



Describes an entry from a list that enumerates the processes residing in the system address space when a snapshot was taken.


typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32 {
DWORD dwSize;
DWORD cntUsage;
DWORD th32ProcessID;
ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID;
DWORD th32ModuleID;
DWORD cntThreads;
DWORD th32ParentProcessID;
LONG pcPriClassBase;
DWORD dwFlags;


Size of the structure, in bytes. Before calling the Process32First function, set this member to sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32). If you do not initialize dwSize, Process32First fails.
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
//这个成员不常使用通常置0( 用法数量
Process identifier.
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
Number of execution threads started by the process.
Process identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).
Base priority of any threads created by this process.
This member is no longer used, and is always set to zero.
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the executable file for the process.



The Heap32ListFirst function retrieves information about the first heap that has been allocated by a specified process.


BOOL WINAPI Heap32ListFirst(  HANDLE hSnapshot,  LPHEAPLIST32 lphl);


[in] Handle to the snapshot returned from a previous call to the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function.
[in, out] Pointer to a HEAPLIST32 structure.
// 指向HEAPLIST32结构的指针

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the first entry of the heap list has been copied to the buffer or FALSE otherwise. The ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES error value is returned by the GetLastError function when no heap list exists or the snapshot does not contain heap list information.



The calling application must set the dwSize member of HEAPLIST32 to the size, in bytes, of the structure. Heap32ListFirst changes dwSize to the number of bytes written to the structure. This will never be greater than the initial value of dwSize, but it may be smaller. If the value is smaller, do not rely on the values of any members whose offsets are greater than this value.



To retrieve information about other heaps in the heap list, use the Heap32ListNext function.




The CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function takes a snapshot of the specified processes, as well as the heaps, modules, and threads used by these processes.

HANDLE WINAPI CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(  DWORD dwFlags,  DWORD th32ProcessID);


[in] Portions of the system to include in the snapshot. This parameter can be one of the following values.
Value Meaning
TH32CS_INHERIT Indicates that the snapshot handle is to be inheritable.
TH32CS_SNAPALL Includes all processes and threads in the system, plus the heaps and modules of the process specified in th32ProcessID. Equivalent to specifying the TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, and TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD values.
TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST Includes all heaps of the process specified in th32ProcessID in the snapshot. To enumerate the heaps, see Heap32ListFirst.
TH32CS_SNAPMODULE Includes all modules of the process specified in th32ProcessID in the snapshot. To enumerate the modules, see Module32First.
TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS Includes all processes in the system in the snapshot. To enumerate the processes, see Process32First.
Includes all threads in the system in the snapshot. To enumerate the threads, see Thread32First.

To identify the threads that belong to a specific process, compare its process identifier to the th32OwnerProcessID member of the THREADENTRY32 structure when enumerating the threads.

[in] Process identifier of the process to be included in the snapshot. This parameter can be zero to indicate the current process. This parameter is used when the TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, or TH32CS_SNAPALL value is specified. Otherwise, it is ignored and all processes are included in the snapshot.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, it returns an open handle to the specified snapshot.

If the function fails, it returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The snapshot taken by this function is examined by the other tool help functions to provide their results. Access to the snapshot is read only. The snapshot handle acts as an object handle and is subject to the same rules regarding which processes and threads it is valid in.

To enumerate the heap or module states for all processes, specify TH32CS_SNAPALL and set th32ProcessID to zero. Then, for each additional process in the snapshot, call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot again, specifying its process identifier and the TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST or TH32_SNAPMODULE value.

To destroy the snapshot, use the CloseHandle function.


 posted on 2009-10-29 18:46  wParma  阅读(1112)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报