HDU - 5898——odd-even number (数位DP)
- Time limit
1000 ms
- Memory limit
65536 kB
For a number,if the length of continuous odd digits is even and the length of continuous even digits is odd,we call it odd-even number.Now we want to know the amount of odd-even number between L,R(1<=L<=R<= 9*10^18).
First line a t,then t cases.every line contains two integers L and R.
Print the output for each case on one line in the format as shown below.
Sample Input
2 1 100 110 220
Sample Output
Case #1: 29 Case #2: 36
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
long long dp[25][2][2];
long long board[25];//存数的每一位的值
long long DFS(ll pos,ll pre,ll num,bool limit,bool lead){
if(pos == -1)return (pre && !num) || (!pre && num);
if(!limit && !lead && dp[pos][pre][num]!=-1)return dp[pos][pre][num];
ll up = limit?board[pos]:9;
ll ans = 0;
for(int _=0 ; _<=up ; _++){
if(lead && _==0)ans += DFS(pos-1,1,0,limit && _==up,true);
else if((_&1) && pre)ans += DFS(pos-1,pre,num^1,limit && _==up,false);
else if((_&1) && !pre && num)ans += DFS(pos-1,1,1,limit && _==up,false);
//这里当这一位的奇偶性与前一位不同时判断之前的位是否满足(!pre && num),因为不满足的就已经错了,没必要继续了。
else if(!(_&1) && pre && !num)ans += DFS(pos-1,0,1,limit && _==up,false);//同上
else if(!(_&1) && !pre)ans += DFS(pos-1,pre,num^1,limit && _==up,false);
if(!limit && !lead)dp[pos][pre][num] = ans;
return ans;
ll Solve(ll t){
ll pos = 0;
board[pos++] = t%10;
t /= 10;
return DFS(pos-1,1,0,true,true);//这里传入pre=1,num=0是因为0个奇数也满足偶数个奇数,方便后面的状态转移。
int main(){
int T;
ll A,B;
for(int _=1 ; _<=T ; _++){
scanf("%lld %lld",&A,&B);
printf("Case #%d: %lld\n",_,Solve(B)-Solve(A-1));
return 0;