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free [-b | -k | -m | -g | -h] [-o] [-s delay ] [-c count ] [-a] [-t] [-l] [-V]


选项 含义 说明
-b 单位byte switch displays the amount of memory in bytes;
-k 单位k switch (set by default) displays it in kilobytes;
-m 单位m switch displays it in megabytes;
-g 单位g switch displays it in gigabytes;
-h 人类可读方式 switch displays all output fields automatically scaled to the shortest (three digit) representation including the unit. That makes the values human readable.
-t 显示汇总行 switch displays a line containing the totals.
-o disables the display of a "buffer adjusted" line switch disables the display of a "buffer adjusted" line. If the -o option is not specified, free subtracts buffer memory from the used memory and adds it to the free memory reported.
-s 间隔秒数 间隔几秒重复刷新显示 switch activates continuous polling delay seconds apart. You may actually specify any floating point number for delay, usleep(3) is used for microsecond resolution delay times.
-c 次数 重复刷新显示总次数 switch used together with the -s switch interrupts the polling after count repetitions.
-l 显示low行 switch shows detailed low and high memory statistics.
-a 显示可用内存 switch shows the available memory (if supported by the running kernel and enabled with sysctl -w vm.mem-info_legacy_layout=0 ; shows zero when unsupported or disabled). The produced output is wider than 80 characters.
-V 显示程序版本信息 switch displays version information.


1 显示内存使用情况

[root@vm ~]# free -h
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          2.9G       2.7G       209M        37M        11M       185M
-/+ buffers/cache:       2.5G       405M
Swap:         1.6G       1.2G       415M


【1】man free
【2】每天一个linux命令(45):free 命令

posted @ 2018-07-19 12:19  huan&ping  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报