ngui中 代码调用按钮事件(后来改成了按钮绑定键盘..)

ngui中 代码调用按钮事件

好烦人啊这个问题, 我弄完发上来


这个问题解决了一半 发现可以用 按钮绑定来解决这个问题,并且更安全方便快速

直接在按钮上添加一个 key binding 指定按键 搞定



using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// This class makes it possible to activate or select something by pressing a key (such as space bar for example).
/// </summary>

[AddComponentMenu("Game/UI/Key Binding")]
public class UIKeyBinding : MonoBehaviour
    public enum Action

    public enum Modifier

    /// <summary>
    /// Key that will trigger the binding.
    /// </summary>

    public KeyCode keyCode = KeyCode.None;

    /// <summary>
    /// Modifier key that must be active in order for the binding to trigger.
    /// </summary>

    public Modifier modifier = Modifier.None;

    /// <summary>
    /// Action to take with the specified key.
    /// </summary>

    public Action action = Action.PressAndClick;

    bool mIgnoreUp = false;
    bool mIsInput = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// If we're bound to an input field, subscribe to its Submit notification.
    /// </summary>

    void Start ()
        UIInput input = GetComponent<UIInput>();
        mIsInput = (input != null);
        if (input != null) EventDelegate.Add(input.onSubmit, OnSubmit);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ignore the KeyUp message if the input field "ate" it.
    /// </summary>

    void OnSubmit () { if (UICamera.currentKey == keyCode && IsModifierActive()) mIgnoreUp = true; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Convenience function that checks whether the required modifier key is active.
    /// </summary>

    bool IsModifierActive ()
        if (modifier == Modifier.None) return true;

        if (modifier == Modifier.Alt)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) ||
                Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)) return true;
        else if (modifier == Modifier.Control)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) ||
                Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl)) return true;
        else if (modifier == Modifier.Shift)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) ||
                Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)) return true;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Process the key binding.
    /// </summary>

    void Update ()
        if (keyCode == KeyCode.None || !IsModifierActive()) return;

        if (action == Action.PressAndClick)
            if (UICamera.inputHasFocus) return;

            UICamera.currentTouch = UICamera.controller;
            UICamera.currentScheme = UICamera.ControlScheme.Mouse;
            UICamera.currentTouch.current = gameObject;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode))
                UICamera.Notify(gameObject, "OnPress", true);

            if (Input.GetKeyUp(keyCode))
                UICamera.Notify(gameObject, "OnPress", false);
                UICamera.Notify(gameObject, "OnClick", null);
            UICamera.currentTouch.current = null;
        else if (action == Action.Select)
            if (Input.GetKeyUp(keyCode))
                if (mIsInput)
                    if (!mIgnoreUp && !UICamera.inputHasFocus)
                        UICamera.selectedObject = gameObject;
                    mIgnoreUp = false;
                    UICamera.selectedObject = gameObject;


posted @ 2016-02-17 13:52  vsDog  阅读(543)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报