
功能: 自动播放英华学堂的课。

注意: 请点击“学习记录”进入视频列表,再选择视频进行播放,否则脚本将不能正确运行。



class OcTip {
* 类名: OcTip
* 说明: 提示框类. 可同时显示一些顺序排列的提示框.
* 初始化参数:
* parent: 父元素
constructor(parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.HTML = document.createElement("div");
this.queue = [];
this.mainTimer = 0;
this.paused = false;
this.mtID = null;
init() {
this.HTML.className = 'oc-container';
this.HTML.onmouseover = () => {this.paused = true;};
this.HTML.onmouseleave = () => {this.paused = false;};
var elStyle = document.createElement("style");
elStyle.innerHTML = '.oc-container {z-index: 9999;position: relative;top: calc((100% - var(--height, 32px)) / 2);left: calc((100% - var(--width, 64px)) / 2);overflow: hidden;}.oc-tip {outline: 3px solid #ffff00;margin: 9px;border: 2px dashed #ffaa00;padding: 6px;background-color: #ffff00;overflow: hidden;transition: opacity 1s;}.oc-tip:hover {transition: opacity 0s;}.oc-tip .title,.oc-tip .content {margin: 0;vertical-align: middle;overflow: auto;}.oc-tip .title {overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space: nowrap;}';
!this.mtID && (this.mtID = setInterval(() => {
let maxWidth = parseInt(this.parent.offsetWidth * 0.8);
let maxHeight = parseInt(this.parent.offsetHeight * 0.8);
this.HTML.style.maxWidth = (maxWidth >= 64 ? maxWidth : 64) + 'px';
this.HTML.style.maxHeight = (maxHeight >= 64 ? maxHeight : 64) + 'px';
this.HTML.style.setProperty("--width", this.HTML.offsetWidth + "px");
this.HTML.style.setProperty("--height", this.HTML.offsetHeight + "px");
(!this.paused) && (this.mainTimer += 100);
}, 100));
append(text, title = null, delay = 1200) {
* 成员函数名: append()
* 说明: 显示一个显示 3s 的提示性文本框, 可包含标题及文本.
* 参数:
* text: 显示文本
* title: 标题(默认不显示)
var elTip = document.createElement('div');
var elContent = document.createElement("p");
elTip.className = "oc-tip";
elContent.className = 'content';
if (title) {
let elTitle = document.createElement("h3");
elTitle.className = 'title';
elTitle.innerHTML = title;
elTitle.title = title;
elContent.innerHTML = text;
elContent.title = text;
elTip.onmouseover = () => {elTip.style.opacity = 1;};
this._insertQueue(elTip, delay);
return true;
destroy() {
* 成员函数名: destroy()
* 说明: 清除成员内容, 释放内存.
* 参数:
* parent: 父元素
* text: 显示文本
* title: 标题(默认不显示)
this.HTML && this.parent.removeChild(this.HTML);
this.HTML = null;
this.queue = [];
this.mtID && clearInterval(this.mtID);
return true;
_insertQueue(elTip, duration) {
duration = parseInt(duration / 100) * 100;
inTime: this.mainTimer,
outTime: this.mainTimer + duration,
display: false,
elTip: elTip
_handleQueue() {
this.queue.forEach((obj, index, queue) => {
if(!obj.display && obj.inTime >= this.mainTimer) {
obj.display = true;
else if(obj.display && this.mainTimer == obj.outTime) {
obj.elTip.style.opacity = 0;
else if(obj.display && this.mainTimer >= obj.outTime + 1000) {
obj.display = false;
obj.elTip = null;
queue.splice(index, 1);
class Course {
constructor(courseId) {
this.prefixURL1 = 'https://mooc.yinghuaonline.com';
this.prefixURL2 = 'https://mooc.yinghuaonline.com/user/study_record.json?courseId=';
this.index = -1; //本视频索引
this.nodeId = "";
this.chapterId = "";
this.courseId = courseId;
this.title = ""; //课程名
this.name = ""; //json 视频名
this.viewCount = 0; //json 观看次数
this.duration = 0; //json 视频播放时长
this.videoDuration = 0; //json 视频总时长
this.state = "";
this.finished = false; //是否完成播放
this.url = ""; //json 本页面地址
this.pageInfo = {
keyName: null,
page: -1,
pageCount: -1,
recordsCount: -1,
onlyCount: -1,
pageSize: -1
this.errCode = 0;
this.errMsg = "";
this._urls = []; //本次所有视频 HTML a 对象
this._json = null; //请求的课程 json
this._tID = Math.floor(Math.random() * (1622097000000 - 1622097888888)) + 1622097000000; //请求 json 所用 ID
init() {
this.title = document.querySelector('#wrapper > div.curPlace > div.center > a:nth-child(3)').innerText;
parseIndex() { //分析当前视频索引
if(this.index != -1) return;
//解析本地 HTML 列表
var obj = document.querySelectorAll("div.nwrap > div > div.detmain-navs > div.detmain-navlist > div.group.two > div.list > div > a");
for(let [k, v] of obj.entries()) {
if(v.innerText == "章节测验") continue;
else {
v.href = `https://mooc.yinghuaonline.com/user/node?courseId=${this.courseId}&chapterId=${this.chapterId}&nodeId=${/nodeId=(\d+)/.exec(v.href)[1]}`;
for(let i = 0; i < this._urls.length; i++) {
if(this._urls[i].className == "on") {
this.index = i;
return i;
this.index = -1;
return -1;
requireJson() { //请求视频列表
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var page = 0;
page = parseInt((this.index + 20) / 20);
xhttp.onreadystatechange = () => {
if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
this._json = JSON.parse(xhttp.response);
else if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 0) {
this.errorCode = 404;
if(this._json.status && this._json.status == false) {
this.errorMsg = `Error: [${this.errorCode}] ${JSON.parse(xhttp.response).msg}`;
else {
this.errorMsg = `Error: [${this.errorCode}] 课程信息请求失败!}`;
xhttp.open("GET", this.prefixURL2 + this.courseId + "&page=" + page + "&_=" + this._tID++, false);
return this._json;
refresh() { //刷新当前课程信息
var json = null;
if(this.parseIndex() != -1 && this.requireJson()) {
return true;
else {
return false;
_updateProperty() { //设置属性
this.id = this._json.list[this.index % 20].id;
this.chapterId = this._json.list[this.index % 20].chapterId;
this.courseId = this._json.list[this.index % 20].courseId;
this.name = this._json.list[this.index % 20].name;
this.viewCount = parseInt(this._json.list[this.index % 20].viewCount);
this.duration = parseInt(this._json.list[this.index % 20].duration);
this.videoDuration = parseSec(this._json.list[this.index % 20].videoDuration);
this.state = /(未学完|未学|已学)/.exec(this._json.list[this.index % 20].state)[0];
if(this.state == "已学") this.finished = true;
this.url = this.prefixURL1 + this._json.list[this.index % 20].url;
this.pageInfo = this._json.pageInfo;
// 保存 json 至本地(SKM_courseId_page_recordsCount_pageSize)
writeSessionStorage(`SKM_${this.courseId}_${this._json.pageInfo.page}_${this._json.pageInfo.recordsCount}_${this._json.pageInfo.pageSize}`, JSON.stringify(this._json), true);
class YHAssistant {
constructor() {
this.HTML = document.createElement("div");
this.baseInfo = null;
this.mainTimer = 0; //主时钟
this.currentDuration = -1; //观看时长
this.countdown = -1; //倒计时
this.course = null; //自定义课程对象
this.elTable = null; //HTML 表格对象
this.video = null; //HTML 视频对象
this.autoplay = true;
this.onduty = false; //是否值守
this.ocTip = null;
this._timer1 = 0; //值守计时器
this._timer2 = 0; //播放时长计时器(非Interval)
this._mtID = null; //主时钟 ID
this._tID1 = null; //值守计时器 ID
this._fg1 = false; //已切换背景
this._fg2 = false; //倒计时为 0
this._fg3 = false; //暂停计时
this._pageOther = false; //是否为其他页面
if(/\w+:\/\/mooc\.yinghuaonline\.com\/user\/node\?\S+/.exec(location.href)) this.init();
else {
this._pageOther = true;
init() { //播放界面初始化
var elStyle = null;
//添加 innerHTML
this.HTML.className = "YHAssistant";
this.HTML.innerHTML += '<div class="titlebar"> <svg class="bt-menu" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M130.2 848.89c-17.14 0-31.59-14.44-31.59-32.03 0-17.38 14.44-32.05 31.59-32.05h33.62c17.14 0 31.82 14.67 31.82 32.05 0 17.58-14.67 32.03-31.82 32.03H130.2z m228.83-610.58c-17.17 0-31.61-14.24-31.61-31.61 0-17.58 14.44-31.59 31.61-31.59h534.33c17.58 0 32.02 14 32.02 31.59 0 17.37-14.44 31.61-32.02 31.61H359.03z m-228.83 0c-17.14 0-31.59-14.24-31.59-31.61 0-17.58 14.44-31.59 31.59-31.59h33.62c17.14 0 31.82 14 31.82 31.59 0 17.37-14.67 31.61-31.82 31.61H130.2z m228.83 203.52c-17.17 0-31.61-14.44-31.61-31.82 0-17.58 14.44-31.82 31.61-31.82h534.33c17.58 0 32.02 14.24 32.02 31.82 0 17.38-14.44 31.82-32.02 31.82H359.03z m-228.83 0c-17.14 0-31.59-14.44-31.59-31.82 0-17.58 14.44-31.82 31.59-31.82h33.62c17.14 0 31.82 14.24 31.82 31.82 0 17.38-14.67 31.82-31.82 31.82H130.2z m228.83 203.54c-17.17 0-31.61-14.21-31.61-31.59 0-17.61 14.44-32.05 31.61-32.05h534.33c17.58 0 32.02 14.44 32.02 32.05 0 17.38-14.44 31.59-32.02 31.59H359.03z m-228.83 0c-17.14 0-31.59-14.21-31.59-31.59 0-17.61 14.44-32.05 31.59-32.05h33.62c17.14 0 31.82 14.44 31.82 32.05 0 17.38-14.67 31.59-31.82 31.59H130.2z m228.83 203.52c-17.17 0-31.61-14.44-31.61-32.03 0-17.38 14.44-32.05 31.61-32.05h534.33c17.58 0 32.02 14.67 32.02 32.05 0 17.58-14.44 32.03-32.02 32.03H359.03z" fill="black"></path> </svg> <div class="label-title"> <h3>Title</h3> </div> <div class="menu-container" style="right: 36px;"> <span class="bt-audio false" title="取消静音"> <svg viewBox="0 0 1066 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M548.48 0c282.752 0 512 229.248 512 512s-229.248 512-512 512c-282.794667 0-512-229.248-512-512s229.205333-512 512-512z m0 42.666667c-259.242667 0-469.333333 210.133333-469.333333 469.333333s210.090667 469.333333 469.333333 469.333333c259.2 0 469.333333-210.133333 469.333333-469.333333s-210.133333-469.333333-469.333333-469.333333zM307.925333 259.157333a29.269333 29.269333 0 0 1 37.76 3.072L806.826667 723.413333l3.114666 3.626667a29.269333 29.269333 0 0 1-44.501333 37.717333l-29.568-29.525333a33.578667 33.578667 0 0 1-23.637333-8.874667c-8.874667-5.930667-8.874667-14.805333-8.874667-23.637333l-44.330667-44.373333a31.445333 31.445333 0 0 1-35.456-5.888c-11.861333-8.874667-11.861333-23.68-5.930666-35.498667l-47.317334-47.274667v198.058667c0 17.706667-17.706667 26.581333-32.512 17.706667L357.546667 655.402667H289.536c-17.749333 0-29.568-11.818667-29.568-29.568V401.194667c0-17.749333 11.818667-29.568 29.568-29.568h67.968l8.874667-5.930667-62.08-62.08a29.269333 29.269333 0 0 1 0-41.386667z m401.365334 44.458667a31.658667 31.658667 0 0 1 41.386666-2.986667 272.384 272.384 0 0 1 100.48 212.906667c0 56.149333-17.706667 106.410667-44.330666 150.741333l-44.373334-44.373333a212.48 212.48 0 0 0 29.610667-106.410667c0-67.968-29.568-127.104-79.786667-165.546666a29.738667 29.738667 0 0 1-2.986666-44.330667zM620.586667 371.626667c11.818667-8.874667 26.624-11.818667 38.442666-2.986667a180.48 180.48 0 0 1 73.898667 144.853333c0 23.68-2.986667 44.373333-11.818667 65.066667l-47.317333-47.317333c2.986667-5.930667 2.986667-11.818667 2.986667-17.749334 0-38.4-20.693333-73.898667-53.205334-97.536-14.805333-8.874667-14.805333-32.512-2.986666-44.373333z m-82.773334-130.090667c11.818667-8.874667 32.512 0 32.512 17.749333v168.533334l-121.173333-121.258667z" fill="#467CFD" style="--darkreader-inline-fill:#0231a1;"></path> </svg> </span> <span class="bt-audio true" title="静音"> <svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M218.495828 334.609871c-0.390903-0.019443-0.773619-0.019443-1.164522-0.019443L100.022553 334.590428c-21.744233 0-39.087227 17.448394-39.087227 39.001269l0 273.866415c0 21.551852 17.505699 38.999223 39.087227 38.999223l117.308753 0c0.057305 0 0.113587 0 0.171915 0l0 0.153496 287.22056 185.975668c6.824429 5.842055 15.691377 9.354042 25.370831 9.354042 21.590737 0 39.096437-17.505699 39.096437-39.095413 0-1.794879-0.124843-3.551896-0.354064-5.270027L568.836985 183.473685c0.229221-1.718131 0.354064-3.475148 0.354064-5.269004 0-21.590737-17.505699-39.096437-39.096437-39.096437-8.895601 0-17.105586 2.977821-23.682375 7.979742L218.495828 334.609871zM757.858012 953.491133l0.085958 0.075725c123.876332-107.514689 202.211445-266.13329 202.211445-443.041442 0-177.214121-78.603219-336.062965-202.851011-443.61654l-0.11461 0.11461c-4.963035-3.817955-11.17655-6.109138-17.925255-6.109138-16.197914 0-29.322839 13.133112-29.322839 29.321816 0 6.757914 2.28095 12.981662 6.109138 17.926278l-0.333598 0.342808c0.821715 0.706081 1.641383 1.393743 2.462075 2.119267 1.173732 1.202385 2.452865 2.329045 3.817955 3.321652 110.054535 96.710622 179.51349 238.550071 179.51349 396.578224 0 158.02713-69.458955 299.866578-179.51349 396.577201-1.36509 0.99363-2.644223 2.118244-3.817955 3.321652-0.600681 0.533143-1.212618 1.048889-1.822508 1.564635l0.229221 0.230244c-4.152577 5.058203-6.643304 11.530614-6.643304 18.593474 0 16.188704 13.124925 29.321816 29.322839 29.321816C746.317165 960.134437 752.798786 957.651896 757.858012 953.491133zM713.998085 729.35433l0.23843 0.24764c55.380308-56.43022 89.532129-133.76454 89.532129-219.077577 0-85.409229-34.228569-162.800853-89.704045-219.249493l-0.268106 0.267083c-4.886287-3.64604-10.966773-5.821589-17.543561-5.821589-16.197914 0-29.322839 13.133112-29.322839 29.321816 0 6.566556 2.166339 12.657274 5.822612 17.544585l-0.162706 0.170892c0.773619 0.782829 1.547239 1.584078 2.310625 2.38635 0.075725 0.076748 0.152473 0.171915 0.23843 0.248663 43.3626 45.587268 69.983911 107.248629 69.983911 175.132716 0 67.884087-26.621311 129.544425-69.983911 175.131693-0.085958 0.077771-0.162706 0.171915-0.23843 0.24764-0.706081 0.74599-1.422396 1.471514-2.13871 2.214435l0.144286 0.134053c-3.751441 4.926196-5.976108 11.092639-5.976108 17.754363 0 16.188704 13.124925 29.321816 29.322839 29.321816C702.925912 735.328391 709.072913 733.113957 713.998085 729.35433z" fill="#467CFD" style="--darkreader-inline-fill:#0231a1;"></path> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="menu-container" style="right: 6px;"> <span class="bt-refresh" title="刷新记录"> <svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M981.314663 554.296783a681.276879 681.276879 0 0 1-46.986468 152.746388q-105.706098 230.734238-360.983096 242.19829a593.06288 593.06288 0 0 1-228.689008-33.853939v-1.022615l-31.808709 79.979258a55.759429 55.759429 0 0 1-20.506122 22.551352 40.043451 40.043451 0 0 1-21.04434 5.382184 51.076928 51.076928 0 0 1-19.483507-5.382184 95.210839 95.210839 0 0 1-13.347817-7.158305 52.314831 52.314831 0 0 1-5.382184-4.628679L71.671707 731.908862a57.427906 57.427906 0 0 1-7.158305-21.528737 46.932646 46.932646 0 0 1 1.022615-17.438277 35.952991 35.952991 0 0 1 7.158305-13.347816 74.435608 74.435608 0 0 1 10.279972-10.279972 60.495751 60.495751 0 0 1 11.248765-7.373593 50.431066 50.431066 0 0 1 8.18092-3.606063 6.189512 6.189512 0 0 0 3.067845-1.776121l281.003839-74.866183a91.497132 91.497132 0 0 1 35.899168-2.583448 122.337047 122.337047 0 0 1 22.174599 6.404799 21.528737 21.528737 0 0 1 12.325202 12.325202 76.157907 76.157907 0 0 1 4.628679 14.854829 47.63233 47.63233 0 0 1 0 14.370431 55.167388 55.167388 0 0 1-2.04523 10.764369 10.764368 10.764368 0 0 0-1.022615 3.606063l-32.831324 79.979258a677.50935 677.50935 0 0 0 164.264262 39.505232q77.395809 7.696523 131.809692-3.606063a358.507291 358.507291 0 0 0 101.023598-36.921784 381.27393 381.27393 0 0 0 73.951211-50.753997 352.64071 352.64071 0 0 0 48.708767-55.382676 410.391547 410.391547 0 0 0 26.910921-41.550462c3.767529-7.481236 6.673908-13.616926 8.719139-18.460892zM40.885614 449.667121a685.69027 685.69027 0 0 1 63.563595-176.427998q118.0313-212.273346 374.330913-207.160271a571.803252 571.803252 0 0 1 207.160271 39.989629l33.853939-78.956643A75.619688 75.619688 0 0 1 735.187378 9.189165a37.67529 37.67529 0 0 1 15.393047-8.234742 42.303968 42.303968 0 0 1 14.854829-0.538219 47.578509 47.578509 0 0 1 13.347817 3.606064 102.907362 102.907362 0 0 1 11.302586 6.13569 49.569917 49.569917 0 0 1 6.673909 4.628678l3.067845 3.067845 154.84544 276.913379a81.970666 81.970666 0 0 1 6.13569 22.712817 46.986468 46.986468 0 0 1-1.022615 17.438277 32.293105 32.293105 0 0 1-7.696523 13.347817 69.322533 69.322533 0 0 1-10.764369 9.741753 92.142994 92.142994 0 0 1-11.302587 6.673909l-8.18092 4.09046a7.104483 7.104483 0 0 1-3.067845 1.022615l-283.049068 67.546412a112.003254 112.003254 0 0 1-46.125319-1.022615c-11.571696-3.390776-19.160576-8.019454-22.551352-13.832214a41.173709 41.173709 0 0 1-5.382184-21.04434 97.256069 97.256069 0 0 1 1.291724-17.438277 24.381295 24.381295 0 0 1 3.067845-8.234742L600.632773 296.81309a663.730958 663.730958 0 0 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this._timer1 = 0;
_bindVideoEvent() { //绑定视频事件
this.video.ontimeupdate = () => { //视频播放时间改变
if(this._timer2 != parseInt(this.video.currentTime)) { //经过 1s
this._timer2 = parseInt(this.video.currentTime);
if(!this._fg2 && this.countdown == 0) { //倒计时为 0 判断是否完成
this.fg2 = true;
if(this.course.refresh() && this.course.finished) {
else { //设置时间并播放
this.video.currentTime = this.course.duration;
this._fg2 = false;
this.video.addEventListener('pause', () => { //视频播放暂停
var popup = document.querySelector('div.layui-layer');
if(popup && popup.querySelector('div.layui-layer-btn a').innerText == "开始播放") { //输入验证码
popup.querySelector('div.layui-layer-btn a').onclick = () => { //点击确认
if(!this.video.paused) { //验证成功
!this.onduty && playBeep();
else if(popup) { //时长上传失败
var shade = document.querySelector('div.layui-layer-shade');
shade && document.body.removeChild(shade);
setTimeout(()=>{this.video.paused && !this.onduty && playBeep();}, 5000);
this.video.addEventListener('ended', () => { //视频播放结束
if(this.course && this.course.refresh() && this.course.finished) {
else {
this.video.currentTime = this.course.duration;
next() { //切换下一个
this.course && this.course._urls[this.course.index + 1].click();
jumpNext() { //跳转至下一个未完成页面
for(let obj of this.course._json.list) { //遍历当前页状态
if(/(未学完|未学|已学)/.exec(obj.state)[0] != '已学') {
let url = this.course.prefixURL1 + obj.url;
return true;
if(this.course.pageInfo.page == this.course.pageInfo.pageCount) { //已完成所有视频
alert('恭喜, 您已看完所有视频啦, 再接再厉!');
else { //播放下页首个视频
this.course._urls[this.course.pageInfo.page * this.course.pageInfo.pageSize + 1].click();
show() {
exec() {
if(this._pageOther) {
return true;
!this._mtID && (this._mtID = setInterval(() => {
this.elTable.rows[5].cells[1].innerText = `${this.mainTimer} s`;
//离开前 5 秒, 每 2 秒播放提示音
!this.onduty && this._timer1 < 10 && (this._timer1 % 2 != 0) && this.video.paused && playBeep();
//离开 15-60 秒, 每 5 秒播放提示音
this._timer1 >= 15 && this._timer1 < 60 && (this._timer1 % 5 == 0) && this.video.paused && playBeep();
}, 1000));
if(this.baseInfo) this.course = new Course(this.baseInfo.courseId);
else alert('课程 ID 获取失败, 请重试!');
if(this.course.finished && this.autoplay) { //该视频已完成
return true;
else if(this.course.finished && !this.autoplay) {
if(confirm('恭喜, 您已经看完成这个视频了, 点击"确定"跳转至下一视频!')) { //确定
return true;
this.autoplay && this.video.play();
return true;
_exec() {
function parseBaseInfo() { //初始化时获得临时信息
if(!readSessionStorage('baseInfo')) {
const [, courseId, , chapterId] = location.search.substr(1).split(/[=&]/);
const baseInfo = {courseId, chapterId};
if(!writeSessionStorage('baseInfo', JSON.stringify(baseInfo))) return false;
return JSON.parse(sessionStorage.baseInfo);
function playBeep() {
var beep = document.createElement("audio");
var beepURL = "https://ppt-mp3cdn.hrxz.com/d/file/filemp3/hrxz.com-x4doomn0dzp64687.mp3";
beep.src = beepURL;
delete beep;
function readSessionStorage(key, displace=null) {
if(sessionStorage.getItem(key)) {
return sessionStorage.getItem(key);
else {
return displace;
function writeSessionStorage(key, value, cover=false) {
if(!sessionStorage.getItem(key) || cover) {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);
return true;
return false;
function bindMover(el) {
el.onmousedown = (e) => {
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let disY = e.clientY - el.offsetTop;
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
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el.style.left = tX + 'px';
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el.style.top = tY + 'px';
document.onmouseup = function(e) {
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
function waitingUntil(call, judge=false, sensitivity=250) {
if(!judge) {
setTimeout(call, sensitivity);
else {
waitingUntil(call, judge, sensitivity);
function parseSec(time="") {
* 函数名: parseSec()
* 说明: 把时间格式的字符串转换为秒数.*/
let sec = 0;
if(time != "" && !isNaN(Date.parse("1970-1-1 " + time))) { //判断是否是时间格式
let t = time.split(":");
sec += parseInt(t[0]) * 3600 + parseInt(t[1]) * 60 + parseInt(t[2]);
else return -1;
return sec;
function formatSec(sec) {
* 函数名: formateSec()
* 说明: 把秒数转换为时间格式的字符串.*/
return (new Date(sec * 1000).toTimeString().slice(0, 8));
(function() {
'use strict';
$(document).ready(function() {
window.yha = new YHAssistant();
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