功能很全面,但同时也很庞大,入门比较难,适合于大中型项目中。而在中小型项目中,一般用开源的leaflet比较多, leaflet
是领先的用于移动友好交互式地图的开源 JavaScript 库。仅仅重约 39KB 的 JS,它拥有大多数开发者所需要的所有地图功能。Leaflet
在设计时考虑到了简单性、性能和可用性。它可以在所有主要的桌面和移动平台上高效地工作,可以通过大量的插件进行扩展,拥有一个漂亮的、易于使用的、记录良好的 API,以及一个简单的、可读的源代码。。
Leaflet 官网地址 https://leafletjs.com/
Leaflet 源码地址 [https://github.com/Leaflet/
// 地图服务对象,调用唯杰地图服务打开地图,获取地图的元数据 let svc = new vjmap.Service(env.serviceUrl, env.accessToken) // 打开地图 let mapId = "sys_zp"; let res = await svc.openMap({ mapid: mapId, // 地图ID mapopenway: vjmap.MapOpenWay.GeomRender, // 以几何数据渲染方式打开 style: vjmap.openMapDarkStyle() // div为深色背景颜色时,这里也传深色背景样式 }) if (res.error) { // 如果打开出错 message.error(res.error) } // 获取地图范围 let mapBounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromString(res.bounds); // 建立一个基于CAD图范围的坐标系 let CadCRS = L.Class.extend({ includes: L.CRS.Simple, initialize: function (bounds) { // 当前CAD图的范围 this.bounds = bounds; // 投影 this.projection = L.Projection.LonLat; // 计算分辨率 let r = (256 / Math.abs(this.bounds.getEast() - this.bounds.getWest())); // 设置转换参数 一个仿射变换:一组系数a, b, c, d,用于将一个形式为(x, y)的点变换为 (ax + b, cy + d)并做相反的变换 this.transformation = new L.Transformation(r, -r * this.bounds.getWest(), - r, r * this.bounds.getNorth()); } }); // leaflet中坐标是反的,如果要用L.latLng传入坐标的时候要传[y,x],如果要传[x,y],官网建议如下方案 // https://leafletjs.com/examples/crs-simple/crs-simple.html L.XY = function(x, y) { if (L.Util.isArray(x)) { // When doing XY([x, y]); return L.latLng(x[1], x[0]); } return L.latLng(y, x); // When doing XY(x, y); }; // 当前CAD地图范围 let bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([L.XY(mapBounds.min.toArray()), L.XY(mapBounds.max.toArray())]); let center = mapBounds.center(); // 地图中心点 // 创建leaflet的地图对象 let map = L.map('map', { // 坐标系 crs: new CadCRS(bounds), attributionControl: false }).setView(L.XY([center.x, center.y]), 2); // 设置初始中心点和缩放级别 // 如果要用L.latLng设置的话,x,y应写反进行设置。如 // map.setView(L.latLng([center.y, center.x]), 2); // 增加一个栅格瓦片图层 let layer = L.tileLayer( svc.rasterTileUrl(), // 唯杰地图服务提供的cad的栅格瓦片服务地址 { bounds: bounds // 当前CAD地图范围 } ).addTo(map); // 把图层增加至地图中 layer.addTo(map);
let highlightLayer; // 高亮图层 const highlight_ent = async co => { if (highlightLayer) { highlightLayer.remove(); // 先删除之前的高亮图层 highlightLayer = null; } let res = await svc.pointQueryFeature({ x: co[0], y: co[1], zoom: map.getZoom(), fields: "" }, pt => { // 查询到的每个点进行坐标处理回调 return mapPrj.fromMercator(pt);// 转成cad的坐标 }) if (res && res.result && res.result.length > 0) { let features = []; for (let ent of res.result) { if (ent.geom && ent.geom.geometries) { let clr = vjmap.entColorToHtmlColor(ent.color); for (let g = 0; g < ent.geom.geometries.length; g++) { features.push({ type: "Feature", properties: { objectid: ent.objectid + "_" + g, color: clr, alpha: ent.alpha / 255, lineWidth: 1, name: ent.name, isline: ent.isline, layerindex: ent.layerindex }, geometry: ent.geom.geometries[g] }) } // 选择提示 let content = `feature: ${ent.objectid}; layer: ${cadLayers[ent.layerindex].name}; type: ${ent.name}` message.info({ content, key: "info", duration: 3}); } } let data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features } if (data.features.length > 0) { highlightLayer = L.geoJSON(data, { style: function (feature) { const highlightColor = svc.currentMapParam().darkMode ? "#57FFC9" : "#11F"; return {color: highlightColor, fillColor: highlightColor}; // feature.properties.color } }) highlightLayer.addTo(map); } } };
// 地图服务对象,调用唯杰地图服务打开地图,获取地图的元数据 let svc = new vjmap.Service(env.serviceUrl, env.accessToken) // 上传dwg文件 const uploadDwgFile = async file => { message.info("正在上传图形,请稍候", 2); let res = await svc.uploadMap(file); // 上传地图 // 输入图id let mapid = prompt("请输入图名称ID", res.mapid); res.mapid = mapid; res.mapopenway = vjmap.MapOpenWay.GeomRender; // 几何渲染,内存渲染用vjmap.MapOpenWay.Memory res.isVector = false; // 使用栅格瓦片 res.style = vjmap.openMapDarkStyle(); // 深色样式,浅色用openMapDarkStyle message.info("正在打开图形,请稍候,第一次打开时根据图的大小可能需要几十秒至几分钟不等", 5); let data = await svc.openMap(res); // 打开地图 if (data.error) { message.error(data.error) return; } openMap(data); }
// 切换图层 const switchLayer = async layers => { let res = await svc.cmdSwitchLayers(layers); // 调用唯杰服务切换图层,返回图层id {layerid: "xxxx"} let source = layer.getSource(); // 重新设置新的唯杰地图服务提供的cad的栅格瓦片服务地址 source.setUrl(svc.rasterTileUrl()); // 刷新 source.refresh(); }
const switchToMapId = async (mapId)=> { let res = await svc.openMap({ mapid: mapId, // 地图ID mapopenway: vjmap.MapOpenWay.GeomRender, // 以几何数据渲染方式打开 style: vjmap.openMapDarkStyle() // div为深色背景颜色时,这里也传深色背景样式 }) if (res.error) { // 如果打开出错 message.error(res.error) return; } // 获取地图范围 let mapBounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromString(res.bounds); let mapPrj = new vjmap.GeoProjection(mapBounds); // 建立一个基于CAD图范围的坐标系 let CadCRS = L.Class.extend({ includes: L.CRS.Simple, initialize: function (bounds) { // 当前CAD图的范围 this.bounds = bounds; // 投影 this.projection = L.Projection.LonLat; // 计算分辨率 let r = (256 / Math.abs(this.bounds.getEast() - this.bounds.getWest())); // 设置转换参数 一个仿射变换:一组系数a, b, c, d,用于将一个形式为(x, y)的点变换为 (ax + b, cy + d)并做相反的变换 this.transformation = new L.Transformation(r, -r * this.bounds.getWest(), -r, r * this.bounds.getNorth()); } }); // 当前CAD地图范围 let bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([L.XY(mapBounds.min.toArray()), L.XY(mapBounds.max.toArray())]); let center = mapBounds.center(); // 地图中心点 // 创建leaflet的地图对象 map = L.map(createNewMapDivId(), { // 坐标系 crs: new CadCRS(bounds), attributionControl: false }).setView(L.XY([center.x, center.y]), 2); // 设置初始中心点和缩放级别 // 如果要用L.latLng设置的话,x,y应写反进行设置。如 // map.setView(L.latLng([center.y, center.x]), 2); // 增加一个栅格瓦片图层 let layer = L.tileLayer( svc.rasterTileUrl(), // 唯杰地图服务提供的cad的栅格瓦片服务地址 { bounds: bounds // 当前CAD地图范围 } ).addTo(map); // 把图层增加至地图中 layer.addTo(map); map.on('click', (e) => message.info({content: `您点击的坐标为: ${e.latlng.lng}, ${e.latlng.lat}}`, key: "info", duration: 3})); }
let curIsDarkTheme = true; const switchToDarkTheme = async () => { if (curIsDarkTheme) return; curIsDarkTheme = true; document.body.style.background = "#022B4F"; // 背景色改为深色 await updateStyle(curIsDarkTheme) } const switchToLightTheme = async () => { if (!curIsDarkTheme) return; curIsDarkTheme = false; document.body.style.backgroundImage = "linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), rgba(233,255,255, 1), rgba(233,255,255, 1))" await updateStyle(curIsDarkTheme) } const updateStyle = async (isDarkTheme) => { style.backcolor = isDarkTheme ? 0 : 0xFFFFFF;//深色为黑色,浅色为白色 let res = await svc.cmdUpdateStyle(style); layer.setUrl(svc.rasterTileUrl()) // 唯杰地图服务提供的cad的栅格瓦片服务地址 }
// 更改样式 const expressionList = [] ;// 表达式数组 const updateStyle = async (style) => { let res = await svc.cmdUpdateStyle({ name: "customStyle2", backcolor: 0, expression: expressionList.join("\n"), ...style }); layer.setUrl(svc.rasterTileUrl()); // 唯杰地图服务提供的cad的栅格瓦片服务地址 } // 表达式语法和变量请参考 // 服务端条件查询和表达式查询 https://vjmap.com/guide/svrStyleVar.html // 服务端渲染表达式语法 https://vjmap.com/guide/expr.html // 修改颜色 红color.r, 绿color.g, 蓝color.b, 透明度color.a,如果输入了级别的话,表示此级别及以上的设置 const modifyColor = (color, zoom) => { let result = ""; let z = Number.isInteger(zoom) ? `[${zoom + 1}]` : ''; if ("r" in color) result += `gOutColorRed${z}:=${color.r};`; if ("g" in color) result += `gOutColorGreen${z}:=${color.g};`; if ("b" in color) result += `gOutColorBlue${z}:=${color.b};`; if ("a" in color) result += `gOutColorAlpha${z}:=${color.a};`; return result; }
// 组合成新的图,将sys_world图进行一定的处理后,再与sys_hello进行合成,生成新的地图文件名 let rsp = await svc.composeNewMap([ { mapid: "sys_world", // 地图id // 下面的参数可以根据实际需要来设置,可以对图层,范围,坐标转换来进行处理 layers: ["经纬度标注","COUNTRY"], // 要显示的图层名称列表 //clipbounds: [10201.981489534268, 9040.030491346213, 26501.267379, 4445.465999], // 要显示的范围 //fourParameter: [0,0,1,0] // 对地图进行四参数转换计算 }, { mapid: "sys_hello" } ]) if (!rsp.status) { message.error(rsp.error) } // 返回结果为 /* { "fileid": "pec9c5f73f1d", "mapdependencies": "sys_world||sys_hello", "mapfrom": "sys_world&&v1&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&00A0&&10||sys_hello&&v1&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&&&2", "status": true } */
let highlightLayer; // 高亮图层 const queryTextAndDrawBounds = async () => { if (highlightLayer) { highlightLayer.remove(); // 先删除之前的高亮图层 highlightLayer = null; } let queryTextEntTypeId = getTypeNameById("AcDbText"); // 单行文字 let queryMTextEntTypeId = getTypeNameById("AcDbMText"); // 多行文字 let queryAttDefEntTypeId = getTypeNameById("AcDbAttributeDefinition"); // 属性定义文字 let queryAttEntTypeId = getTypeNameById("AcDbAttribute"); // 属性文字 let query = await svc.conditionQueryFeature({ condition: `name='${queryTextEntTypeId}' or name='${queryMTextEntTypeId}' or name='${queryAttDefEntTypeId}' or name='${queryAttEntTypeId}'`, // 只需要写sql语句where后面的条件内容,字段内容请参考文档"服务端条件查询和表达式查询" fields: "", limit: 100000 //设置很大,相当于把所有的圆都查出来。不传的话,默认只能取100条 }, pt => { // 查询到的每个点进行坐标处理回调 return mapPrj.fromMercator(pt);// 转成cad的坐标 }) if (query.error) { message.error(query.error) } else { message.info(`查询到符合的记数条数:${query.recordCount}`) if (query.recordCount > 0) { let features = []; for(var i = 0; i < query.recordCount; i++) { let bounds = vjmap.getEnvelopBounds(query.result[i].envelop, mapPrj); let clr = vjmap.entColorToHtmlColor(query.result[i].color); // 实体颜色转html颜色( features.push({ type: "Feature", properties: { name: "objectid:" + query.result[i].objectid, color: clr }, geometry: { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [ bounds.toPointArray(), ], } }) } let data = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: features } if (data.features.length > 0) { highlightLayer = L.geoJSON(data, { style: function (feature) { return {color: "#FF6EA0", fillColor: "#FF6EA0", fillOpacity: 0.4}; // feature.properties.color } }) highlightLayer.addTo(map); } } } }
var editableLayers = new L.FeatureGroup(); map.addLayer(editableLayers); var MyCustomMarker = L.Icon.extend({ options: { shadowUrl: null, iconAnchor: new L.Point(12, 41), iconSize: new L.Point(25, 41), iconUrl: './js/leaflet2.0/plugins/images/marker-icon.png' } }); var options = { position: 'topright', draw: { polyline: { shapeOptions: { color: '#f357a1', weight: 10 } }, polygon: { allowIntersection: false, // Restricts shapes to simple polygons drawError: { color: '#e1e100', // Color the shape will turn when intersects message: '<strong>Oh snap!<strong> you can\'t draw that!' // Message that will show when intersect }, shapeOptions: { color: '#bada55' } }, circle: false, // Turns off this drawing tool rectangle: { shapeOptions: { clickable: false } }, marker: { icon: new MyCustomMarker() } }, edit: { featureGroup: editableLayers, //REQUIRED!! remove: false } }; var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw(options); map.addControl(drawControl); map.on(L.Draw.Event.CREATED, function (e) { var type = e.layerType, layer = e.layer; if (type === 'marker') { layer.bindPopup('A popup!'); } editableLayers.addLayer(layer); });
// 增加高德地图底图 let gdlayer; const addGaodeMap = async (isRoadway) => { const tileUrl = svc.webMapUrl({ tileCrs: "gcj02", tileUrl: isRoadway ? [ "https://webrd0{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=8&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}" ] : /* 如果用影像 */ [ "https://webst0{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}", "https://webst0{s}.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?lang=zh_cn&size=1&scale=1&style=8&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}" ], tileSize: 256, tileRetina: 1, tileMaxZoom: 18, tileShards: "1,2,3,4", tileToken: "", tileFlipY: false, mapbounds: res.bounds, srs: "EPSG:4527",// 可通过前两位获取 vjmap.transform.getEpsgParam(vjmap.transform.EpsgCrsTypes.CGCS2000, 39).epsg // 因为sys_cad2000这个图只有6位,没有带系。需要在坐标转换前平移下带系 https://blog.csdn.net/thinkpang/article/details/124172626 fourParameterBefore: "39000000,0,1,0" }) gdlayer = L.tileLayer( tileUrl, { zIndex: 0 } ); gdlayer.addTo(map); // cad坐标与高德坐标相互转换示例 let webCo = await cad2webCoordinate(center, false); // cad转高德 let cadCo = await web2cadCoordinate(webCo, false); // 高德转cad console.log(center, webCo, cadCo) }
let cadEpsg = "EPSG:4544";// cad图的espg代号 // 增加cad的wms图层 let wmsUrl = svc.wmsTileUrl({ mapid: mapId, // 地图id layers: layer, // 图层名称 bbox: '', // bbox这里不需要 srs: "EPSG:3857", // crs: cadEpsg, }) let mapBounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromString(res.bounds); // cad图坐标转web wgs84坐标 const cadToWebCoordinate = async point => { let co = await svc.cmdTransform(cadEpsg, "EPSG:4326", point); return co[0] } // 增加wms图层 let wmsLayer = L.tileLayer.wms(wmsUrl, { attribution: "vjmap.com" }); wmsLayer.addTo(map);
// cad上面的点坐标 let cadPoints = [ vjmap.geoPoint([587464448.8435847, 3104003685.208651,]), vjmap.geoPoint([587761927.7224838, 3104005967.655292]), vjmap.geoPoint([587463688.0280377, 3103796743.3798513]), vjmap.geoPoint([587760406.0913897, 3103793700.1176634]) ]; // 在互联网图上面拾取的与上面的点一一对应的坐标(wgs84坐标) let webPoints = [ vjmap.geoPoint([116.48476281710168, 39.96200739703454]), vjmap.geoPoint([116.48746772021137, 39.96022062215167]), vjmap.geoPoint([116.48585059441585, 39.9588451134361]), vjmap.geoPoint([116.48317418949145, 39.960515760972356]) ] // 通过坐标参数求出四参数 let epsg3857Points = webPoints.map(w => vjmap.geoPoint(vjmap.Projection.lngLat2Mercator(w))); let param = vjmap.coordTransfromGetFourParamter(epsg3857Points, cadPoints , false); // 这里考虑旋转 let fourparam = [param.dx, param.dy, param.scale, param.rotate] // wms图层地址 const getCadWmsUrl = (transparent) => { let wmsUrl = svc.wmsTileUrl({ mapid: mapId, // 地图id layers: layer, // 图层名称 bbox: '', // bbox这里不需要 fourParameter: fourparam, transparent: transparent, backgroundColor: 'rgba(240, 255, 255)' // 不透明时有效 }) return wmsUrl } let mapBounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromString(res.bounds); let cadPrj = new vjmap.GeoProjection(mapBounds); // cad图坐标转wgs84坐标 const cadToWebCoordinate = point => { // 再调用四参数反算求出web的坐标 let mkt = vjmap.coordTransfromByInvFourParamter(vjmap.geoPoint(point), param); return vjmap.Projection.mercator2LngLat(mkt); } // wgs84转cad图坐标 const webToCadCoordinate = point => { let mkt = vjmap.Projection.lngLat2Mercator(vjmap.geoPoint(point)); return vjmap.coordTransfromByFourParamter(mkt, param) } let VisibleBounds = mapBounds.scale(0.4); let pt1 = cadToWebCoordinate([VisibleBounds.min.x, VisibleBounds.min.y]) let pt2 = cadToWebCoordinate([VisibleBounds.min.x, VisibleBounds.max.y]) let pt3 = cadToWebCoordinate([VisibleBounds.max.x, VisibleBounds.max.y]) let pt4 = cadToWebCoordinate([VisibleBounds.max.x, VisibleBounds.min.y]) // 计算出cad的范围 let bounds = vjmap.GeoBounds.fromDataExtent([pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4]) let wmsLayer; const addWmsLayer = async (transparent)=> { removeWmsLayer(); let wmsUrl = getCadWmsUrl(transparent); wmsLayer = L.tileLayer.wms(wmsUrl, { attribution: "vjmap.com" }); wmsLayer.addTo(map); } const removeWmsLayer = ()=> { if (!wmsLayer) return; wmsLayer.remove(); wmsLayer = null; }
可点击 https://vjmap.com/demo/#/demo/map/leaflet/01leafletraster 在线体验上面功能
如果需要用leaflet来加载CAD图进行开发,请参考示例 https://vjmap.com/demo/#/demo/map/leaflet/01leafletraster
如果需要用openlayers来加载CAD图进行开发,请参考示例 https://vjmap.com/demo/#/demo/map/openlayers/01olraster
如果需要用maptalks来加载CAD图进行开发,请参考示例 https://vjmap.com/demo/#/demo/map/maptalks/01maptalksraster
如何基于vue3来开发Leaflet应用,可查看此开源代码 https://github.com/vue-leaflet/vue-leaflet
如何基于vue2来开发Leaflet应用,可查看此开源代码 https://github.com/vue-leaflet/Vue2Leaflet
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