


  • pdb2gmx



-f:(input)结构文件,gro pdb tpr 不常见的有g96 brk ent esp tpb tpa

-o:(output)结构文件,gro pdb g96 brk ent esp 


-i:(output)不太常用,指定itp文件,官方文档中说Include file for topology,一般是指posre文件。





-water:指定水模型,none, spc, spce, tip3p, tip4p, tip5p

-ignh:Ignore hydrogen atoms that are in the coordinate file。忽略氢原子


  • editconf




-n: -bf: -mead:


-bt:指定盒子类型,triclinic(三斜), cubic(立方), dodecahedron(十二面体), octahedron(八面体)

-box:Box vector lengths (a,b,c)指定盒子矢量

-angles:Angles between the box vectors (bc,ac,ab)矢量角度

-d:Distance between the solute and the box 指定溶质(蛋白质)与盒子的边缘的距离,一般要大于0.9nm


-princ:Orient molecule(s) along their principal axes 分子指向主轴方向

-pbc:Remove the periodicity (make molecule whole again) 移出周期性,目测应该不怎么用

-rvdw:Default Van der Waals radius (in nm) if one can not be found in the database or if no parameters are present in the topology file 指定vdw截断距离,如果其他地方没有这个参数的话。

  • grompp

GROMacs Pre-Processor 预处理器。一般用于生成tpr文件作为mdrun的输入文件。官方文档解释如下: reads a molecular topology file, checks the validity of the file, expands the topology from a molecular description to an atomic description. The topology file contains information about molecule types and the number of molecules, the preprocessor copies each molecule as needed. There is no limitation on the number of molecule types. Bonds and bond-angles can be converted into constraints, separately for hydrogens and heavy atoms. Then a coordinate file is read and velocities can be generated from a Maxwellian distribution if requested. gmx grompp also reads parameters for gmx mdrun (eg. number of MD steps, time step, cut-off), and others such as NEMD parameters, which are corrected so that the net acceleration is zero. Eventually a binary file is produced that can serve as the sole input file for the MD program.




-c:(input)结构文件,gro pdb



-ref:(input/output, optional)trr文件,全精度轨迹文件


-v:Be loud and noisy. 运行时输出很多信息

-maxwarn:Number of allowed warnings during input processing. Not for normal use and may generate unstable systems 允许出现的警告数量

  • mdrun


gmx mdrun is the main computational chemistry engine within GROMACS. Obviously, it performs Molecular Dynamics simulations, but it can also perform Stochastic Dynamics, Energy Minimization, test particle insertion or (re)calculation of energies.  这是官方文档中的一句话。可以知道mdrun可以做随机动力学模拟,能量最小化,测试粒子插入,计算能量等。


-v:Be loud and noisy 输出运行信息,一般还是不要用的好

-deffnm: Set the default filename for all file options. 这个命令非常的好用,因为它直接定义了所有文件选项的输入,不管是输入还是输出,统一采用-deffnm后面的字符串,这样输入的tpr文件由deffnm定义好了,同时输出文件的名字也由deffnm定义好了。




posted on 2017-11-05 16:20  谢小顿  阅读(2226)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
