【代码保留】exists和not exists
select c.udt_usr_id usr_id, f.usr_name, c.udt_org_id org_id, e.org_shorname
from asm_useridentity c, ogm_organization e, asm_user f
where exists (select a.org_id
from ogm_organization a
where (a.org_codid = '7' or a.org_codid = '8')
and c.udt_org_id = a.org_id)
and not exists (select b.udt_usr_id
from ogm_organization a, asm_useridentity b
where (a.org_codid = '4' or a.org_codid = '5')
and b.udt_org_id = a.org_id
and c.udt_usr_id = b.udt_usr_id)
and exists (select c.udt_org_id
from ogm_organization d
where c.udt_org_id = d.org_id
CONNECT BY d.org_parentid = PRIOR d.org_id
START WITH d.org_id = '402')
and c.udt_org_id = e.org_id
and f.usr_id = c.udt_usr_id
group by udt_usr_id, udt_org_id, org_shorname, usr_name
order by org_id asc
from asm_useridentity c, ogm_organization e, asm_user f
where exists (select a.org_id
from ogm_organization a
where (a.org_codid = '7' or a.org_codid = '8')
and c.udt_org_id = a.org_id)
and not exists (select b.udt_usr_id
from ogm_organization a, asm_useridentity b
where (a.org_codid = '4' or a.org_codid = '5')
and b.udt_org_id = a.org_id
and c.udt_usr_id = b.udt_usr_id)
and exists (select c.udt_org_id
from ogm_organization d
where c.udt_org_id = d.org_id
CONNECT BY d.org_parentid = PRIOR d.org_id
START WITH d.org_id = '402')
and c.udt_org_id = e.org_id
and f.usr_id = c.udt_usr_id
group by udt_usr_id, udt_org_id, org_shorname, usr_name
order by org_id asc
exists和not exists与in和not in的区别:
在in前面通常有t.***id in ( select ***id from table1 a where *=* )
转换则为:exists ( select ***id from table1 a where *=* and a.***id=t.***id )
not exists对应not in只是在exists前加not,其余相同。
posted on 2007-11-23 16:44 volnet(可以叫我大V) 阅读(396) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报