters are set, the 'local_ip' parameter will be automatically assigned the IP address configured above.
    # devname: eth0
    mysql_port: 2881 # External port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2881. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
    rpc_port: 2882 # Internal port for OceanBase Database. The default value is 2882. DO NOT change this value after the cluster is started.
    zone: zone1
    # if current hardware's memory capacity is smaller than 50G, please use the setting of "mini-single-example.yaml" and do a small adjustment.
    memory_limit: 32G # The maximum running memory for an observer
    # The reserved system memory. system_memory is reserved for general tenants. The default value is 30G.
    system_memory: 30G
    stack_size: 512K
    cpu_count: 16
    cache_wash_threshold: 1G
    __min_full_resource_pool_memory: 2147483648
    workers_per_cpu_quota: 10
    schema_history_expire_time: 1d
    # The value of net_thread_count had better be same as cpu's core number.
    net_thread_count: 4
    major_freeze_duty_time: Disable
    minor_freeze_times: 10
    enable_separate_sys_clog: 0
    enable_merge_by_turn: FALSE
    datafile_size: 192G # Size of the data file.
    log_disk_size: 192G # The size of disk space used by the clog files.
    enable_syslog_wf: false # Print system logs whose levels are higher than WARNING to a separate log file. The default value is true.
    enable_syslog_recycle: true # Enable auto system log recycling or not. The default value is false.
    max_syslog_file_count: 4 # The maximum number of reserved log files before enabling auto recycling. The default value is 0.
    root_password: 超级用户密码 # root user password, can be empty



source ~/.oceanbase-all-in-one/bin/env.sh


obd cluster deploy wangshnob -c single-example.yaml


echo "vm.max_map_count=655360" >> /etc/sysctl.conf; sysctl -p


obd cluster start wangshnob


obclient -hIP地址 -P2881 -uroot -p'密码' -Doceanbase -A


posted @ 2024-01-08 10:26  小清澈  阅读(63)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报