07 2013 档案
摘要:auto change images:var x = 0;var images = new Array("http://www.sohndtm.com/dtmimages/lighton.gif","http://www.sohndtm.com/dtmimages/lig htoff.gif");var i = setInterval(auto, 800);function auto(){ x++; if(x == images.length) x=0; document.getElementById('myImage').src = i
摘要:Subversion is a centralized version control systemVersion Control System: system that are designed to track changes to data overtimeCore mission: enable collaborative editing and sharing of datadrawbacks of lock-modify-unlock:cause administrative problems: one forget to unlock the filecause unnecess
摘要:PHP scripts run only after an event occurs.all PHP scripts must be accessed through a URL.profile file(MAMP):export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin.profile file(manual):export: PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/binthe action attribute of a form: the value of it is the URL that will be loaded whe
摘要:jQuery basics:http://jqfundamentals.com/chapter/jquery-basics$(): can take these things:CSS selectorsHTMLJavaScript ObjectjQuery select elements the same way CSS doesDirect to another page:$('button selector').click(function(){ document.location.href='the_link_to_go_to.html';})Exampl
摘要:Command + Shift + P: Command Palette,Command + O: open new file;Command + R: replaceControl + `: show consoleemmet package for web development(old zen coding package)usage in terminal:$ sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl" bin/subl// then type: to o
摘要:Teach yourself programming in ten years: http://norvig.com/21-days.html?foo
摘要:How to be a programmer:Get interestedprogramTalk with other programmers; read programWork on projects with other programmersWork on projects after other programmersLearn at least a half dozen programming languages(C++; Lisp; Scheme; Sisal)Get involved in a language standardization effortHave the goo