

1、Bill& Melinda Gates foundation:



2、Washington State History Museum


On the Third Thursday of each month, the History Museum is open until 8pm with FREE ADMISSION from 2-8pm.







Opening Day Schedule

All Day: Sea Exploration Scavenger Hunt. Stop by the Frontier Town Information Station to grab a Sea Exploration Scavenger Hunt and complete it using the Great Hall of Washington History. Turn in your completed worksheet for a prize!

11am - 4pm: Sea Ice vs. Freshwater Ice. How does water's salt content impact its properties as ice? Stop by this excellent activity station to learn for yourself through a hands-on investigation using giant blocks of ice!

11am - 4pm: Gnarly Nautical Knots! Come visit nautical knot master Mike Boyle to see some of his extensive knot-tying techniques, examine some of his most elaborate knots, and learn more about the wide, wide world of nautical knots.

1pm: Ice and Arctic Exploration - From 1778 - 2015. Join Harry Stern, Senior Mathematician at the University of Washington Polar Science Center, as he looks at early exploration of the northern Pacific and what was known about sea-ice conditions to ask how close Captain Cook actually came to discovering the Northwest Passage, and whether he would have succeeded under present climate conditions.

3pm: Life in the North Through Art. Drawing on her Siberian Yupik and Inupiaq ancestry, Alaskan artist Susie Silook explores Inuit stories and the important bond with Bering Sea mammals and environment through her works made of walrus ivory, whale bone, and wood. Silook will discuss her art and share personal experiences and the contemporary issues faced by Arctic peoples in a changing, warming world.

12 - 4pm: Carving Demonstration in People of the Adze. The Shoalwater Bay Carving Program exhibit. Come see artists at work as Earl Davis, Ken Waltman, and Brandt Ellingburg -- the artists showcased in the stellar People of the Adze exhibit -- work on an art piece and discuss their program and history in the exhibit space. 






3、Tacoma Art Museum

Museum Hours

Tuesday–Sunday  10 am–5 pm
Free Third Thursday 5 pm–8 pm


这个月还有Free Winter Card-Making Workshop,December 17 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm。可以制作两个免费的贺卡。

Join us for a FREE winter-themed card-making class!  Create two or more unique and memorable cards.  No experience is necessary and all materials will be provided; participants must be 14 or older. Located in the TAM Library.


Bus Routes

Routes 1, 11, 13, 41, 42, 48, 53, 61, 102, 490, 500, 501, 582, 586, 590, 594, 603, and 603A all stop within walking distance of the Tacoma Art Museum. Visit Pierce Transit  for information or call 1-800-562-8109.


General Guidelines 参观须知

  • Carry bags by your side, rather than over your shoulder or on your back. Bags may inadvertently bump into the artwork. Please leave backpacks and large bags in your vehicle or use a locker in the coatroom.
  • Touching harms the art. Even the slightest touch can, over time, cause painted surfaces, wood, or stone to become discolored, metal to rust, and glass or plaster to break.
  • Please remain quiet and refrain from talking on cell phones or using other personal electronic devices in the galleries.
  • Food and beverages, including baby bottles and cups with lids, are not permitted in the galleries.
  • Pens are not permitted in the galleries. Pencils are available upon request for note-taking and sketching.
  • Do not lean against walls or run in the galleries.
  • Children should be attended at all times.

Technology Usage 关于使用各种高科技工具的须知

  • Tacoma Art Museum has free wireless access available in many areas of the museum.
  • Internet signal strength and bandwidth cannot be guaranteed to individual visitors.
  • Non-flash photography is permitted in the museum unless otherwise noted.
  • Usage of laptops is not permitted in the galleries. Laptops are only permitted in the public areas of the museum, including TAM Cafe, the Murray Family Event Space, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Art Resource Center, and the outdoor terrace.
  • The museum cannot provide extra storage, power, security, or technical assistance for personal electronic devices.
  • Laptop bags carried through the galleries must be carried by your side, rather than over the shoulder or on your back. See general museum guidelines above for details.
  • Refrain from talking on cell phones or using other personal electronic devices in the galleries.
  • The use of “selfie sticks” or any other form of photography attachment (including tripods) is prohibited.

4、Museum of Glass:


Third Thursday of each month
Operating hours: 10 am to 8 pm
Free admission: 5 to 8 pm

Check out a pass for free admission to museums 

As part of a cooperative project among Pierce County Library, Tacoma Public Library, Puyallup Public Library and local museums, Pierce County Library customers have the opportunity to use special passes for free admission to the partnering museums.

Partnering museums are Museum of Glass, Tacoma Art Museum and Washington State History Museum.

关于Pierce County图书馆卡:



5、 The Children’s Museum of Tacoma


At the Children's Museum of Tacoma we want to ensure that every child and family can come play, so we offer Pay As You Will admission. Please consider making a donation of admission - at any level - when visiting the Museum.



545路,steward 9th,换594路,到Pacific Ave / UW。


附近的景点:(应该还有不少Museum,因为tacoma这里叫做Museum District)

Lincoln High School

Tacoma Amtrak

Tacoma Dome

Freighthouse Square

Washington University Tacoma


6、Seattle Art museum

This museum has three parts, seattle art museum, seattle asian art museum, and OLYMPIC SCULPTURE PARK.


例如下面这个,不仅可以看,还可以听。听的部分分两种,一种是纯欣赏,另一种是Low / No Vision audio tour





Smartphone App(这个办法更好,上面的链接在线看,不知道哪一个音频对应是哪一个画作。这个软件就不存在这个问题)
Free app available for Windows, iPhone, and Android smartphones. To download the app, search for STQRY (with a “Q”) in your app store. In the STQRY app, select "Seattle Art Museum," then "stories" tab, then "Intimate Impressionism" mobile tour.









seattle asian art museum七天内可以凭着seattle art museum 的票免费参观。博物馆不大,从4th ave 和pine st的交叉路口,可以坐10路车前往,距离李小龙墓也不远。


附近还有个Volunteer park conservatory


3)印象派画家:Eugène Boudin,Claude Monet,Paul cézanne 




First Thursdays of each Month
Admission rates may apply for special exhibits

- See more at: http://www.mohai.org/visit-us


8、seattle aquarium(Not free, but has many free resources online)


posted @ 2015-12-17 14:51  viphhs  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报