云原生之旅 - 2)Docker 容器化你的应用


上文中我们用Golang写了一个HTTP server,本篇文章我们讲述如何容器化这个应用,为后续部署到kubernetes 做准备。


关键词:Docker, Containerization, Golang, 容器化, Docker Hub login, Container Registry, 容器仓库,云原生



我们采用Docker分阶段构建方式来编写Dockerfile, 这种做法的最大好处就是缩小image的大小。


# Use the offical golang image to create a binary.
# This is based on Debian and sets the GOPATH to /go.
# https://hub.docker.com/_/golang
FROM golang:1.18-buster as builder

# Create and change to the app directory.

# Retrieve application dependencies.
# This allows the container build to reuse cached dependencies.
# Expecting to copy go.mod and if present go.sum.
COPY go.* ./
RUN go mod download

# Copy local code to the container image.
COPY . ./

# Build the binary.
RUN go build -mod=readonly -v -o server

如果没有VPN,那么需要添加 GOPROXY, 例如

RUN go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct && go mod download



注意 COPY  --from=builder ,这里的 builder 和第一阶段的 as builder 是一一对应的

# Use the official Debian slim image for a lean production container.
# https://hub.docker.com/_/debian
# https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/#use-multi-stage-builds
FROM debian:buster-slim
RUN set -x && apt-get update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
    ca-certificates && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Copy the binary to the production image from the builder stage.
COPY --from=builder /app/server /app/server

# Run the web service on container startup.
CMD ["/app/server"]


两个阶段的构建代码都复制到 Dockerfile 如下


Build Image

需提前安装好docker, tag 也需要根据自己实际情况修改,wadexu007是我Docker hub的account, demo是 repository名, 1.0.0是镜像tag号

docker build -t wadexu007/demo:1.0.0 .

### https://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/16708050.html ###


Push Image

接下来我们得把Image push到一个镜像仓库,例如 Docker hub, 或者 ECR, GCR, ACR 等公有云平台仓库。也可以用开源的 Harbor 自建仓库。


下面介绍 Docker hub

首先到 Docker hub 注册一个账号 https://hub.docker.com

如果有账号直接Sign In


点击右上角--> Account Settings

Security --> New Access Tokens

Generate a new one. Then docker login, replace `wadexu007` with your account name.

docker login -u wadexu007

after paste access token

Login Succeeded


也可以查看docker config.json 或者直接编辑。

第二个就是我刚刚docker login 之后的配置。第一个是我本机 GCR - Google Cloud Registry,第三个是JCR - 京东云的Registry

% cat ~/.docker/config.json
    "auths": {
        "asia.gcr.io": {
            "auth": "xxx"
        "https://index.docker.io/v1/": {
            "auth": "xxx"
        "xxx-cn-north-1.jcr.service.jdcloud.com": {
            "auth": "xxx"


回到 Docker hub控制台, Create repository  创建一个 `demo` repository


最后执行 push 命令

把本地image push到远端

docker push wadexu007/demo:1.0.0



### https://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/16708050.html ###




posted @ 2022-09-20 20:07  WadeXu  阅读(592)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报