Visual SourceSafe 快捷键

         F1                                    Help
         F5                                    Refresh File List
         F6                                    Next Pane
         TAB                                 Next Pane
         ENTER                             View
         INSERT                            Add/Create (file/project list)
         DELETE                           Delete
         ALT+BACKSPACE             Undo
         ALT+ENTER                     Properties Dialog Box
         ALT+X                            Exit
         CTRL+A                          Add File
         CTRL+D                          Set Working Directory
         CTRL+G                          Get
         CTRL+F                          Show Differences
         CTRL+H                         Show History
         CTRL+I                         Check in the selected file(s)
         CTRL+INSERT               Copy the selected text to the Clipboard
         CTRL+K                  Check Out
         CTRL +L                  Select
         CTRL+N                  File New
         CTRL+O                  Check out a file
         CTRL+Q                  Cancel Search
         CTRL+R                  Last Results In Visual Sourcesafe 4.0a, this

                           Views a File.

         CTRL+S                  Status Search
         CTRL+U                  Check In
         CTRL+W                  Wildcard Search
         CTRL+X                  Cut text and place it on the Clipboard
         CTRL+Z                  Undo
         CTRL+ENTER              Views a file
         SHIFT+CTRL+S            Quick Status Search
         SHIFT+CTRL+L            Select All
         SHIFT+DELETE            Cut selected text and copy to the Clipboard
         SHIFT+INSERT            Paste text from the Clipboard to the edit box
         SHIFT+F6                Previous Pane
         +                       Expand Project
         -                       Collapse Project
         *                       Recursively Expand Project
         CTRL+*                  Globally expand all projects
         HOME                    Moves to and opens the Root project
         END                     Moves to and opens the Bottom most project
posted on 2009-09-16 12:40  visoeclipse->jor  阅读(502)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报