zabbix的监控主机数量将近300,且运行了一年时间了,最近zabbix server服务监控历史数据等服务不断自身告警、查询性能也变得很低
关于历史数据的两个参数,在zabbix server的配置文件中
取值范围: 0-1000000
一、设置独立表空间(innodb_file_per_table=1) # 5.6版本以上自动开启 以上版本跳过这一段
[root@Zabbix-Server ~]# mysql -u zabbix -p MariaDB [(none)]> use zabbix; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed MariaDB [zabbix]> MariaDB [zabbix]> truncate table history; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.19 sec) MariaDB [zabbix]> optimize table history; +----------------+----------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +----------------+----------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | zabbix.history | optimize | note | Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead | | zabbix.history | optimize | status | OK | +----------------+----------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.81 sec) MariaDB [zabbix]> truncate table history_str; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) MariaDB [zabbix]> truncate table history_uint; Query OK, 0 rows affected (6.32 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> use zabbix; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed MariaDB [zabbix]> Alter table history_text drop primary key, add index (id), drop index history_text_2, add index history_text_2 (itemid, id); Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.11 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 MariaDB [zabbix]> Alter table history_log drop primary key, add index (id), drop index history_log_2, add index history_log_2 (itemid, id); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0

cat /root/zabbix-partition.sql DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_create`(SCHEMANAME varchar(64), TABLENAME varchar(64), PARTITIONNAME varchar(64), CLOCK int) BEGIN /* SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table with partitions to potentially delete PARTITIONNAME = The name of the partition to create */ /* Verify that the partition does not already exist */ DECLARE RETROWS INT; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO RETROWS FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND partition_description >= CLOCK; IF RETROWS = 0 THEN /* 1. Print a message indicating that a partition was created. 2. Create the SQL to create the partition. 3. Execute the SQL from #2. */ SELECT CONCAT( "partition_create(", SCHEMANAME, ",", TABLENAME, ",", PARTITIONNAME, ",", CLOCK, ")" ) AS msg; SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE ', SCHEMANAME, '.', TABLENAME, ' ADD PARTITION (PARTITION ', PARTITIONNAME, ' VALUES LESS THAN (', CLOCK, '));' ); PREPARE STMT FROM @sql; EXECUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_drop`(SCHEMANAME VARCHAR(64), TABLENAME VARCHAR(64), DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE BIGINT) BEGIN /* SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table with partitions to potentially delete DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE = Delete any partitions with names that are dates older than this one (yyyy-mm-dd) */ DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE drop_part_name VARCHAR(16); /* Get a list of all the partitions that are older than the date in DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE. All partitions are prefixed with a "p", so use SUBSTRING TO get rid of that character. */ DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT partition_name FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND CAST(SUBSTRING(partition_name FROM 2) AS UNSIGNED) < DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; /* Create the basics for when we need to drop the partition. Also, create @drop_partitions to hold a comma-delimited list of all partitions that should be deleted. */ SET @alter_header = CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME, " DROP PARTITION "); SET @drop_partitions = ""; /* Start looping through all the partitions that are too old. */ OPEN myCursor; read_loop: LOOP FETCH myCursor INTO drop_part_name; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SET @drop_partitions = IF(@drop_partitions = "", drop_part_name, CONCAT(@drop_partitions, ",", drop_part_name)); END LOOP; IF @drop_partitions != "" THEN /* 1. Build the SQL to drop all the necessary partitions. 2. Run the SQL to drop the partitions. 3. Print out the table partitions that were deleted. */ SET @full_sql = CONCAT(@alter_header, @drop_partitions, ";"); PREPARE STMT FROM @full_sql; EXECUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT; SELECT CONCAT(SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME) AS `table`, @drop_partitions AS `partitions_deleted`; ELSE /* No partitions are being deleted, so print out "N/A" (Not applicable) to indicate that no changes were made. */ SELECT CONCAT(SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME) AS `table`, "N/A" AS `partitions_deleted`; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_maintenance`(SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(32), TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(32), KEEP_DATA_DAYS INT, HOURLY_INTERVAL INT, CREATE_NEXT_INTERVALS INT) BEGIN DECLARE OLDER_THAN_PARTITION_DATE VARCHAR(16); DECLARE PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR(16); DECLARE OLD_PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR(16); DECLARE LESS_THAN_TIMESTAMP INT; DECLARE CUR_TIME INT; CALL partition_verify(SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, HOURLY_INTERVAL); SET CUR_TIME = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')); SET @__interval = 1; create_loop: LOOP IF @__interval > CREATE_NEXT_INTERVALS THEN LEAVE create_loop; END IF; SET LESS_THAN_TIMESTAMP = CUR_TIME + (HOURLY_INTERVAL * @__interval * 3600); SET PARTITION_NAME = FROM_UNIXTIME(CUR_TIME + HOURLY_INTERVAL * (@__interval - 1) * 3600, 'p%Y%m%d%H00'); IF(PARTITION_NAME != OLD_PARTITION_NAME) THEN CALL partition_create(SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, LESS_THAN_TIMESTAMP); END IF; SET @__interval=@__interval+1; SET OLD_PARTITION_NAME = PARTITION_NAME; END LOOP; SET OLDER_THAN_PARTITION_DATE=DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL KEEP_DATA_DAYS DAY), '%Y%m%d0000'); CALL partition_drop(SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, OLDER_THAN_PARTITION_DATE); END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_verify`(SCHEMANAME VARCHAR(64), TABLENAME VARCHAR(64), HOURLYINTERVAL INT(11)) BEGIN DECLARE PARTITION_NAME VARCHAR(16); DECLARE RETROWS INT(11); DECLARE FUTURE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP; /* * Check if any partitions exist for the given SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME. */ SELECT COUNT(1) INTO RETROWS FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND partition_name IS NULL; /* * If partitions do not exist, go ahead and partition the table */ IF RETROWS = 1 THEN /* * Take the current date at 00:00:00 and add HOURLYINTERVAL to it. This is the timestamp below which we will store values. * We begin partitioning based on the beginning of a day. This is because we don't want to generate a random partition * that won't necessarily fall in line with the desired partition naming (ie: if the hour interval is 24 hours, we could * end up creating a partition now named "p201403270600" when all other partitions will be like "p201403280000"). */ SET FUTURE_TIMESTAMP = TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, HOURLYINTERVAL, CONCAT(CURDATE(), " ", '00:00:00')); SET PARTITION_NAME = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), 'p%Y%m%d%H00'); -- Create the partitioning query SET @__PARTITION_SQL = CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME, " PARTITION BY RANGE(`clock`)"); SET @__PARTITION_SQL = CONCAT(@__PARTITION_SQL, "(PARTITION ", PARTITION_NAME, " VALUES LESS THAN (", UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FUTURE_TIMESTAMP), "));"); -- Run the partitioning query PREPARE STMT FROM @__PARTITION_SQL; EXECUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;
[root@Zabbix-Server ~]# mysql -u zabbix -p zabbix Enter password: Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 48790 Server version: 5.5.52-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [zabbix]> use zabbix; Database changed MariaDB [zabbix]> source /root/zabbix-partition.sql; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [zabbix]> CALL partition_maintenance('zabbix', 'history_log', 28, 24, 14); +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801100000,1515600000) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.18 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801110000,1515686400) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.48 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801120000,1515772800) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.67 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801130000,1515859200) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (1.02 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801140000,1515945600) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (1.22 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801150000,1516032000) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (1.44 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801160000,1516118400) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (1.64 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801170000,1516204800) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (1.85 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801180000,1516291200) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (2.04 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801190000,1516377600) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (2.23 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801200000,1516464000) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (2.42 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801210000,1516550400) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (2.62 sec) +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | msg | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | partition_create(zabbix,history_log,p201801220000,1516636800) | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (2.85 sec) +--------------------+--------------------+ | table | partitions_deleted | +--------------------+--------------------+ | zabbix.history_log | N/A | +--------------------+--------------------+ 1 row in set (3.10 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (3.10 sec)
DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_maintenance_all`(SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(32)) BEGIN CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'history', 7, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'history_log', 7, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'history_str', 7, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'history_text', 7, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'history_uint', 7, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'trends', 365, 24, 14); CALL partition_maintenance(SCHEMA_NAME, 'trends_uint', 365, 24, 14); END$$ DELIMITER ;
mysql> source /root/partition_maintenance_all.sql; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> CALL partition_maintenance_all('zabbix');
5、Housekeeper 设置
Zabbix用户界面中的 "Administration" -> "部分提供了所有选项。确保在右上角的下拉列表中选择"Housekeeping" 您应该看到类似于以下的屏幕:
- 确保“历史”和“趋势”两个选项的“启用内部管理”复选框未被选中。
- 确保历史和趋势的检查标题为“覆盖项目<趋势/历史>期间”复选框。
- 将历史和趋势的“数据存储期限(天数)”框设置为您保留两者的时间。在上面给出的表分区中,正确的值是7和365。
30 4 * * 1 /usr/bin/mysql -uzabbix -pzabbix -e "use zabbix;" -e "CALL partition_maintenance_all('zabbix');"
实际在生产环境中上述操作运行一段时间后,Zabbix server的log文件会报如下错误,events表主键重复、主键不能自动增长、导致zabbix不能告警
2581:20180208:213930.461 [Z3005] query failed: [1062] Duplicate entry '8703' for key 'PRIMARY' [insert into events (eventid,source,object,objectid,clock,ns,value) values (8703,0,0,19518,1518097170,457297996,1);
[root@Zabbix-Server zabbix]# mysql -u zabbix -pzabbix -e "use zabbix;" -e 'delete from events';
如果想要删除表的所有数据,truncate语句要比 delete 语句快。
因为 truncate 删除了表,然后根据表结构重新建立它,而 delete 删除的是记录,并没有尝试去修改表。
optimize table history
optimize table history_uint
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