GPL: General Public License. (Stallman, GNU)DISTRO:Linux DISTRIBUTIONTCO: Total Cost of Ownership.CLI: Command Line Interface, (GUI).Runlevel: a runlevel is a system software configuration that allows a specified group of process to exist. A runlevel specifies which fundamental services UNIX will pr 阅读全文
ctrl + shift + p: console => ss is short for set syntax, you can type in ssjava for set syntax for java.EOL(emacs style): Preference-->Key Bindings-User:[// use control + e to go to end of line; {"keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command":"move_to", "args": 阅读全文
A method's declaration tells the computer what happens if you call the method into action.if you give a method the name main, that method is called into action automatically.a statement is a direct instruction that tells the computer to do something./** this is a javadoc comment */; you can' 阅读全文