
<%@ Language = VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<script language="javascript">
function fPageClick(pageno){
 var url = ''
 url = 'page.asp' +
  '?crtpage=' + pageno
Const GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_BACK  = "<<前へ"
Const GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_FWRD  = "次へ>>"
'機能 : 表示用ページ番号解析処理
'引数 : なし
'      total  IN 全ページ数
'      current  IN カレントのページ
'      dispnum  IN 中央表示ページ数 ※ 奇数
'      amari  IN 余りページ表示数 指定数に大体近い数が採用される
'      aryPagesL OUT 左ページ番号の配列
'      aryPagesM OUT 中央ページ番号の配列
'      aryPagesR OUT 右ページ番号の配列
'      jmpL  OUT 左ジャンプ数
'      jmpR  OUT 右ジャンプ数
'返却値 : なし
Function fblnGetArrayOfManyPages(ByVal total, ByVal current, ByVal dispnum, ByVal amari, ByRef aryPagesL, ByRef aryPagesM, ByRef aryPagesR, ByRef jmpL, ByRef jmpR)

 Dim currentL, currentR 'カレント5件の左右のページ番号
 Dim lenL, lenR   'カレント左右の残り件数
 Dim sepL, sepR   '左右のジャンプ間隔
 Dim viewL, viewR  '左右の実表示個数

 fblnGetArrayOfManyPages = False

 If current > total Or current < 1 Then Exit Function
 If total <= 0      Then Exit Function
 If dispnum <= 0      Then Exit Function
 If dispnum / 2 = Int(dispnum / 2) Then Exit Function
 If amari <= 0      Then Exit Function

 currentL = current - Int(dispnum / 2)
 If currentL <= 2 Then
  currentL = 1
  currentR = dispnum
  currentR = current + Int(dispnum / 2)
  If currentR >= total - 3 Then
   currentL = total - dispnum
   currentR = total
  End If
 End If

 If total <= dispnum Then
  currentL = 1
  currentR = total
 End If

 lenL = currentL - 1
 lenR = total - currentR

 If lenL <= 0 Then
  viewL = 1
  viewL = Round(amari * lenL / (lenL +lenR), 0)
 End If

 If lenR <= 0 Then
  viewR = total
  viewR = Round(amari * lenR / (lenL +lenR), 0)
 End If

 sepL = 0
 sepR = 0

 If viewL > 0 Then
  sepL = Round(LenL / viewL, 0)
  If sepL < 1 Then sepL = 1
 End If

 If viewR > 0 Then
  sepR = Round(LenR / viewR, 0)
  If sepR < 1 Then sepR = 1
 End If


 Dim intPagesL, intPagesM, intPagesR
 Dim i

 intPagesL = 0
 If sepL > 0 Then
  For i = 1 To currentL Step sepL
   If i >= currentL Then Exit For
   If Not IsArray(aryPagesL) Then aryPagesL = Array(-1)
   ReDim Preserve aryPagesL(intPagesL)
   aryPagesL(intPagesL) = i
   intPagesL = intPagesL + 1
  If currentL > 1 Then
   If Not IsArray(aryPagesL) Then aryPagesL = Array(-1)
   ReDim Preserve aryPagesL(intPagesL)
   aryPagesL(intPagesL) = 1
  End If
 End If

 intPagesM = 0
 For i = currentL To currentR
  If Not IsArray(aryPagesM) Then aryPagesM = Array(-1)
  ReDim Preserve aryPagesM(intPagesM)
  aryPagesM(intPagesM) = i
  intPagesM = intPagesM + 1

 If total > currentR  Then
  intPagesR = 0
  If sepR > 0 Then
   For i = currentR + sepR To total Step sepR
    If i >= total Then
'     If intPagesR > 0 Then
'      intPagesR = intPagesR - 1
'     End If
     Exit For
    End If
    If Not IsArray(aryPagesR) Then aryPagesR = Array(-1)
    ReDim Preserve aryPagesR(intPagesR)
    aryPagesR(intPagesR) = i
    intPagesR = intPagesR + 1
  End If
  If Not IsArray(aryPagesR) Then aryPagesR = Array(-1)
  ReDim Preserve aryPagesR(intPagesR)
  aryPagesR(intPagesR) = total
 End If

 jmpL = sepL
 jmpR = sepR

 fblnGetArrayOfManyPages = True
End Function

Function fGetPageHTML(strHTML,totalPage,currentPage,dispnum,amari)

 Dim aryPagesL, aryPagesM, aryPagesR, jmpL, jmpR, i, intTempPage
   'If fblnGetArrayOfManyPages(lngPageNumber, lngCurentPage, 5, 6, aryPagesL, aryPagesM, aryPagesR, jmpL, jmpR) Then
   If fblnGetArrayOfManyPages(totalPage, currentPage, dispnum, amari, aryPagesL, aryPagesM, aryPagesR, jmpL, jmpR) Then
    Dim strDisp, strDelmiL, strDelmiR

    If currentPage = 1 Then
     strHTML = strHTML & GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_BACK & "&nbsp;"
     strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=javascript:fPageClick("  & currentPage-1 & ")>" & GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_BACK & "</a>&nbsp;"
    End If

    '## 実ページ番号の表示部分
    strDelmiL = "&hellip;"
    strDelmiR = "&hellip;"

    If jmpL <= 1 Then
     strDelmiL = "&nbsp;"
    End If
    If jmpR <= 1 Then
     strDelmiR = "&nbsp;"
    End If

    If IsArray(aryPagesL) Then
     intTempPage = CInt(-100)
     For i = 0 To UBound(aryPagesL)
      If (intTempPage + 1) < CInt(aryPagesL(i)) Then
       strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=javascript:fPageClick("  & CStr(aryPagesL(i)) & ")>" & CStr(aryPagesL(i)) & "</a>" & strDelmiL
       intTempPage = CInt(aryPagesL(i))
      End If
    End If

    If IsArray(aryPagesM) Then
     For i = 0 To UBound(aryPagesM)
      If Int(aryPagesM(i)) = Int(currentPage) Then
       strHTML = strHTML & "<b>[" & CStr(aryPagesM(i)) & "]</b>"
       strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=javascript:fPageClick("  & CStr(aryPagesM(i)) & ")>" & CStr(aryPagesM(i)) & "</a>"
      End If
      If i <> UBound(aryPagesM) Then
       strHTML = strHTML & "&nbsp;"
      End If
    End If

    If IsArray(aryPagesR) Then
     Dim strHTMLWork : strHTMLWork = ""
     intTempPage = CInt(aryPagesR(UBound(aryPagesR))) + 100
     For i = UBound(aryPagesR) To 0 Step -1
      If (intTempPage - 1) > CInt(aryPagesR(i)) Then
       strHTMLWork = strDelmiR & "<a href=javascript:fPageClick("  & CStr(aryPagesR(i)) & ")>" & CStr(aryPagesR(i)) & "</a>" & strHTMLWork
       intTempPage = CInt(aryPagesR(i))
      End If
     strHTML = strHTML & strHTMLWork
    End If

    '## 「次へ>>」の表示部分
    If Int(currentPage) = Int(currentPage) Then
     strHTML = strHTML & "&nbsp;" & GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_FWRD & "</td>"
     strHTML = strHTML & "&nbsp;<a href=javascript:fPageClick("  & currentPage+1 & ")>" & GSTR_DIS_FVLH_TTL_FWRD & "</a></td>"
    End If
    strHTML = strHTML & ""
   End If
End Function

Dim lngCurentPage
Dim strHTML
Dim blnRet

If Request.QueryString("crtpage")<>"" Then
 lngCurentPage = CLng(Request.QueryString("crtpage"))
 lngCurentPage = 1
End If
blnRet = fGetPageHTML(strHTML,1000,lngCurentPage,5,6)
