
From idea to products:
- Ideation, wireframes, mockups, design and development
- The design to development handoff
- Build views from mockups
Front end frameworks
- Haml
- Sass
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
Team collaboration
- Advanced Git
- Github Flow process
- Code Review Process
- The rationale behind testing
- Technical debt
- Unit, functional and integration tests
- Development and Test Databases
- Shoulda Matchers
- Ways to write tests
- TDD and Red / Green / Refactor
- Testing with Rspec
- Two styles of writing tests in Rspec
- The built in Rspec matchers
- Single assertion principle
- Controller Tests
- Object generation
- Generate fake data
- Dealing with cardinality and boundary conditions
- Refactor in TDD
- Growing complexity guided by tests
- Interactive debugging for solution discovery
- Respond to feature changes
- Macros
- Shared Examples
- Feature Specs
- Capybara
- Test doubles and method stubs
- Feature tests with javascript
- Testing email sending
- Fully integrated API tests
- Message expectations
- Mocking
- Stubs and mocks
Building Applications
- Seeding data
- Search
- Sending emails
- Use random tokens
- Email Service Providers
- Custom form builders
- Custom form builders as gems
- Complex forms
- Self referential associations
- Organize cross cutting functionality with Concerns
- Background Jobs
- Resque and Sidekiq
- S3
- Uploading files
- Scheduled jobs
- Skinny controller, fat Model
- Structural refactors
- Separating actors
- Securing access
- Wrapping APIs
- Exposing APIs
- Responding to Web hooks
- Collect credit card payments
- Checkout
- Payment forms
- Recurring billing
- Handle callback events
- Beyond MVC - Decorators
- Beyond MVC - Policies
- Beyond MVC - Domain Objects
- Beyond MVC - Service Objects
- Beyond MVC - Objects on Rails
- Beyond MVC - Object composition, object oriented design and YAGNI
- Social networking
- User management
- Account management
- Billing management
Deployment and Production Concerns
- Secure sensitive data
- Procfile and Foreman
- Unicorn
- Staging and Production Environments
- Deployment scripts
- Safe guarding staging environment
- Email filters for staging environment
- Integrating SSL
- Production Environment Monitoring
- Handle production errors
- Production data backup and restore
- Asset hosts
posted @ 2015-09-10 22:08  Vman  Views(221)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报