今天遇到个let: not found

View Code
 1 #!/bin/bash
 2 #arglist.h
 3 #2012-06-14
 7 if [ ! -n "$1" ]
 8 then
 9   echo "Usage: `basename $0` argument1 argument2 etc."
10   exit $E_BADARGS
11 fi
12  echo
14 index=1
15 #注意
16 echo "Listing args with \"\$*\":"
17 for arg in "$*" # ""
18 do
19     echo "Arg #$index = $arg"
20     let "index+=1"
21 done
23 echo "Entire arg list seen as single word."
24 echo
26 index=1
28 echo "Listing args with\"\$@\":"
29 for arg in "$@"
30 do
31      echo "Arg #$index = $arg"
32      let "index+=1"
33 done
34 echo "Arg list seen as seperate words."
36 echo
38 index=1
39 echo "Listing args with \$* (unquoted):"
40 for arg in $*
41 do
42   echo "Arg #$index = $arg"
43   let "index+=1"
44 done
45 echo "Arg list seen as separate words."
46 exit 0


sh -x arglist.sh t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7


+ [ ! -n t1 ]
+ echo

+ index=1
+ echo Listing args with "$*":
Listing args with "$*":
+ echo Arg #1 = t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7
Arg #1 = t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 20: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Entire arg list seen as single word.
Entire arg list seen as single word.
+ echo

+ index=1
+ echo Listing args with"$@":
Listing args with"$@":
+ echo Arg #1 = t1
Arg #1 = t1
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t2
Arg #1 = t2
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t3
Arg #1 = t3
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t4
Arg #1 = t4
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t5
Arg #1 = t5
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t6
Arg #1 = t6
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t7
Arg #1 = t7
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 32: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg list seen as seperate words.
Arg list seen as seperate words.
+ echo

+ index=1
+ echo Listing args with $* (unquoted):
Listing args with $* (unquoted):
+ echo Arg #1 = t1
Arg #1 = t1
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t2
Arg #1 = t2
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t3
Arg #1 = t3
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t4
Arg #1 = t4
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t5
Arg #1 = t5
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t6
Arg #1 = t6
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg #1 = t7
Arg #1 = t7
+ let index+=1
arglist.sh: 43: arglist.sh: let: not found
+ echo Arg list seen as separate words.
Arg list seen as separate words.
+ exit 0




bash -x arglist.sh t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7

结果就OK了,若非是用sh -x,还遇不到这个小问题,呵呵。


posted @ 2012-06-14 20:26  Vman  Views(2022)  Comments(1Edit  收藏  举报