
1、snoqualmie falls(http://www.snoqualmiefalls.com/




221下来后需要从P&R过天桥,去找到554,是bay4的554,不要坐错了。坐一站后(这一站略微长)到达issaqual transit center 的bay6下车,到达bay4等待208.




强烈建议到谷歌地图查(美区苹果手机内还可以下载Here Maps http://pcedu.pconline.com.cn/433/4339464.html)看好再出行。我去的时候是赶上的11:31这一班车。(http://metro.kingcounty.gov/schedules/208/n0.html

208坐到Snoqualmie Railroad Ave SE & SE Newton St下车后,不用过马路,直接沿着路往回走。左手边旁边是小铁道。(是个铁路museum,回来时有时间再看。)







2、Wallace Falls State Park(计划中)






Did you know that Wallace Falls State Park actually comprises nine waterfalls? Kick off the new year with a 2-mile hike by way of Woody Trail to Middle Falls, by far the most impressive of the falls with a 265-foot drop. In 2013, we featured Wallace Falls as one of our five amazing waterfall hikes for the rainy season. Here’s your chance to check it out! The hike to the Middle Falls will take approximately 1-1/2 hours. After this time, you are welcome to continue the hike past Middle Falls. The tour will stop at a few points along the trail for a break, and the ranger will talk about the park and answer questions.
Where: Woody Trail.
Gear: Sturdy footwear, layered clothing, food and water.
Difficulty: Moderate.
Pets:? Yes (on leash).


About First Day Hikes:

America’s State Parks ‘First Day Hikes’ are a national initiative organized more than 25 years ago by the National Association of State Park Directors. Since 2013, all 50 state park systems have participated in the First Day Hikes program.

January 1 is also a Washington State Parks ‘Free Day.’ Participants will not need to display the Discover Pass on vehicles to access state parks for the New Year’s Day activities. Some events taking place in Sno-Park areas will require Sno-Park permits. For more information about all the First Day Hikes events in Washington state parks, please visit our Adventure Awaits blog at: http://adventureawaits.com/2015/12/adventure-first-day-hikes-2016/(这个链接你可以发现更多公园)



1)discover pass



The Discover Pass is a motor vehicle permit only. You do not need the pass to access state recreation lands by boat or by non-motorized means (foot, horse, bicycle, etc.). Motor vehicles used to transport recreation equipment, such as vehicles pulling horse or boat trailers, must display the pass. However, the trailers being towed that are carrying the equipment do not need a Discover Pass. Boaters will still need to pay for such services as moorage and waste-pumping.

2)A recreational license is required for fishing and shellfish harvesting at Washington State Parks. For regulations, fishing season information, or to purchase a recreational license, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

posted @ 2015-12-26 14:48  viphhs  阅读(423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报