Dubbo 泛化调用在vivo统一配置系统的应用
作者:vivo 互联网服务器团队- Wang Fei、LinYupan
Dubbo泛化调用特性可以在不依赖服务接口API包的场景中发起远程调用, 这种特性特别适合框架集成和网关类应用开发。
同样先找到所有可以下发的文件,然后针对单个文件按照①设备维度判断是否匹配,然后②调用A/B实验平台的接口获取这台设备可以下发的文件Id, 再调用③灰度实验平台获取这台设备可以下发的文件id, 最后将前三步获取到的配置文件id进行汇总得到可以下发的文件,如下图所示。
利用 Dubbo 泛化调用高级特性抽象一个下发维度(远程调用),专门用于其他想由三方实验系统来决定是否下发文件的场景,如下图所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | package com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service; /** * Generic service interface * * @export */ public interface GenericService { /** * Generic invocation * * @param method Method name, e.g. findPerson. If there are overridden methods, parameter info is * required, e.g. findPerson(java.lang.String) * @param parameterTypes Parameter types * @param args Arguments * @return invocation return value * @throws Throwable potential exception thrown from the invocation */ Object $invoke(String method, String[] parameterTypes, Object[] args) throws GenericException; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | private ReferenceConfig<GenericService> buildReferenceConfig(RemoteDubboRestrictionConfig config) { ReferenceConfig<GenericService> referenceConfig = new ReferenceConfig<>(); referenceConfig.setApplication(applicationConfig); referenceConfig.setRegistry(registryConfig); referenceConfig.setInterface(config.getInterfaceName()); referenceConfig.setVersion(config.getVersion()); referenceConfig.setGeneric(Boolean.TRUE.toString()); referenceConfig.setCheck( false ); referenceConfig.setTimeout(DUBBO_INVOKE_TIMEOUT); referenceConfig.setRetries(DUBBO_INVOKE_RETRIES); return referenceConfig; } |
3.设置请求参数及服务调用, 这里利用在后台所配置的完整方法名、参数类型数组和参数值数组就可以进行服务调用。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | public List<Integer> invoke(RemoteDubboRestrictionConfig config, ConfigFileListQuery listQuery) { //由于ReferenceConfig很重量,里面封装了所有与注册中心及服务提供方连接,所以这里做了缓存 GenericService genericService = prepareGenericService(config); //构建参数 Map<String, Object> params = buildParams(listQuery); String method = config.getMethod(); String[] parameterTypeArray = new String[]{Map. class .getName()}; Object[] parameterValueArray = new Object[]{params}; long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); Assert.notNull(genericService, "cannot find genericService" ); //具体调用 Object result = genericService.$invoke(method, parameterTypeArray, parameterValueArray); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - begin; logger.debug( "Dubbo调用结果:{}, 耗时: {}" , result, duration); } return result == null ? Collections.emptyList() : (List<Integer>) result; } |
四、 Dubbo 直接调用相关原理
4.1 Dubbo 服务暴露原理
4.1.1 服务远程暴露的整体流程
在整体上看,Dubbo框架做服务暴露分为两大部分,第一步将持有的服务实例通过代理转 换成Invoker,第二步会把Invoker通过具体的协议(比如Dubbo)转换成Exporter,框架做了 这层抽象也大大方便了功能扩展。
这里的Invoker可以简单理解成一个真实的服务对象实例,是 Dubbo框架实体域,所有模型都会向它靠拢,可向它发起invoke调用。它可能是一个本地的实 现,也可能是一个远程的实现,还可能是一个集群实现。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | if (!Constants.SCOPE_NONE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) { // export to local if the config is not remote (export to remote only when config is remote) if (!Constants.SCOPE_REMOTE.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) { exportLocal(url); } // export to remote if the config is not local (export to local only when config is local) if (!Constants.SCOPE_LOCAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(scope)) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info( "Export dubbo service " + interfaceClass.getName() + " to url " + url); } if (registryURLs != null && !registryURLs.isEmpty()) { for (URL registryURL : registryURLs) { url = url.addParameterIfAbsent(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY, registryURL.getParameter(Constants.DYNAMIC_KEY)); URL monitorUrl = loadMonitor(registryURL); if (monitorUrl != null ) { url = url.addParameterAndEncoded(Constants.MONITOR_KEY, monitorUrl.toFullString()); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info( "Register dubbo service " + interfaceClass.getName() + " url " + url + " to registry " + registryURL); } // For providers, this is used to enable custom proxy to generate invoker String proxy = url.getParameter(Constants.PROXY_KEY); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(proxy)) { registryURL = registryURL.addParameter(Constants.PROXY_KEY, proxy); } Invoker<?> invoker = proxyFactory.getInvoker(ref, (Class) interfaceClass, registryURL.addParameterAndEncoded(Constants.EXPORT_KEY, url.toFullString())); DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker wrapperInvoker = new DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker(invoker, this ); //向注册中心注册服务信息 Exporter<?> exporter = protocol.export(wrapperInvoker); exporters.add(exporter); } } else { Invoker<?> invoker = proxyFactory.getInvoker(ref, (Class) interfaceClass, url); DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker wrapperInvoker = new DelegateProviderMetaDataInvoker(invoker, this ); Exporter<?> exporter = protocol.export(wrapperInvoker); exporters.add(exporter); } } |
4.1.2 服务暴露的细节 将实现类ref封装为Invoker
1 | Invoker<?> invoker = proxyFactory.getInvoker(ref, (Class) interfaceClass, registryURL.addParameterAndEncoded(Constants.EXPORT_KEY, url.toFullString())); |
① dubbo远程暴露的入口在ServiceBean的export()方法,由于servicebean'继承了serviceconfig类,于是真正执行暴露的逻辑是serviceconfig的doExport()方法。
② Dubbo支持相同服务暴露多个协议,比如同时暴露Dubbo和REST协议,也支持多个注册中心,比如zookeeper和nacos,框架内部会依次 对使用的协议都做一次服务暴露,每个协议注册元数据都会写入多个注册中心,具体是执行doExportUrlsFor1Protocol。
③ 然后通过动态代理的方式创建Invoker对象,在服务端生成AbstractProxylnvoker实例,所有真实的方法调用都会委托给代理,然后代理转发给服务实现者 ref 调用;动态代理一般有:JavassistProxyFactory 和 JdkProxyFactory两种方式,这里所选用的JavassistProxyFactory 。 将invoker转换为exporter
Exporter exporter= protocol.export(wrapperInvoker);
1 | Exporter<?> exporter = protocol.export(wrapperInvoker); |
这里会经过一系列的过滤器链路,最终会通过RegistryProtocol#export 进行更细粒度的控制,比如先进行服务暴露再注册服务元数据。注册中心在做服务暴露时依次 做了以下几件事情:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | @Override public <T> Exporter<T> export( final Invoker<T> originInvoker) throws RpcException { //export invoker final ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> exporter = doLocalExport(originInvoker); URL registryUrl = getRegistryUrl(originInvoker); //registry provider final Registry registry = getRegistry(originInvoker); final URL registeredProviderUrl = getRegisteredProviderUrl(originInvoker); //to judge to delay publish whether or not boolean register = registeredProviderUrl.getParameter( "register" , true ); ProviderConsumerRegTable.registerProvider(originInvoker, registryUrl, registeredProviderUrl); if (register) { //TODO 注册服务元数据 register(registryUrl, registeredProviderUrl); ProviderConsumerRegTable.getProviderWrapper(originInvoker).setReg( true ); } // Subscribe the override data // FIXME When the provider subscribes, it will affect the scene : a certain JVM exposes the service and call the same service. Because the subscribed is cached key with the name of the service, it causes the subscription information to cover. final URL overrideSubscribeUrl = getSubscribedOverrideUrl(registeredProviderUrl); final OverrideListener overrideSubscribeListener = new OverrideListener(overrideSubscribeUrl, originInvoker); overrideListeners.put(overrideSubscribeUrl, overrideSubscribeListener); registry.subscribe(overrideSubscribeUrl, overrideSubscribeListener); //Ensure that a new exporter instance is returned every time export return new DestroyableExporter<T>(exporter, originInvoker, overrideSubscribeUrl, registeredProviderUrl); } |
这里我们重点讲解委托具体协议进行服务暴露的过程doLocalExport(final InvokeroriginInvoker)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | private <T> ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> doLocalExport( final Invoker<T> originInvoker) { String key = getCacheKey(originInvoker); ExporterChangeableWrapper<T> exporter = (ExporterChangeableWrapper<T>) bounds.get(key); if (exporter == null ) { synchronized (bounds) { exporter = (ExporterChangeableWrapper<T>) bounds.get(key); if (exporter == null ) { final Invoker<?> invokerDelegete = new InvokerDelegete<T>(originInvoker, getProviderUrl(originInvoker)); exporter = new ExporterChangeableWrapper<T>((Exporter<T>) protocol.export(invokerDelegete), originInvoker); bounds.put(key, exporter); } } } return exporter; } |
(Exporter) protocol.export(invokerDelegete)方法又会经过一系列的拦截器进行处理,最终调用DubboProtocol的export方法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | @Override public <T> Exporter<T> export(Invoker<T> invoker) throws RpcException { URL url = invoker.getUrl(); // export service. String key = serviceKey(url); DubboExporter<T> exporter = new DubboExporter<T>(invoker, key, exporterMap); exporterMap.put(key, exporter); //export an stub service for dispatching event Boolean isStubSupportEvent = url.getParameter(Constants.STUB_EVENT_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_STUB_EVENT); Boolean isCallbackservice = url.getParameter(Constants.IS_CALLBACK_SERVICE, false ); if (isStubSupportEvent && !isCallbackservice) { String stubServiceMethods = url.getParameter(Constants.STUB_EVENT_METHODS_KEY); if (stubServiceMethods == null || stubServiceMethods.length() == 0 ) { if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) { logger.warn( new IllegalStateException( "consumer [" + url.getParameter(Constants.INTERFACE_KEY) + "], has set stubproxy support event ,but no stub methods founded." )); } } else { stubServiceMethodsMap.put(url.getServiceKey(), stubServiceMethods); } } openServer(url); optimizeSerialization(url); return exporter; } |
4.2 Dubbo服务消费的实现原理
4.2.1 服务消费的整体流程
在整体上看,Dubbo框架做服务消费也分为两大部分,第一步通过持有远程服务实例生成 Invoker,这个Invoker在客户端是核心的远程代理对象。第二步会把Invoker通过动态代理转换 成实现用户接口的动态代理引用。这里的Invoker承载了网络连接、服务调用和重试等功能,在 客户端,它可能是一个远程的实现,也可能是一个集群实现。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | public Object getObject() throws Exception { return get(); } public synchronized T get() { if (destroyed) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Already destroyed!" ); } if (ref == null ) { init(); } return ref; } private void init() { ... ref = createProxy(map); } private T createProxy(Map<String, String> map) { ... if (urls.size() == 1 ) { invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, urls.get( 0 )); } ... // 创建服务代理 return (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker); } |
4.2.2 服务消费的细节 使用Protocol将interfaceClass转化为Invoker
invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, url);
① 服务引用的入口点在 ReferenceBean#getObject,由于Referencebean'继承了serviceconfig类,接着会调用Reference的get方法。
② 然后根据引用的接口类型将持有远程服务实例生成 Invoker。
③ 通过一系列的过滤器链,最后调用RegistryProtocol的doRefer方法。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | private <T> Invoker<T> doRefer(Cluster cluster, Registry registry, Class<T> type, URL url) { RegistryDirectory<T> directory = new RegistryDirectory<T>(type, url); directory.setRegistry(registry); directory.setProtocol(protocol); // all attributes of REFER_KEY Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(directory.getUrl().getParameters()); URL subscribeUrl = new URL(Constants.CONSUMER_PROTOCOL, parameters.remove(Constants.REGISTER_IP_KEY), 0 , type.getName(), parameters); if (!Constants.ANY_VALUE.equals(url.getServiceInterface()) && url.getParameter(Constants.REGISTER_KEY, true )) { URL registeredConsumerUrl = getRegisteredConsumerUrl(subscribeUrl, url); registry.register(registeredConsumerUrl); directory.setRegisteredConsumerUrl(registeredConsumerUrl); } directory.subscribe(subscribeUrl.addParameter(Constants.CATEGORY_KEY, Constants.PROVIDERS_CATEGORY + "," + Constants.CONFIGURATORS_CATEGORY + "," + Constants.ROUTERS_CATEGORY)); Invoker invoker = cluster.join(directory); ProviderConsumerRegTable.registerConsumer(invoker, url, subscribeUrl, directory); return invoker; } |
当在directory.subscrib()中 第一次发起订阅时会进行一次数据拉取操作,同时触发RegistryDirectory#notify方法,这里 的通知数据是某一个类别的全量数据,比如providers和routers类别数据。当通知providers数 据时,在RegistryDirectory#toInvokers方法内完成Invoker转换。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | private Map<String, Invoker<T>> toInvokers(List<URL> urls) { Map<String, Invoker<T>> newUrlInvokerMap = new HashMap<String, Invoker<T>>(); if (urls == null || urls.isEmpty()) { return newUrlInvokerMap; } Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); String queryProtocols = this .queryMap.get(Constants.PROTOCOL_KEY); for (URL providerUrl : urls) { // If protocol is configured at the reference side, only the matching protocol is selected ...... URL url = mergeUrl(providerUrl); String key = url.toFullString(); // The parameter urls are sorted if (keys.contains(key)) { // Repeated url continue ; } keys.add(key); // Cache key is url that does not merge with consumer side parameters, regardless of how the consumer combines parameters, if the server url changes, then refer again Map<String, Invoker<T>> localUrlInvokerMap = this .urlInvokerMap; // local reference Invoker<T> invoker = localUrlInvokerMap == null ? null : localUrlInvokerMap.get(key); if (invoker == null ) { // Not in the cache, refer again try { boolean enabled = true ; ......... if (enabled) { invoker = new InvokerDelegate<T>(protocol.refer(serviceType, url), url, providerUrl); } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.error( "Failed to refer invoker for interface:" + serviceType + ",url:(" + url + ")" + t.getMessage(), t); } if (invoker != null ) { // Put new invoker in cache newUrlInvokerMap.put(key, invoker); } } else { newUrlInvokerMap.put(key, invoker); } } keys.clear(); return newUrlInvokerMap; } |
1 | invoker = new InvokerDelegate<T>(protocol.refer(serviceType, url), url, providerUrl); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | @Override public <T> Invoker<T> refer(Class<T> serviceType, URL url) throws RpcException { optimizeSerialization(url); // create rpc invoker. DubboInvoker<T> invoker = new DubboInvoker<T>(serviceType, url, getClients(url), invokers); invokers.add(invoker); return invoker; } |
这里返回的invoker会用来更新RegistryDirectory的methodInvokerMap 属性,最终在实际调用消费端方法时,会根据method找到对应的invoker列表。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | private void refreshInvoker(List<URL> invokerUrls) { if (invokerUrls != null && invokerUrls.size() == 1 && invokerUrls.get( 0 ) != null && Constants.EMPTY_PROTOCOL.equals(invokerUrls.get( 0 ).getProtocol())) { this .forbidden = true ; // Forbid to access this .methodInvokerMap = null ; // Set the method invoker map to null destroyAllInvokers(); // Close all invokers } else { this .forbidden = false ; // Allow to access Map<String, Invoker<T>> oldUrlInvokerMap = this .urlInvokerMap; // local reference if (invokerUrls.isEmpty() && this .cachedInvokerUrls != null ) { invokerUrls.addAll( this .cachedInvokerUrls); } else { this .cachedInvokerUrls = new HashSet<URL>(); this .cachedInvokerUrls.addAll(invokerUrls); //Cached invoker urls, convenient for comparison } if (invokerUrls.isEmpty()) { return ; } Map<String, Invoker<T>> newUrlInvokerMap = toInvokers(invokerUrls); // Translate url list to Invoker map Map<String, List<Invoker<T>>> newMethodInvokerMap = toMethodInvokers(newUrlInvokerMap); // Change method name to map Invoker Map // state change // If the calculation is wrong, it is not processed. if (newUrlInvokerMap == null || newUrlInvokerMap.size() == 0 ) { logger.error( new IllegalStateException( "urls to invokers error .invokerUrls.size :" + invokerUrls.size() + ", invoker.size :0. urls :" + invokerUrls.toString())); return ; } this .methodInvokerMap = multiGroup ? toMergeMethodInvokerMap(newMethodInvokerMap) : newMethodInvokerMap; this .urlInvokerMap = newUrlInvokerMap; try { destroyUnusedInvokers(oldUrlInvokerMap, newUrlInvokerMap); // Close the unused Invoker } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( "destroyUnusedInvokers error. " , e); } } } | 使用ProxyFactory创建代理
1 | (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker) |
1 2 3 | public <T> T getProxy(Invoker<T> invoker, Class<?>[] interfaces) { return (T) Proxy.getProxy(interfaces).newInstance( new InvokerInvocationHandler(invoker)); } |
【interfaces】:[interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.EchoService]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | package com.alibaba.dubbo.common.bytecode; import com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; public class proxy0 implements DemoService { public static Method[] methods; private InvocationHandler handler; public String sayHello(String paramString) { Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[ 1 ]; arrayOfObject[ 0 ] = paramString; Object localObject = this .handler.invoke( this , methods[ 0 ], arrayOfObject); return (String) localObject; } public proxy0() { } public proxy0(InvocationHandler paramInvocationHandler) { this .handler = paramInvocationHandler; } } |
5.1 通过持有远程服务实例生成 Invoker
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | private T createProxy(Map<String, String> map) { ... if (urls.size() == 1 ) { invoker = refprotocol.refer(interfaceClass, urls.get( 0 )); } ... // 创建服务代理 return (T) proxyFactory.getProxy(invoker); } |
这里的interfaceClass的来源不一样,createProxy(Mapmap) 是在ReferenceConfig的init()方法中调用的,具体的interfaceClass根据是否是返回调用会有所区别,具体看如下代码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | private void init() { ... if (ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(getGeneric())) { interfaceClass = GenericService. class ; } else { try { interfaceClass = Class.forName(interfaceName, true , Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); } checkInterfaceAndMethods(interfaceClass, methods); } ... ref = createProxy(map); } |
interface com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService -> dubbo://xx.xx.xx.xx:20881/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService?anyhost=true&application=demo-consumer&bean.name=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&check=false&dubbo=2.0.2&generic=false&interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&methods=sayHello&pid=24932&qos.port=33333®ister.ip=xx.xx.xx.xx&remote.timestamp=1640744945905&side=consumer×tamp=1640745033688
interface com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.service.GenericService -> dubbo://xx.xx.xx.xx:20881/com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService?anyhost=true&application=test&bean.name=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&check=false&dubbo=2.0.2&generic=true&interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService&methods=sayHello&pid=27952&qos.port=33333®ister.ip=xx.xx.xx.xx&remote.timestamp=1640748337173&side=consumer×tamp=1640748368427
5.2 服务发起消费流程
在4.2.2 服务消费者发起请求细节第①步是将请求参数(方法名,方法参数类型,方法参数值,服务名,附加参数)封装成一个Invocation。
RpcInvocation [methodName=sayHello, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String], arguments=[world], attachments={}]
RpcInvocation [methodName=$invoke, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String, class [Ljava.lang.String;, class [Ljava.lang.Object;], arguments=[sayHello, [Ljava.lang.String;@22c1bff0, [Ljava.lang.Object;@30ae230f], attachments={path=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, input=296, dubbo=2.0.2, interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, version=0.0.0, generic=true}]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | @Activate (group = Constants.PROVIDER, order = - 20000 ) public class GenericFilter implements Filter { protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); @Override public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation inv) throws RpcException { logger.info( "----------------GenericFilter-------------------------" ); if (inv.getMethodName().equals(Constants.$INVOKE) && inv.getArguments() != null && inv.getArguments().length == 3 && !invoker.getInterface().equals(GenericService. class )) { String name = ((String) inv.getArguments()[ 0 ]).trim(); String[] types = (String[]) inv.getArguments()[ 1 ]; Object[] args = (Object[]) inv.getArguments()[ 2 ]; try { Method method = ReflectUtils.findMethodByMethodSignature(invoker.getInterface(), name, types); Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (args == null ) { args = new Object[params.length]; } String generic = inv.getAttachment(Constants.GENERIC_KEY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(generic)) { generic = RpcContext.getContext().getAttachment(Constants.GENERIC_KEY); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(generic) || ProtocolUtils.isDefaultGenericSerialization(generic)) { args = PojoUtils.realize(args, params, method.getGenericParameterTypes()); } else if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { ... } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { ... } Result result = invoker.invoke( new RpcInvocation(method, args, inv.getAttachments())); if (result.hasException() && !(result.getException() instanceof GenericException)) { return new RpcResult( new GenericException(result.getException())); } RpcResult rpcResult; if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { ... } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { ... } else { rpcResult = new RpcResult(PojoUtils.generalize(result.getValue())); } rpcResult.setAttachments(result.getAttachments()); return rpcResult; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e); } } return invoker.invoke(inv); } } |
① 是否是泛化调用判断
1 2 3 4 | if (inv.getMethodName().equals(Constants.$INVOKE) && inv.getArguments() != null && inv.getArguments().length == 3 && !invoker.getInterface().equals(GenericService. class )) { |
② 参数的提取
1 2 3 | String name = ((String) inv.getArguments()[ 0 ]).trim(); String[] types = (String[]) inv.getArguments()[ 1 ]; Object[] args = (Object[]) inv.getArguments()[ 2 ]; |
③ 参数的序列化,再构造新的RpcInvocation对象
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Method method = ReflectUtils.findMethodByMethodSignature(invoker.getInterface(), name, types); Class<?>[] params = method.getParameterTypes(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(generic) || ProtocolUtils.isDefaultGenericSerialization(generic)) { args = PojoUtils.realize(args, params, method.getGenericParameterTypes()); } ... Result result = invoker.invoke( new RpcInvocation(method, args, inv.getAttachments())); |
RpcInvocation [methodName=$invoke, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String, class [Ljava.lang.String;, class [Ljava.lang.Object;], arguments=[sayHello, [Ljava.lang.String;@22c1bff0, [Ljava.lang.Object;@30ae230f], attachments={path=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, input=296, dubbo=2.0.2, interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, version=0.0.0, generic=true}]
RpcInvocation [methodName=sayHello, parameterTypes=[class java.lang.String], arguments=[world], attachments={path=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, input=296, dubbo=2.0.2, interface=com.alibaba.dubbo.demo.DemoService, version=0.0.0, generic=true}]
后面的调用逻辑就和直接调用的是一致的了,比如从本地缓存从本地缓存中Map<string, list<invoker>> methodInvokerMap中获取key为sayHello(指定方法名)的List<invoker>,接着进行后续的调用。
那么什么时候触发GenericFilter的invoke方法呢,这里其实就和过滤器的调用链建立有关系了,从GenericFilter类上的注解,我们可以看到@Activate(group = Constants.PROVIDER, order = -20000),说明是在服务提供者端生效的。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 | /** * GenericImplInvokerFilter */ @Activate (group = Constants.CONSUMER, value = Constants.GENERIC_KEY, order = 20000 ) public class GenericImplFilter implements Filter { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericImplFilter. class ); private static final Class<?>[] GENERIC_PARAMETER_TYPES = new Class<?>[]{String. class , String[]. class , Object[]. class }; @Override public Result invoke(Invoker<?> invoker, Invocation invocation) throws RpcException { String generic = invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY); if (ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(generic) && !Constants.$INVOKE.equals(invocation.getMethodName()) && invocation instanceof RpcInvocation) { ... } if (invocation.getMethodName().equals(Constants.$INVOKE) && invocation.getArguments() != null && invocation.getArguments().length == 3 && ProtocolUtils.isGeneric(generic)) { Object[] args = (Object[]) invocation.getArguments()[ 2 ]; if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) { for (Object arg : args) { if (!( byte []. class == arg.getClass())) { error(generic, byte []. class .getName(), arg.getClass().getName()); } } } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) { for (Object arg : args) { if (!(arg instanceof JavaBeanDescriptor)) { error(generic, JavaBeanDescriptor. class .getName(), arg.getClass().getName()); } } } ((RpcInvocation) invocation).setAttachment( Constants.GENERIC_KEY, invoker.getUrl().getParameter(Constants.GENERIC_KEY)); } return invoker.invoke(invocation); } |
5.3 泛化调用的整体流程图
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