SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software

SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

The University of Melbourne

School of Computing and Information Systems

SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development


Project 1, Semester 2, 2024

Released: Friday, 23rd August 2024 at 4:00pm AEST

Initial Submission Due: Wednesday, 28th August 2024 at 4:00pm AEST

Project Due: Wednesday, 4th September 2024 at 4:00pm AEST

Please read the complete specification before starting on the project, because there

are important instructions through to the end!


Welcome to the first project for SWEN20003, Semester 2, 2024. Across Project 1 and 2, you

will design and create a taxi simulation game in Java called ShadowTaxi. In Project 1, you will

create the first part of the full game that you will complete in Project 2B. This is an individual

project. You may discuss it with other students, but all of the implementation must be your

own work. By submitting the project you declare that you understand the University’s policy on

academic integrity and aware of consequences of any infringement, including the use of artificial


You may use any platform and tools you wish to develop the game, but we recommend using IntelliJ

IDEA for Java development as this is what we will support in class.

The purpose of this project is to:

  • Give you experience working with an object-oriented programming language (Java),
  • Introduce simple game programming concepts (2D graphics, input, simple calculations)
  • Give you experience working with a simple external library (Bagel)

Extensions & Special Considerations: From Semester 2, 2024, The Faculty of Engineering

and Information Technology has a new process in place for handling Extensions and Special Con

siderations, linked here. Carefully read through the instructions about the same. This information

is also published in Canvas -> Modules -> FEIT Extensions and Special Consideration. Do not

send emails to the Subject Coordinator without reviewing this process first.

Late Submissions: If you submit late (either with or without an extension), please complete the

Late form in the Projects module on Canvas. For the form, you need to be logged in using your

university account. Please do not email any of the teaching team regarding late submissions. All

of this is explained again in more detail at the end of this specification.

You must make at least 5 commits (excluding the Initial Submission commit) throughout the

development of the project, and they must have meaningful messages. This is also explained in

more detail at the end of the specification.

1SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

Game Overview

“You are a taxi driver stuck on an endless road, attempting to survive in this current economic

crisis. Move the taxi in the lanes, pick up passengers and drop off the passengers at their trip

end flags to earn money. Each passenger has a priority, which can increase the driver’s earnings.

Collect the coins, to increase the passenger’s priority. If you stop past the trip end flag, you lose

money! Can you beat the target score before the time elapses to complete the game?

Project 1 features only the first part of the full game, as described above. The player has to

press the arrow keys to move the taxi left, right or up. The taxi can pick up one passenger at a

time, by stopping close to them. The taxi can collect coins by colliding with them - collecting coins

will increase the priority of the current passenger once. The player has to drop the passenger off

at their respective trip end flag - stopping past this flag, incurs a penalty on the earnings of that

trip. Once dropped off, the trip earnings are added to the total score. To win, the player needs to

beat the target score of 500. If the game runs for more than 15,000 frames, the game ends in a

loss. At the end, the current top 5 scores are shown on screen.

Figure 1: Completed in-game Project 1 screenshot

2SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

The Game Engine

The Basic Academic Game Engine Library (Bagel) is a game engine that you will use to develop

your game. You can find the documentation for Bagel on Canvas under the Projects module.


Every coordinate on the screen is described by an (x, y) pair. (0, 0) represents the top-left of the

screen, and coordinates increase towards the bottom-right. Each of these coordinates is called a

pixel. The Bagel Point class encapsulates this.


Bagel will refresh the program’s logic at the same refresh rate as your monitor. Each time, the

screen will be cleared to a blank state and all of the graphics are drawn again. Each of these steps

is called a frame. Every time a frame is to be rendered, the update() method in ShadowTaxi is

called. It is in this method that you are expected to update the state of the game.

The refresh rate is typically 120 times per second (Hz) but some devices might have a lower rate

of 60Hz. In this case, when your game is running, it may look different to the demo videos as

the constant values in this specification have been chosen for a refresh rate of 120Hz. For your

convenience, when writing and testing your code, you may change these values to make your game

playable. If you do change the values, remember to change them back to the original specification

values before submitting.

The Game Elements

The default window size should be 1024 * 768 pixels. The game consists of a few screens and

other different game elements. Below is an outline of these elements you will need to implement.

Home Screen

This is the first screen rendered when the game is started. The background (backgroundHome.png)

should be rendered on the screen and completely fill up your window during this screen. This has

already been implemented for you in the skeleton package.

A title message that reads SHADOW TAXI should be rendered with the font provided in the res

folder (FSO8BITR.ttf), with a font size 64. The bottom left of the message should be calculated

as follows: the x-coordinate should be centered horizontally and the y-coordinate should be at 384


Below this, an instruction message that reads PRESS ENTER should be rendered in the provided font,

in size 32. The x-coordinate of the bottom left of the message should be centered horizontally, and

the y-coordinate should be at 500 pixels. When the Enter key is pressed, the game changes to the

Player Information Screen.

3SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

Hint: The drawString() method in the Font class uses the given coordinates as the bottom left

of the message. So to center the message, you will need to calculate the coordinates using the

Window.getWidth() and Font.getWidth() methods.

Player Information Screen

The background (backgroundPlayerInfo.png) should be rendered on the screen and completely

fill up your window during this screen. All messages on this screen are in the provided font, in size

  1. 24. The x-coordinate of the bottom left of all the messages should be centered horizontally.

An instruction message that reads ENTER YOUR NAME should be rendered at the top. The y

coordinate of the bottom left of this message should be at 200 pixels.

When the user types their name, the entered letters needs to be rendered in black in the white box

on this screen. When the user presses the Backspace or Delete key, the last letter of the currently

rendered name needs to be removed. The y-coordinate of the bottom left of this name should

be at 380 pixels. Hint:

The DrawOptions class in Bagel will help you change the colour of the

text. There is also a method given to you in the skeleton that will convert a key press into the

corresponding String value.

Additionally, an instruction message consisting of 2 lines:



should be rendered below the white box. The y-coordinate of the bottom left of this message should

be at 500 pixels. There must be adequate spacing between the 2 lines to ensure readability (you

can decide on the value of this spacing yourself, as long as it’s not small enough that the text

overlaps or too big that it doesn’t fit within the screen). When the Enter key is pressed, the game

changes to the Game Play Screen.

Game Play Screen

This screen features two backgrounds stacked vertically in the y-axis, to create a scrolling effect

during game play. For each background, the same image background.png must be used. The

starting centre coordinates of the first background is (512, 384) and for the second, (512, -384).

The second background starts above the first, initally off-screen (these values are in fact, half the

default window width and window height).

When the player presses the up arrow key, both backgrounds move vertically down by a speed of

5 pixels per frame. If the current y-coordinate of the centre of one background becomes greater

than or equal to 1152, the y-coordinate is set to the (y-coordinate of other background) -

Window.getHeight(). In other words, the background leaving past the bottom of the window,

moves to above the window (if done correctly, this will look like a scrolling effect and the taxi

moves up on an endless road).

The game entities and the actual game play will happen during this screen. This behaviour is

explained in detail later in the Game Entities section.

4SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

Game End Screen

When the player wins or loses, the player’s name and score (separated by a comma) needs to be

written into the res/scores.csv file. A method to write to the comma-separated value (CSV) file

is given to you in the skeleton package.

For a win or a loss, the game changes to this screen. The background (backgroundEnd.png) should

be rendered on the screen and completely fill up your window during this screen. All messages on

this screen are in the provided font. The x-coordinate of the bottom left of all the messages should

be centered horizontally.

On this screen, a message that reads "TOP 5 SCORES -" should be rendered at the top, with a

font size of 20. The y-coordinate of the bottom left of this message should be at 200 pixels.

Below this, the top five scores currently stored in the CSV file, have to be rendered. If there are

less than five, all scores will be shown. Each line will be in the format of "i - j", where i is the

player name and j is the score, given to 2 decimal places. The bottom left of each line should be

calculated as follows: the x-coordinate will be centered horizontally and the y-coordinate increases

by 40 from 200 pixels (i.e the bottom of the scoring message described above).

A method to read the CSV file and return the Strings, is given to you in the skeleton package (you

will need to choose the top 5 scores before rendering however).

If the player beats the target score of 500, this is considered as a win. A message should be

rendered, that consists of 2 lines:



If the game runs for more than 15,000 frames without a win happening, this is considered as a

loss and the game ends. In this case, the message should be rendered as:



The win/loss message should be rendered, in the font provided, in size 24. The y-coordinate should

be at 500 pixels.

If the Space key is pressed, the game returns to the Home Screen and allows the player to play

again. If the player terminates the game window at any point (by pressing the Escape key or by

clicking the Exit button), the window will simply close and no message will be shown.

5SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

(a) Home Screen

(b) Player Information Screen

(c) Game End Screen

Figure 2: Game Screens (Game Play Screen is shown in Figure 1)

Properties File

The key values of the game are listed in two properties files which are given in the skeleton pack

age. The message coordinates, image filenames and other values are given in the app.properties

file. The message strings are given in the message en.properties file. These files shouldn’t be

edited (unless you need to adjust values for any frame rate issues).

To read a value from one of these properties, a Properties object must be created. The

getProperty method can be called on this object with the required value given as the param

eter. For your reference, the skeleton package contains an example of how to read the background

image filename, window width and window height values.

World File

The entities will be defined in a world file, describing the type and their position in the window.

The world file is located at res/gameObjects.csv. A world file is a comma-separated value (CSV)

file with rows in one of the following formats:

TAXI or COIN, x-coordinate, y-coordinate


PASSENGER, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, priority, end x-coordinate, y-distance

An example of a world file is shown below:






The given (x, y) coordinates refer to the centre of each image and these coordinates should be

used to draw each image. For each passenger, the end x-coordinate is for the end of their trip and

6SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

the y-distance is the distance travelled vertically during the trip. The priority is explained later in

the Passenger section.

You must actually load the file—copying and pasting the data, for example, is not allowed. Marking

will be conducted on a hidden different CSV file of the same format. You have been given a method

to read a CSV file in the skeleton package. Note:

The values in the example may not be the

same as the ones given to you and the order of the entities may change.You can assume that there

will always be at least one of each for all the entities. You can also assume there is only taxi for

Project 1.

Game Entities

The following game entities have an associated image and a starting location (x, y). Remember

that all images are drawn from the centre of the image using these coordinates. Each entity has

behaviour that interacts with the other entities, so make sure you read this section fully, before you

ask any questions on Ed Discussions!


Figure 3: taxi.png

The taxi is represented by the image taxi.png, shown on the left. It

has a radius value of 32. In our game, the taxi can move on screen in

one of three directions (left, right and up) when the corresponding arrow

key is pressed. However, for our ease of implementation, we assume the

taxi can only move horizontally and remains stationary in the vertical

direction (i.e. the other entities will be moving in relation to the player’s

arrow keys pressed - this is explained for each entity later ).

Hence, when the player’s right arrow key is pressed or held down, the taxi will move to the right

by 1 pixel per frame. When the player’s left arrow key is pressed or held down, the taxi will

move to the left by the same speed.

Figure 4: Taxi’s score,

target & frames render


When the taxi picks up a passenger, the taxi will have an associated

trip. The taxi also has an associated total score. Once a trip is com

plete, the earnings of that trip is added to the total score. The trip

earnings calculation is explained later in the Trip section. The total

score is rendered in the top left corner of the screen in the format of

"PAY k" where k is the current total score, shown to 2 decimal places.

The bottom left corner of this message should be located at (35, 35)

and the font size should be 20.

The target score of 500.00, should also be rendered on screen, in the

format of "TARGET k", where k is the target score. The bottom left corner of this message should

be located at (10, 65) and the font size should be 20.

The remaining number of frames is shown on screen in the format of "FRAMES REM k", where k is

the number of frames remaining. The bottom left corner of this message should be located at (10,

  1. 95) and the font size is again 20.

7SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024


Figure 5: passen


A passenger is an entity shown by passenger.png. When the player’s up

arrow key is pressed or held down, the passenger will move vertically down

by 5 pixels per frame.

A passenger has an associated priority value of 1, 2 or 3, where 1 is the

highest priority. The higher the priority, the higher the trip earnings -

this is explained in detail later. The priority is rendered only when the

passenger has not been picked up yet. It is shown as an integer, at the

coordinates of (x - 30, y) where x and y are the current coordinates of the passenger. The font

size should be 12.

The expected earnings for each passenger before being picked up by the taxi, will be rendered

on screen. It is shown to 1 decimal place, at the coordinates of (x - 100, y) where x and y are

the current coordinates of the passenger. The font size is 12. The details of how to calculate the

earnings are explained later in the Trip section.

For the taxi to pick up a passenger, three conditions must be fulfilled -

  • the taxi must be stopped, i.e. not moving in the horizontal or vertical direction.
  • the taxi has no current passenger.
  • the taxi must be adjacent to the passenger. This is calculated by calculating the Euclidean

distance between the two (x, y) coordinates of the taxi and passenger. If this current

distance is less than or equal to 100, this is considered as adjacent.

If all 3 conditions are true, the passenger will move towards the taxi. The passenger’s (x, y)

coordinates will increase or decrease respectively, by 1 pixel per frame, until the Euclidean

distance between the coordinates and the taxi’s current coordinates is less than or equal to 1. (for

ease, you may consider this motion as two separate movements, in the x and y directions).

Once the passenger is picked up, the trip will commence and the taxi will move based on the

user’s input as described in the Taxi section. During this movement, the passenger’s image will

not be rendered - only the taxi image will be shown. However, the passenger’s coordinates will

need to be updated whenever the taxi’s coordinates are updated.

When the trip is complete, the passenger will leave the taxi. This happens when the first condition

and either of the second or third conditions are met -

  • the taxi must be stopped, i.e. not moving in the horizontal or vertical direction.
  • the taxi’s y-coordinate must be less than or equal to the y-coordinate of the trip end flag

(i.e. the taxi has just moved above the end flag on screen).


  • the distance between the taxi’s coordinates and the trip end flag’s coordinates, is less than

or equal to the radius of the trip end flag, which has a value of 80 (i.e. the taxi has stopped

in the radius of the end flag).

8SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

If this is satisfied, the passenger will leave the taxi and move towards the trip end flag. The pas

senger’s (x, y) coordinates will increase or decrease respectively, by 1 pixel per frame again,

until the coordinates match the trip end flag’s coordinates (for ease, you may consider this motion

as two separate movements, in the x and y directions). Once the passenger’s coordinates are equal

to the trip end flag’s coordinates, the passenger’s image will stay at that position.

Trip End Flag

Figure 6: tripEnd


A trip end flag is an entity shown by tripEndFlag.png and has a radius

value of 80. When the player’s up arrow key is pressed or held down,

the flag will move vertically down by 5 pixels per frame. The flag’s x

coordinate is the passenger’s end x-coordinate, given in the world file. The

flag’s y-coordinate needs to be calculated using the passenger’s starting y

coordinate and y-distance to travel during the trip, both given in the world file (remember that

y-coordinates decrease when moving vertically up on screen!)

Once a passenger has been picked up (i.e. a trip has started), the flag will be rendered on screen.

As described in the previous section, the trip end flag’s radius and coordinates are used in the

check for when the trip is complete. Once the passenger reaches the trip end flag, it is no longer

rendered on screen.


Figure 7: coin.png

A coin is an entity shown by coin.png and has a radius value of 20.

When the player’s up arrow key is pressed or held down, the coin will

move vertically down by 5 pixels per frame.

When a coin collides with the taxi, the taxi gains the coin power for 500

frames. If the taxi either has a passenger before collision or picks up a passenger whilst the coin

power is active, the passenger’s current priority value is decreased by 1 (i.e. passenger gains

higher priority).

To determine if the coin has collided with the taxi, a range is first calculated by adding the radius

of the coin image and the radius of the taxi image. The current distance between the two (x, y)

coordinates of the taxi and coin, is calculated. If the current distance is less than or equal to

the range, this is considered as a collision. Once collided with, the coin is no longer rendered on


A taxi can collide with multiple coins during a trip but the passenger’s priority will increase only

once. If the passenger’s current priority value is already 1, nothing will happen. The number of

frames that the (most recently collided with) coin has been active for is rendered on the screen

as an integer. The bottom left corner of this message should be located at (900, 35) and the font

size should be 20. This means that every time a new coin is collided with, the rendered frame count

”will look like” it has reset.

9SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024


A trip is not a single entity shown on screen - it is included here to help explain the earnings

calculation and message rendering. The earnings are calculated when a trip is complete (based

on the conditions described in the Passenger section). The earnings are calculated as the sum of

two fees - distance fee and priority fee.

The distance fee is calculated by multiplying the y-distance travelled with the rate per y-distance

of 0.1. The priority fee is calculated by multiplying the passenger’s current priority value with

the priority rate. The priority rates are given in the below table.









For example :-

  • A passenger of initial priority 3, has travelled for 50 pixels. The distance fee would be 50 x

0.1 = 5. The priority fee would be 3 x 10 = 30. The total earnings would be 5 + 30 = 35.

  • A passenger of initial priority 3, has travelled for 150 pixels and the taxi has collided with

one coin. The distance fee would be 150 x 0.1 = 15. The priority fee would be 2 x 20 = 40.

The total earnings would be 15 + 40 = 55.

A penalty will be applied if three conditions are met -

  • the taxi is stopped, i.e. not moving in the horizontal or vertical direction.
  • the taxi’s y-coordinate must be less than the y-coordinate of the trip end flag (i.e. the taxi

has moved beyond the trip end flag on screen).

  • the distance between the taxi’s coordinates and the trip end flag’s coordinates, is greater

than the radius of the trip end flag.

The penalty is calculated by multiplying the penalty rate of 0.05 with the distance between the trip

end flag’s y-coordinate and the taxi’s y-coordinate when it stopped (when the trip was completed).

The penalty will be subtracted from the trip earnings. If the earnings becomes negative, it will

be set to 0. (What this implies is that, a ”perfect” trip ending will be with the taxi stopping as close

as possible to the trip end flag).

As mentioned earlier in the Passenger section, the expected trip earnings are rendered on screen

next to each passenger before being picked up - this will not include any penalties as the trip has

not yet started.

Once the trip commences, the trip details are shown on screen in the bottom left. The font sizes

for all of these details are 20 and the x-coordinate of bottom left corner of each message should

be located at 35. First, a message that reads "CURRENT TRIP -" is rendered with the bottom left

y-coordinate at 650. 30 pixels below this, the expected earnings are rendered in the format of "EXP

FEE k", where k is the current expected earnings, given to 1 decimal place. 60 pixels below the

first trip message, the passenger’s current priority value is rendered in the format of "PRIORITY

10SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

k", where k is the current priority value, as an integer. Remember that current priority values (and

expected earnings) can change if a coin has been collided with!

Once the trip is complete, the first trip message is replaced by one that reads "LAST TRIP -" in

the same position as before. The penalty value is shown 90 pixels below the first trip message, in

the format of "PENALTY k", where k is the penalty value, shown to 2 decimal places. The penalty

value is shown even if there is no penalty for that trip. The trip earnings (with any possible

penalties) are added to the total score, which will be updated. These last trip details will continue

to be rendered until a new trip commences.

(a) Current Trip

(b) Last Trip

Figure 8: Sample Trip Detail Rendering

Your Code

You must submit a class called ShadowTaxi that contains a main method that runs the game as

prescribed above. You may choose to create as many additional classes as you see fit, keeping in

mind the principles of object oriented design discussed so far in the subject. The purpose of this

project is to evaluate how well you use OOSD concepts, specifically classes. Project 2 will require

use of more advanced OOSD concepts. You will be assessed based on your code running correctly, as

well as the effective use of Java concepts. As always in software engineering, appropriate comments

and variables/method/class names are important.

Implementation Checklist

To get you started, here is a checklist of the game features, with a suggested order for implementing


  • Draw the home screen and the messages
  • Draw the player information screen and the messages
  • Draw the game play screen
  • Read the world file, then draw the taxi, one coin and one passenger on screen
  • Implement vertical movement logic for the 3 entities above
  • Implement image rendering and vertical movement for all the entities in the world file
  • Implement the passenger pick up and drop off movement

11SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

  • Implement the trip earnings calculation and total score rendering
  • Implement the coin collision, effect on passenger priority & frame count rendering
  • Implement win and loss detection
  • Implement game end screen and top scores rendering

Supplied Package

You will be given a package called project-1-skeleton.zip that contains the following: (1)

Skeleton code for the ShadowTaxi and IOUtils classes to help you get started, stored in the src

folder. (2) All graphics, fonts and properties that you need to build the game, stored in the res

folder. (3). The pom.xml file required for Maven. Here is a more detailed description:

  • res/ – The graphics and font for the game (you are not allowed to modify any of the files in

this folder).

background.png: The image to represent the background for the Game Play screen

backgroundEnd.png: The image to represent the background for the Game End screen

backgroundHome.png: The image to represent the background for the Home screen

backgroundPlayerInfo.png: The image to represent the background for the Player

Information screen

coin.png: The image to represent a coin.

passenger.png: The image to represent a passenger.

taxi.png: The image to represent the taxi.

tripEndFlag.png: The image to represent the end flag.

app.properties: The properties file containing coordinates, values and file paths.

message en.properties: The properties file containing the message strings.

FSO8BITR.ttf: The font to be used throughout this game.

gameObjects.csv: The world file for the game.

scores.csv: The CSV file to store the scores.

credit.txt: The file containing credit for the font and images (you can ignore this file).

  • src/ – The skeleton code for the game.

ShadowTaxi.java: The skeleton code that contains an entry point to the game and an

update() method that draws the Home Screen background.

IOUtils.java: The skeleton code that has completed methods to read a CSV file, read

a Properties file and write to a CSV file.

12SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

MiscUtils.java: The skeleton code that has a completed method to convert an input

key press into the corresponding String value.

  • pom.xml: File required to set up Maven dependencies.

Submission and Marking

Initial Submission

To ensure you start the project with a correct set-up of your local and remote repository, you

must complete this Initial Submission procedure on or before Wednesday, 28th August 2024

at 4:00pm.

  1. Clone the [user-name]-project-1 folder from GitLab.
  2. Download the project-1-skeleton.zip package from Canvas, under Project 1.
  3. Unzip it.
  4. Move the contents of the unzipped folder to the [user-name]-project-1 folder in your

local machine.

  1. Add, commit and push this change to your remote repository with the commit message

"initial submission".

  1. Check that your push to Gitlab was successful and to the correct place.

After completing this, you can start implementing the project by adding code to meet the require

ments of this specification. Please remember to add, commit and push your code regularly with

meaningful commit messages as you progress.

You must complete the Initial Submission following the above instructions by the due date. Not

doing this will incur a penalty of 3 marks for the project. It is best to do the Initial Submis

sion before starting your project, so you can make regular commits and push to Gitlab since the

very start. However, if you start working on your project locally before completing Initial Sub

mission, that is fine too, just make sure you move all of the contents from your project folder to

[user-name]-project-1 in your local machine.

Technical requirements

  • The program must be written in the Java programming language.
  • Comments and class names must be in English only.
  • The program must not depend upon any libraries other than the Java standard library and

the Bagel library (as well as Bagel’s dependencies).

  • The program must compile fully without errors.

Submission will take place through GitLab. You are to submit to your <username>-project-1

repository. At the bare minimum you are expected to follow the structure below. You can create

more files/directories in your repository if you want. It is expected you will create additional classes

13SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

following good OOSD concepts. Marks are allocated towards suitable design, not just implemen


username -project-1


resources used for project 1



other Java files

On 4th September 2024 at 4:00pm, your latest commit will automatically be harvested from GitLab.


You are free to push to your repository post-deadline, but only the latest commit on or before 4th

September 2024 4:00pm will be marked. You must make at least 5 commits (excluding the Initial

Submission commit) throughout the development of the project, and they must have meaningful

messages (commit messages must match the code in the commit). If commits are anomalous (e.g.

commit message does not match the code, commits with a large amount of code within two commits

which are not far apart in time) you risk penalization.

Examples of good, meaningful commit messages:

  • implemented movement logic
  • fix the player’s trip earning calculation
  • refactored code for cleaner design

Examples of bad, unhelpful commit messages:

  • fesjakhbdjl
  • yeah easy finished the logic
  • fixed thingzZZZ

Good Coding Style

Good coding style is a contentious issue; however, we will be marking your code based on the

following criteria:

  • You should not go back and comment your code after the fact. You should try to comment

as you go.

  • You should be taking care to ensure proper use of visibility modifiers. Unless you have a very

good reason for it, all instance variables should be private (apart from constants).

14SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

  • Any constant should be defined as a final static variable (Note: for Image and Font objects,

use only final). Constants can be public depending on usage. Don’t use magic numbers!

  • Think about whether your code is written to be easily extensible via appropriate use of classes.
  • Make sure each class makes sense as a cohesive whole. A class should have a single well-defined

purpose, and should contain all the data it needs to fulfil this purpose.

Extensions and late submissions

From Semester 2, 2024, The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology has a new process

in place for handling Extensions and Special Considerations, linked here. Carefully read through

the instructions about the same. This information is also published in Canvas -> Modules -> FEIT

Extensions and Special Consideration. Do not send emails to the Subject Coordinator without

reviewing this process first.

The project is due at 4:00pm sharp. Any submissions received past this time (from 4:00pm

onwards) will be considered late unless an extension has been granted. There will be no exceptions.

There is a penalty of 1 mark for a late project, plus an additional 1 mark per 24 hours. If you

submit late (either with or without an extension), please complete the Late form in the Projects

module on Canvas. For the form, you need to be logged in using your university account. Please

do not email any of the teaching team regarding late submissions.


Project 1 is worth 8 marks out of the total 100 for the subject. Although you may see how

inheritance can be used for future extensibility, you are not required to use inheritance in this

project. Project 1 is primarily focused on making sure you can use classes correctly.

  • Deductions –

Not completing the Initial Submission (described in the Submission and Marking section

here) before beginning your project will result in a 2 mark penalty.

Not having at least 5 commits with meaningful messages will result in a 1 mark


  • Features implemented correctly – 3.5 marks

Home & Player Information screens are implemented correctly: (0.5 marks)

The taxi image and movement logic is implemented correctly: (0.25 marks)

The passenger image and movement is implemented correctly: (0.5 marks)

The complete trip logic is implemented correctly : (0.5 marks)

The trip earning calculation is implemented and rendered correctly: (0.5 marks)

The coin image and taxi collision logic is implemented correctly: (0.5 marks)

The trip end flag image and logic is implemented correctly: (0.25 marks)

15SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 1, 2024

Win/Loss detection is implemented correctly along with Game End screen: (0.5 marks)

  • Code (coding style, documentation, good object-oriented principles) – 4.5 marks

Delegation – breaking the code down into appropriate classes and splitting up responsi

bilities appropriately : (1 mark)

Cohesion – each class is a complete unit that contains all their data and methods: (1


Use of Methods – avoiding repeated code and overly long/complex methods: (1 mark)

Code Style – appropriate visibility modifiers (use of public & private), avoiding magic

numbers, consistent formatting, sufficient commenting. : (1.5 marks)


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