LaTex mode in emacs

  1. M-x latex-mode (enter).
  2. C-c {: inserts opening and closing braces; C-c } jump to the ending }.
  3. M-x tex-validate-buffer: verify you got the right parentheses, $, or dollar signs; M-x goto-line: check an error.
  4. quotation mark: left(``), right('') eg. ``This is a quotation' in latex mode''
  5. C-c C-o +name: for command pairs, latex-insert-mode.
  6. C-c C-e: for emacs inserts the corresponding closing command for whatever you type.
  7. M-Enter: Insert "\item".
  8. C-c C-u: Look backward in the file to find the nearest unclosed block and move the cursor there.
  9. C-c C-v: View .dvi output.
  10. C-c Tab `: Process the current file using BibTeX.
  11. C-c C-p: print output.
  12. C-c C-q: Show print queue.
  13. C-c C-k: Kill processing.
  14. C-c C-l: Put the message shell on the screen, showing (at least) the last error message.
  15. C-c C-b: Process buffer.
  16. C-c C-f: Saves the current file, then processes it.
  17. C-j: Insert 2 hard returns and check syntax of paragraph.
posted @ 2013-02-07 05:42  wxwcase  阅读(253)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报