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[Matlab] 短时傅里叶变换spectrogram函数

Matlab 文档:

调用:[~,f,t,ps] = spectrogram(data,opt.window,opt.noverlap,freqRange(1):freqRange(2),sample_freq,'reassigned');

有两个细节:reassigned 解释如下:

[___] = spectrogram(___,'reassigned') reassigns each PSD or power spectrum estimate to the location of its center of energy. If your signal contains well-localized temporal or spectral components, then this option generates a sharper spectrogram.




图1 无reassign选项


 图2 有reassign选项


posted @ 2020-12-13 21:25  virter  阅读(1984)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报