
# l = '''Have A Good Time - Paul Simon
# Yesterday it was my birthday
# I hung one more year on the line
# I should be depressed
# My life's a mess
# But I'm having a good time
# Oo I've been loving and loving and loving
# I'm exhausted from loving so well
# I should go to bed
# But a voice in my head
# Says "Ah what the hell"
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Paranoia strikes deep in the heartland
# But I think it's all overdone
# Exaggerating this and exaggerating that
# They don't have no fun
# I don't believe what I read in the papers
# They're just out to capture my dime
# I ain't worrying
# And I ain't scurrying;
# I'm having a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Maybe I'm laughing my way to disaster
# Maybe my race has been run
# Maybe I'm blind to the fate of mankind
# But what can be done
# So God bless the goods we was given
# And God bless the U S of A
# And God bless our standard of living
# Let's keep it that way
# And we'll all have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# Have a good time
# '''
fo = open('text.txt','r')
l = fo.read()
aaa = ''',.;"'''
prep = {'a','but','in','the','and','so'}
for i in aaa:
    l = l.replace(i,' ')
wordList = l.lower().split()

wordDict = {}
wordSet = set(wordList)
for w in wordList:
    wordDict[w] = wordDict.get(w,0)+1
for i in prep:
dictList = list(wordDict.items())
dictList.sort(key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)
for i in range(20):

C:\Users\user\PycharmProjects\untitled\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/user/PycharmProjects/untitled/1111.py
('good', 16)
('time', 16)
('have', 14)
('i', 8)
('my', 6)
('i&apos', 6)
('m', 5)
('s', 4)
('loving', 4)
('to', 4)
('t', 4)
('what', 3)
('maybe', 3)
('of', 3)
('god', 3)
('bless', 3)
('it', 2)
('was', 2)
('should', 2)
('be', 2)

Process finished with exit code 0

posted on 2018-03-26 11:54  092王晓才  阅读(119)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报