nitty-gritty: 具体,实质,细节; nuts and bolts: N-PLUPAL the essential or practical details.(nuts: 螺母, bolts: 螺钉)
by and large: 大体上,总的来说
hit the jackpot: 中头奖,取得成功
rhino: 犀牛
go haywire: 〈俚〉出毛病;陷于混乱;发疯;兴奋得发狂;精神失常; haywire: adj, 乱七八糟; n. 临时电线,捆干草的铁丝。
more involved than is typical: 略显复杂
pull it off: 把事情办好
inertia: 惯性,惰性
monkey see monkey do: Children imitate what they see other people doing; mimic;
WYSIWYG : What You See Is What You Get.
first and foremost.
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential features, visual or functional, that are an enhancement to the object
epitome: a standard or typical example; eg: Advertising pop-under windows and content overlays are the epitome of JavaScript abuse.
ostensible: 表面上,明显的
ark: a boat built by Noah to save his family and animals from the flood.
wrenching complicated moment: 纠结痛苦的时候。
they paniced they fidget: a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion 烦躁不安。
catch 22: A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation in which an individual cannot or is incapable of avoiding a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. A situtation where you have two possible choices, either of which while have negative ramifications for you. A lose-lose situation.
your highness: 殿下
oft: adv often. oft-used adage.
intermingle with: mix with.
bailout: financial assitancy. austerity: (经济)紧缩
Yoko Ono: A woman who commands so much time from her boyfriend that he can no longer spend time with his friends. Can be shortened to "Yoko."; A person that is loved so much, one would give up anything to be with them
bird brain: stupid
ballot: 选票; poll: 民意选举;
in full swing: at the peak of activity; moving fast or efficiently.
liaison: a channel for communication between groups.
caucus: a closed political meeting. cabby: someone who drives a taxi for a living.
drive you nuts: drive you crazy.
turkey; 火鸡,笨蛋
have a ball: enjoy oneself greatly; "We had a ball at the party and didn't come home until 2 AM"
ipso facto: in fact
zazzy: A basic cross between "zany", "pizazz" and "snazzy" to create an adjective suggesting that something is too great to be confined to one word. 犀利
touche: 讲得好,拉丁语
suck it up: to endure a period of mental, phsical, or emotional hardship with no complaining. eg: "I don't care if you're sad, get out there, suck it up and deal with it!"
hobo: 流浪汉,A hobo is a migratory worker or homeless vagabond, especially one who is penniless.
pinky swear: pinky promise 拉钩钩
out of whack: (美口)紊乱
RIP: abbrev. Rest in peace.
All hell breaks loose: If all hell breaks loose, a situation suddenly becomes noisy and violent, usually with a lot of people arguing or fighting.
what's the 411?: 411 here means infomation.
Shut your ass
You dog, you: 你真坏。。。
fair warning: 友情提示
take the plunge: v. 冒险尝试
adversity leads to prosperity: 穷则思变
kabob: 烤肉串
in this vein: vein n. distinctive style or manner.
putz: 2b; moron: simpleton
a minute on the lips, a life on the hips: 嘴上一时享受,臀上一世肥肉(Raj)。。。
grumpy: 脾气坏的
lo and behold: means "look and see", 表示引起注意
bum: 流浪者;无赖(irresponsible,worthless)
doodad: 尤指叫不出名的(一般为电子产品)小东西,便宜货
under the hood: inside of something
in one fell swoop: 一下子
Raj:"Who do I have in my life to watch my figure for?" 我的人生又有谁值得去为之奋斗呢
hindrance: 起妨碍作用的人或事
revel: 狂欢
Holy Grail: 圣杯,圣盘
razzle dazzle: any exciting complex play intended to confuse (dazzle) the opponent
vanilla: 香草;平凡的,乏味的
regimen: (medicine) a systematic plan for therapy(often including diet)
peculiar: beyond or deviating from the usual or expected.
hone: make perfect or complete. <hone your skills>
pastime: 消遣,娱乐
blunder: an embarrassing mistake
tinker: do random, unplanned work or activities or spend time idly
caramba: (西班牙语,表示惊讶、恐怖、愤怒等)妈的!哎呀!天那!
Repetitive Strain Injury: RSI, 重复性劳累损伤
heavyweight: 重要的人
nexus: the meanings of connection between things linked in series. 关系,联系,系列 <a nexus of ideas>
sabbatical: 学术休假
infighting is quarrelling and competition between members of the same group or organization.
quintessential means representing a perfect or typical example of something. 典型的 [正式]
unassuming: modest, low-key, 形容人
holy grail of something: the ultimate find, 什么什么的最终答案
get the hang of it: to succeed in learning how to do something after practising it.
cont'd: short for continued
RTFM: Read The Fucking Manual.
get into a rut: 落入俗套,陷入陈规, rut, routine.
meretricious: If you describe something as meretricious, you disapprove of it because it although looks attractive it is actually of little value. 俗艳,华而不实。
wannabe: 崇拜者
moot: adj, something is moot, it has no practical importance.
If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes you interested or curious. (pique vt.)
right off the bat: immediately, fist thing. eg: the new manager demanded new office furniture right off the bat.
crutch: 拐杖,精神寄托
caterwaul: vi, if a person or animal caterwauls, they make a loud, high, unpleasant noise like the noise that cats make when they fight.猫叫春声(生活大爆炸5-16)
fallback: ADJ, someone's fallback position is what they will do if their plans do not succeed or if something unexpected happens.
quandary: N-COUNT If you are in a quandary, you have to make a decision but cannot decide what to do.不知所措
N-COUNT A monster is a large imaginary creature that looks very ugly and frightening.怪物
N-COUNT A monster is something which is extremely large, especially something that is difficult to manage or which is unpleasant. 庞然大物(尤指棘手的事)
flier: (美)广告传单:flier for a yard sale
prenup: /pre.nap/, Noun, A prenuptial agreement. 婚前协议
roger: int. 收到(无线电通讯答语)
亡羊补牢,为时未晚:it's never too late to do the right thing.
loop up to somebody: means to admire and respect someone. eg: He is a role model for other players to look up to
you cut him off? : 结束关系,也可用于“甩掉(某人)”
Sit on it, baby: back off
would/should be obliged: [如蒙...]将感激不尽. I'd be much obliged. 我将感激不尽
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation, (口):Fed
if memroy serves: 如果记得起来
be partial to somebody or something: favoring or prefer. "You're always partial to the Chevelle, yes?"(Drive Angry 2011).
trooper: 美国的州警察
dud: adj, not working properly or not successful; n, 无用的人,废物
behold: v. see with attention
overnight: n. 通宵,夜间;v. 连夜快递. overnight me some stuff
checkmate: in chess, checkmate is a situation in which you cannot stop your king from being captured and so you lose the game 将死
segue: /segwei/, V-I If something such as a piece of music or conversation segues into another piece of music or conversation, it changes into it or is followed by it without a break.转到(另一首曲子或另一段对话)
cheesy: ADJ, when you describe something as cheesy, you mean that it is cheap, unpleasant, and insincere. flimsy: ADJ, A flimsy object is weak because it is made of a weak material, or is badly made.
lite: ADJ, is used to describe food or drinks that contain few calories or low amount of sugar, fat, or alcohol.淡的,简化的
IMO: In My Opinion.
sundae: A sundae is a tall glass of ice cream with whipped cream and nuts or fruit on top 圣代冰激凌
sari: A sari is a piece of clothing worn especially by Indian women.
Nanny, Mee-Maw: grandmother
tietheknot: to get married. When are you going to tie the knot? They finally tied the knot.
pickle: N-PLURAL Pickles are vegetables or fruit, sometimes cut into pieces, which have been kept in vinegar or salt water for a long time so that they have a strong, sharp taste. 比如,腌黄瓜
pervert: N-COUNT, If you say that someone is a pervert, you mean that you consider their behavior, especially their sexual behavior, to be immoral or unacceptable.变态
bing somebody/something to their knees: to destroy or defeat someone or something. eg: Hitting a server from a high traffic website in too-short intervals can easily bring a server to its knees.
overarching: comprehensive, all-embracing, dominating or embracing all else: eg: Computer downtime is an overarching problem in all departments.
maul: V-T, if you are mauled by an animal, you are violently attacked by it and badly injured. eg:Tiger mauled an Indian women.
valedictorian: N-COUNT, A valedictorian is the student who has the highest grade point average in their class when they graduate from high school or college, and who gives a speech at their graduation ceremony.
hotbed: N-COUNT, an environment that favors rapid growth or development.温床. eg: The Web has always been a hotbed of innovation.
under your belt: Idiom, if you have something under your belt, you've already achieved or experienced it and if will probably be of benefit to you in the future. eg: The first chapter makes sure that you've got the know-how under your belt that you'll need to make the best use of the second part of the book.
know-how is a term for practical knowledge on how to accomplish something.
copious: A copious amount of something is a large amount of something.
penmanship: N, style or technique of writing by hand 书法,笔迹.
forensic: ADJ, forensic is used to describe the work of scientists who examine evidence in order to help the police solve crimes.法庭科学取证的, eg: forensic documentation; forensic handwriting analysis.
extradition: (根据条约或法令对逃犯、逃亡者、囚犯、战俘等从一国到另一国的)引渡
red tape: is excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making. It is usually applied to governments, corporations, and other large organizations.
begrudgingly: ADJ, if you do something begrudgingly, you do it unwillingly.不情愿的
mantis: [昆]螳螂
muddle: N-VAR, if people or things are in a muddle, they are in a state of confusion or disorder,混乱, eg: My thoughts are all in a muddle; V-T, if you muddle things or people, you get them mixed up, so that you do not know which is which.混淆
bicker: V-RECIP, when people bicker, they argue or quarrel about unimportant things. (为琐事)吵嘴; N-UNCOUNT, (为琐事)吵嘴
blackart: witchcraft, sorcery, or other occult practice used for evil purposes.
occult:ADJ, N-SING, The occult is the knowledge and study of supernatural or magical forces.诡异,神秘
epitome: N-SING, if you say that a person or a thing is the epitome of something, you are emphasizing that they are the best possible example of it.典型[正式]
onus: N-SING, if you say that a onus is on someone to do something, you mean it is their duty or responsibility to do it.责任,义务[正式]
whack: V-T, if you whack someone or something, you hit them hard.重击[非正式]; N-COUNT/SOUND; PHRASE, if something is out of whack, it is not working properly, often because its natural balance has been upset.[常因自然平衡被打乱而]出问题[美国英语], eg: The ecosystem will be thrown out of whack. whack-a-mole: 打地鼠游戏
unobtrusive: ADJ, if you describe something or someone as unobtrusive, you mean that they are they are not easily noticed or do not draw attention to themselves. 不引人瞩目的[正式]
Sisyphean: ADJ, 1.of or relating to Sisyphean;2.both extremely effortful or futile.徒劳的[见西西弗斯]. eg:This is a Sisyphean task.
limbo: N-UNCOUNT, if you say that someone or something is in limbo, you mean that they are in a situation where they seem to be caught between two stages and it is unclear what will happen next.
corollary: N-COUNT, A corollary of something is an idea, argument, or fact that results directly from it.结果[正式]
slick: ADJ, a slick performance, production, or advertisement is skillful and impressive. 娴熟的; ADJ, a slick action is done quickly and smoothly, 灵巧的; ADJ, a slick person speaks in a way that is likely to convince people, but is not sincere, 巧舌如簧,圆滑