App Store拒绝原因及解决方法(暂)

1. Your app declares support for audio in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but did not include features that require persistent audio.


  解决方法:删除info.plist中Required background modes的App plays audio or streams audio/video using AirPlay

2. We noticed that your app declares support for location in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist file but does not have any features that require persistent location.


  解决方法:删除info.plist中所有与location always use的东西。

3. the app load and spin indefinitely at the login screen



4. During our review, we found that this app was designed for a specific business or organization, including its partners, clients or employees, and not for general distribution on the App Store. Business apps available on the App Store are meant for use by a wide variety of external customers around the world. 

  在审查过程中,我们发现此应用程序是为特定的业务或组织(包括其合作伙伴、客户或员工)设计的,而不是为应用程序商店中的一般分发而设计的。App Store上提供的商业应用程序可供世界各地的各种外部客户使用。



1. _setAlwaysRunsAtForegroundPriority:, zipArchiveDidUnzipFileAtIndex:totalFiles:archivePath:unzippedFilePath:, zipArchiveProgressEvent:total





@property (setter=_setAlwaysRunsAtForegroundPriority:, nonatomic) bool _alwaysRunsAtForegroundPriority;




posted @ 2019-12-23 09:57  王略略阿  阅读(2477)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报