Injection is Tapestry's way of making a dependency – such as a resource, asset, component, block or service – available in a page, component, mixin or service class.
Injection是Tapestry中定义从属关系的方式 - 例如,resource, asset, component, block or service - 在page,component,mixin或者服务类中都可以定义。
1 Block Injection 插入一个块儿。。。
@Inject private Block foo; //默认id为foo的
@Inject @Id("bar") private Block barBlock; //id已经被指定
2 Resource Injection 资源插入
- java.util.Locale – The locale for the component (all components within a page use the same locale).
- org.slf4j.Logger – A Logger instance configured for the component, based on the component's class name. SLF4J is a wrapper around Log4J or other logging toolkits.
- org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources – The resources for the component, often used to generate links related to the component.
- org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Messages – The component message catalog for the component, from which localized messages can be generated.
@Inject private ComponentResources resources;
3 Asset Injection class或者src什么的
@Inject @Path("context:images/top_banner.png") private Asset banner;
4 Service Injection
5 Request Injection
这个目前只见过,request.isXHR() ? someZone.getBody() : null;这一种情况。。。
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