Node.js 学习资源
这篇文章编译整理自Stack Overflow的一个如何开始学习Node.js的Wiki帖,这份资源列表在SO上面浏览接近60万次,数千个收藏和顶。特意整理发布到这里,其中添加了部分中文参考资料。
- 交互式课程
- Node的艺术 (Node简介)
- Hello World
- Hello World Web Server
- Node.js 指南
- 使用Node.js, express和MongoDB创建一个博客
- Node+MongoDB 100分钟建站攻略
- Project 70推出的Node.Js指南
- Node.js入门
- 全面学习 Node.js
- Node指南
- Node+MongoDB 100分钟建站攻略
- Ryan Dahl介绍Node.js
- 用Node.js做并行开发
- 使用Node, Connect & Express做JS的服务端开发
- 初探Node.js
- Node.js 和 MongoDB
- 使用Node.js的实时Web
- The Node Beginner Book
- Mastering Node.js
- Up and Running with Node.js
- Node.js in Action
- Smashing Node.js: JavaScript Everywhere
- Node.js & Co. (in German)
- Sam’s Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours
- Most detailed list of free JavaScript Books
- Mixu’s Node Book
- Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scale
- Beginning Web Development with Node.js
- Node Web Development
- Crockford’s videos (must see!)
- 参考这篇文章《学习JavaScript的在线课程和指南》
- Essential JavaScript Design Patterns For Beginners
- JavaScript garden
- JavaScript Patterns book
- JavaScript: The Good Parts book
- Search for registered node.js modules
- Wiki List on Github/Joyent/Node (start here last!)
- A completely biased and incomplete selection of useful Node modules
- JSApp.US – like jsfiddle, but for node.js
- Node with VJET JS (for Eclipse IDE)
- Production sites with published source:
- Useful Node.js Tools, Tutorials and Resources
- – like jsfiddle, but for server side as well
- Getting Started with Node.js on Heroku
- Mocha is a popular test framework.
- Vows is a fantastic take on asynchronous testing, albeit somewhat stale.
- Expresso is a more traditional unit testing framework.
- node-unit is another relatively traditional unit testing framework.
- Express is by far the most popular framework.
- Meteor bundles together jQuery, Handlebars, Node.js, websockets, mongoDB, and DDP and promotes convention over configuration without being a Rails clone.
- Tower is an abstraction of top of Express that aims to be a Rails clone.
- Geddy is another take on web frameworks.
- RailwayJS is a Ruby-on-Rails inspired MVC web framework.
- SailsJS is a realtime MVC web framework.
- Sleek.js is a simple web framework, built upon express.js.
- Hapi is a configuration-centric framework with built-in support for input validation, caching, authentication, etc.
- Koa Koa is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, which aims to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs.
- Jade is the HAML/Slim of the Node world
- EJS is a more traditional templating language.
- Don’t forget about Underscore’s template method!
- Connect is the Rack or WSGI of the Node world.
- Request is a very popular HTTP request library.
- is handy for building WebSocket servers.