AS 发展小计

2000 -- 2003: ActionScript 1.0,Flash 5.0 一起发布;变成可文本编辑(以前是从对话框和下拉菜单中选择,当然,那个时候不叫 AS)添加 switch 语句和 strict equality 操作;
2003 -- 2006: ActionScript 2.0Flash MX 2004 and Flash Player 7 一起发布;Therefore, ActionScript 2.0 featured compile-time type checking and class-based syntax, using the keywords class and extends, for example.
2006 -- today ActionScript 3.0 首次和 Adobe Flex 2.0 and Flash Player 9 发布。加入的新特性使它变得更加强大:
  • Compile-time and runtime type checking—type information exists at both compile-time and runtime
  • Improved performance from a class-based inheritance system that was separate from the prototype-based inheritance system
  • Support for packages, namespaces, and regular expressions
  • Compilation to an entirely new type of bytecode, incompatible with ActionScript 1.0 and 2.0 bytecode
  • A revised Flash Player organized into packages
  • Unified event handling system that is based on the DOM event handling standard
  • Integration of ECMAScript for XML (E4X) for the purpose of XML processing
  • Direct access to the Flash runtime display list for complete control of what gets displayed at runtime
  • A completely conforming implementation of the ECMAScript Fourth Edition Draft specification
  • Backward compatibility
posted @ 2008-11-08 11:21  yyzhang  阅读(133)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报