[reviewcode] 那些基础comments
多次提醒我,为变量取个合适的名字, so cute person:
Not a big deal, but try using variable names better than my_sa
每个参数一行好么 菇凉?
def test_share_path_and_user_unicode(self):
self.assertEquals(user[1].decode('utf-8'), s_perms[ix]['trustee'][u'name'],
'user {0} not found in {1} positon of acl'.format(user[1], ix))
can you put each argument on its own line for readability and line up the continuation lines after the opening parenthesis?
这样写for ok?
fileslist = {file_.encode('utf-8') + fn_suffix for file_ in filenames}
不要在代码里用 hard-coded
好么? 用 constant
user_name = self.testOptions.s_test_users[13][1].decode('utf-8')
判断 是否为 unicode
isinstance(s, unicode)
判断是否为ascii, 返回true 为english, 返回false 为其他字符
ss = all(ord(c)<128 for c in s)
s_test_users[13][0] zoon
s_test_users[13][1] username
s_test_users[13][2] password
user_name, password = self.testOptions.s_test_users[13][1:]
looks good to me 朕知道了 代码已经过 review,可以合并
whitespace 我多了个无意义的空白行,我只是想让2个函数分开些,毕竟今天七夕,不想你们挨太近~
just for your reference