“ It's not a bug in the browser (or browsers) it's a bug in your code. elements (table rows) have a default display proterty of display: table-row; ... 阅读全文
Now you can make screen saver MIDlets. You can also set your MIDlets to be started during mobile start up.This is a surprising addition to the MIDP 3.... 阅读全文
在规定的时间范围类,按月统计数据 select count(*) as c, year(gm_time) as year_gt, month(gm_time) as month_gt from gps_msg_8613500135001 where gm_cmd 0 and CONVERT_TZ(... 阅读全文
Solution: providing you have access, you will need to CHMOD the directory to 0777. Details Information: bool chmod ( string $filename , int $mode ... 阅读全文
原为链接地址:http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2007/01/08/innodb-vs-myisam-vs-falcon-benchmarks-part-1/Several days ago MySQL AB made new storage engine F... 阅读全文